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Saudi-backed faith centre set to open in Vienna

I don't understand
What is the problem?
Why do people get their panties in a knot when ever Saudis build something?
Better they spend their money building these institutions then on building drones and weapons that kill thousands of people.

And if that something built is a Mosque or Islamic center then everyone seems to have some kind of issue with that. The same people who have no issues with Israel bombing civilians in Gaza in "self defense".
What's with Saudis and religion?

They are insanely obsessed with it day and night.

Build a mosque here, there, everywhere.


Is there a shortage of any other ideas for diplomacy or what?

Because if their version of religion is being tried in Europe, it will only increase Europeans' fears of islamic encirclement and lead to more aggression from the local population.
What's with Saudis and religion?

They are insanely obsessed with it day and night.

Build a mosque here, there, everywhere.


Is there a shortage of any other ideas for diplomacy or what?

Because if their version of religion is being tried in Europe, it will only increase Europeans' fears of islamic encirclement and lead to more aggression from the local population.

If Hindu temple is built in some foreign country there are many hindus feel happy about it and think it as achivement. Isnt it?
Why do u need to feel bad about other religion building mosques or churches?
If Hindu temple is built in some foreign country there are many hindus feel happy about it and think it as achivement. Isnt it?
Why do u need to feel bad about other religion building mosques or churches?
Which hindu temple is built in a foreign country that has been funded by India[state sponsored]? Whatever temples are there, they are built by local populace or by NRIs. Problem lies not in building a mosque...but in spreading a radical version of Islam called wahhabism. Now who dosent have problems with that? Even muslims have!!!
Very appreciated move by saudi arabia.

here is a brief summary of KAICIID

Mission and objectives

This new international organization, KAICIID, is headquartered in Vienna, Austria; and has major objectives of facilitating intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a humanely strategic forum for cooperation, communication, partnership and information exchange - thereby building understanding and mutual benefit among peoples of the world.
Crucially, KAICIID has further goals of promoting human rights, justice, peace and reconciliation plus acting against the abuse of religion as a means to justify oppression, violence and conflict; promoting abiding societal cherishment for the preservation and sacredness of holy sites, as well as respect for religious symbols; including focusing on compassionate issues pertaining to: the dignity of human life, preservation of the environment, ethical matters, poverty alleviation and religious education.

Guiding principles

Recalling that the founding document of KAICIID cites principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, especially, "the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion" - with emphasis on "human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.
If Hindu temple is built in some foreign country there are many hindus feel happy about it and think it as achivement. Isnt it?
Why do u need to feel bad about other religion building mosques or churches?

How many Hindus do you see posting news items of every other temple built here and there? Or for that matter us, about how many monasteries are being built around the world? Please spare me this secularist drab.

You should be the last one telling me about this mate as you're well aware of what branch of islam Saudis propagate. They've improved a lot from some years ago but Salafist ideology is the core reason of tensions between even Muslim sects forget other religions.
Converts in europe and america often have to drive 6-8 hours to reach muslims or to pray together! Many of them have converted years ago, but know very less about islamic laws and run from one end to other for help. I have seen many of them complaining about it! So this kind of centers are very necessary! Congratulations! Haters gönna hate!
Only time will tell if this center stands up to its expectation and will be managed as it is said to be.

It can pose a serious counter balance to extremist like Hizb Ul Tahrir and Sharia4Trolls who are heavily holed up in Europe.

Otherwise, it is going to be another instrument to cover up Saudi problems at home.

King Abdullah is a reformist, not a wahabi extremist like King Fahd!
If Hindu temple is built in some foreign country there are many hindus feel happy about it and think it as achivement. Isnt it?
Why do u need to feel bad about other religion building mosques or churches?

Its not about other religion. Its about SAUDI's building the mosques. We all know the kind of Islam they propagate.

King Abdullah is a reformist, not a wahabi extremist like King Fahd!

Please elaborate. How so?
Why do people get their panties in a knot when ever Saudis build something?

Lets just say that once upon a time they built somethings in our country which we regret to this day :)
And if that something built is a Mosque or Islamic center then everyone seems to have some kind of issue with that. The same people who have no issues with Israel bombing civilians in Gaza in "self defense".

Building mosques or Islamic centres is appreciated but past isn't with the Saudis ...

No mate , we have every problem with that too ... How advanced are the Saudis forces ? Yet they didn't do anything to stop Israel in Gaza :angry: but yet they are obsessed with building mosques around the world which will promote the ideology whose result you see every other day in our country !
Its not about other religion. Its about SAUDI's building the mosques. We all know the kind of Islam they propagate.

Please elaborate. How so?

He is much more moderate and control of mutaween has reduced. He allowed women to vote in 2015 and driving ban will be lifted soon.

But I agree the last thing world needs is Saudi mutaween justifying women driving ban and their ideologies designed to expand their own empire.
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