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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

The point my myopic friend is F-15 is a superior strike a/c but in case of parts embargo it is a 15 ton of mettalic junk. Having aircrafts from non western sources mitigates some of that danger, Genius.

Capisch ?
The points raised by SilentNinja are quite valid. There is also the question of reliability and durability when it comes to chinese platforms. Regardless of their notoriety, American platforms are actually quite reliable. Besides, inducting chinese platforms will directly mean recruiting chinese personnel to work in Saudi bases. The Americans will strongly object to such measures and Saudi will be caught in a very dire situation. The Americans will at no circumstance risk chinese inspection of their frontline aircrafts.

The point my myopic friend is F-15 is a superior strike a/c but in case of parts embargo it is a 15 ton of mettalic junk. Having aircrafts from non western sources mitigates some of that danger, Genius.

No my "myopic" friend, your logic is futile. Why would RSAF replace a Heavy twin engine strike aircraft like the F-15 with light single engine multirole JF-17? Genius.

Capisch ?

"Capisch" for what? Your logic is laughable :lol:!! Who would replace a heavy twin engine' aircraft with a light single engine aircraft? The JF-17 has neither the range nor the payload capacity of a F-15. Your logic would make more sense if you would have stated that RSAF should buy heavy strike aircraft like in the class of the SU-30 to supplement its F-15's if ever there is an arms embargo on Saudi.
whats the exact number of f-15 with saudi airforce...
sources quote a figure of around 150 but wiki quotes it near 300..??
what is total number of squadrons the saudi air force operates
No my "myopic" friend, your logic is futile. Why would RSAF replace a Heavy twin engine strike aircraft like the F-15 with light single engine multirole JF-17? Genius.

"Capisch" for what? Your logic is laughable :lol:!! Who would replace a heavy twin engine' aircraft with a light single engine aircraft? The JF-17 has neither the range nor the payload capacity of a F-15. Your logic would make more sense if you would have stated that RSAF should buy heavy strike aircraft like in the class of the SU-30 to supplement its F-15's if ever there is an arms embargo on Saudi.

Did I say RSAF should "replace" F-15 . If so , can you point it out where I said that. Only a genius like you would make stuff up like that. I can see you are not a Pakistani cause you argue like Indians. First fabricate what was not said and then answer the fabricated question. So you are not only a genius but also an Imposter.

Again, you are stating that was never said. What I said was to diversify risk by adding these two types IN ADDITION TO THEIR PRESENT INVENTORY.


Again, you are stating that was never said. What I said was to diversify risk by adding these two types IN ADDITION TO THEIR PRESENT INVENTORY.



:rofl: The guy has been around for a while now....not to mention, he's a senior member with several anti-indian posts under his belt. You guys really ought to stop calling everyone who disagrees with you "indian".

:rofl: The guy has been around for a while now....not to mention, he's a senior member with several anti-indian posts under his belt. You guys really ought to stop calling everyone who disagrees with you "indian".


So he is a well known Indian Imposter. Why else would you come to his defence. You Indian do stick together , don't you ?

Nice strategy, come in with Pakistani flags and then bash Pakistan. Great strategy Indians. Only Indian mind can be so cunning.

So he is a well known Indian Imposter. Why else would you come to his defence. You Indian do stick together , don't you ?

Nice strategy, come in with Pakistani flags and then bash Pakistan. Great strategy Indians. Only Indian mind can be so cunning.


Did I say RSAF should "replace" F-15 . If so , can you point it out where I said that.

That is what you were implying in your previous posts genius, here i'll point that out for you since you are too blind to see it for yourself, its a pity that you don't even know what you yourself have stated.

Only a genius like you would make stuff up like that. I can see you are not a Pakistani cause you argue like Indians. First fabricate what was not said and then answer the fabricated question. So you are not only a genius but also an Imposter.

:lol: and now you resort to calling me a "imposter" and an indian, and am i supposed to get offended from being called a "Genius"?........... sigh, people can go to any limits these days:disagree:

Again, you are stating that was never said. What I said was to diversify risk by adding these two types IN ADDITION TO THEIR PRESENT INVENTORY.

First of all, you make no sense whatsoever since your just contradicting yourself, you stated in your post #177 that in case of an embargo the RSAF's F-15's will be "15 ton of mettalic junk".

Exact Quote from your post:
The point my myopic friend is F-15 is a superior strike a/c but in case of parts embargo it is a 15 ton of mettalic junk. Having aircrafts from non western sources mitigates some of that danger, Genius.

Capisch ?

And here in your post #174 your suggesting that RSAF should induct JF-17's and J-10s for strike capability, but how does it make sense for the RSAF to induct single engine aircraft for strike role when in their doctrine/strategy they use twin engine strike aircraft like the F-15's and Tornado's who are far superior in performance then the JF-17 and J-10?

Exact Quote from your post:
Saudi RSAF should seriously consider both JF-17 and J-10B as part of its strike capability. There are two powerful arguments for this strategy:

1. It is a good idea not to put all your eggs in the same basket ( i.e. Western aircrafts ) because of the danger of Embargo from the West in case of hostilities with ISRAEL. Always a good idea to diversify your risk.

2. If RSAF have a few squadrons of JF-17 and J-10B and if ever they have a need, PAF pilots could assist in matter of few hours.


Going by your logic in case of a Arms Embargo by USA and other Western Sources the Saudi F-15's will become "15 ton of mettalic junk" so therefore the Saudis should induct single engine JF-17's (which are no where close to the capabilities of F-15 and Tornados) and J-10's, but my point is how does it make sense to induct single engine platforms for the same strike role as F-15 (as you were implying in your post #177 and post #174) when you might as well induct another twin engine strike aircraft like SU-30 from Russia?

No "CAPISCH" because you don't even know what your talking about.

call me whatever you like, i know who i am, and your only exposing your ignorance and immature behavior by resorting to personal attacks.
I am here to counter the belief of the extremely famous bullish*t article "paper tiger minus the tiger" and the "foreign mercenaries" article I gave u all facts here that debunks this bullish*t article.
Asslalm aircraft industries "Saudi owned and operated" is the one maintaining the f-15s and the sentries. The tornados and the typhoons are maintained by BAE saudi Arabia it already has more than 60% Saudi personnel maintaining the stuff I have spoken and had a conversation with a BAE British worker here and he told me how Saudi Arabia is not repeating it's old mistakes.
We want to become the strongest country in the middle east (Israel included) to have:
1- More political weight.
2-As deterrence to any country that wants to have an adventure in Saudi land (We are surrounded with unstable states).

And in time maybe 10-20 years from now you will see what I mean.
You guys have the most political weight in the region, and i think you guys surpassed Egypt already, and it will be way more clearer if the Salafis takes control in Egypt..... But one thing you forget to realize, you guys are not a stable nation, and no matter what we see now, sooner or later you people will ask for more freedom, equality, and a whole lots of change in the political system, this alone will stop you guys from becoming the strongest country in the middle east.
You guys have the most political weight in the region, and i think you guys surpassed Egypt already, and it will be way more clearer if the Salafis takes control in Egypt..... But one thing you forget to realize, you guys are not a stable nation, and no matter what we see now, sooner or later you people will ask for more freedom, equality, and a whole lots of change in the political system, this alone will stop you guys from becoming the strongest country in the middle east.

We are by far the most stable nation in the region. Evolution not revolution my friend.
I am here to counter the belief of the extremely famous bullish*t article "paper tiger minus the tiger" and the "foreign mercenaries" article I gave u all facts here that debunks this bullish*t article.
Then "counter" it already....all your'e doing is posting random pics....:girl_wacko:
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