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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG


and of course @JUBA and @al-Hasani are all in and most welcomed

Can i join you ? :whistle:
lthe problem is the way you think and of course your eman. now dont get carried away as usual and say that im saying you are kafer. i said your eman seems not strong enough.

Actually he claims to be an Atheist.

I cannot reply to you as previously because I do not have access to your profile page. You must have limited access or something.

Anyway we cannot talk about this issue in public but there is an amount of bias indeed by some of them. Far from all. Besides in the future just stay calm whenever possible.

You better make some good Arabic coffee with cardamon.:lol:

Regarding Mosab, you might not agree with him and his tone is not always constructive (no offense) but he is your countryman after all. No need to fight. I am a Muslim too but you have to accept that there are people with different views out there including in KSA. He is a good person that is serving the country. Disagreements should be solved by speech among compatriots. Always remember that.

Anyway let's get back to topic.

Is SANG's primary mission really about fighting the Saudi army? What is the exact nature of the role they play in KSA?


It's somewhat of a reserve force for the army. At the same time it is tasked with protecting the borders in case the army gets deployed overseas.

It's also an active participant on the social field. SANG hospitals and also engineering projects overseen by SANG. It's a ministry of its own today too.

In many ways SANG is more like a modern successor of the infamous Ikhwan forces. Many of its members are still drafted from loyal clans and tribes. The tribal law has been abolished though so today anyone cleared can join regardless of origin.

The SANG responds directly to the monarch and is part of a separate chain of command unlike the armed forces which is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence. Commanders of major units report directly to the King.

It's not so much a force against internal threats anymore nor are its members drawn from loyal tribes/clans anymore as written above. Today everyone can join but of course it also serves to protect the royal family, government and state but so does the army.

I think it's extremely unlikely to see the army ever colliding with SANG or vice versa. Unless during a civil war.
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@Mosamania do you mind if i ask you are you atheist ?

I cannot reply to you as previously because I do not have access to your profile page. You must have limited access or something.

Anyway we cannot talk about this issue in public but there is an amount of bias indeed by some of them. Far from all. Besides in the future just stay calm whenever possible.

You better make some good Arabic coffee with cardamon.:lol:

Regarding Mosab, you might not agree with him and his tone is not always constructive (no offense) but he is your countryman after all. No need to fight. I am a Muslim too but you have to accept that there are people with different views out there including in KSA. He is a good person that is serving the country. Disagreements should be solved by speech among compatriots. Always remember that.

Anyway let's get back to topic.


It's somewhat of a reserve force for the army. At the same time it is tasked with protecting the borders in case the army gets deployed overseas.

It's also an active participant on the social field. SANG hospitals and also engineering projects overseen by SANG. It's a ministry of its own today too.

In many ways SANG is more like a modern successor of the infamous Ikhwan forces. Many of its members are still drafted from loyal clans and tribes. The tribal law has been abolished though so today anyone cleared can join regardless of origin.

The SANG responds directly to the monarch and is part of a separate chain of command unlike the armed forces which is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence. Commanders of major units report directly to the King.

It's not so much a force against internal threats anymore nor are its members drawn from loyal tribes/clans anymore as written above. Today everyone can join but of course it also serves to protect the royal family, government and state but so does the army.

I think it's extremely unlikely to see the army ever colliding with SANG or vice versa. Unless during a civil war.
my home is open for all you guys. will drink coffee together. anytime anyone of you is in jeddah you are more than welcome to pass by.
Even if it was true. Why is it a problem now ? :coffee:

It is free to believe or not. Is business between him and God.
hamdulelah its not true... we all want the best for each other.
so guys anyone got some good news.. any arms deal navy deals bad *** pics ?
اقول انطم فهمنا.. محد غلط عليكم فبلا حساسية الحريم
مشيناها لا تكثر


“There is no compulsion in religion -- the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in God, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And God is Hearing, Knowing.”

It’s totally clear now. Closed.

wow im shocked! saudi is the 3rd largest military balance in 2014 spending 80.8 billion dollars. obviously there must be a lot happening that is not announced to the public

MB2015 Defence budgets and expenditure.jpg

Giri Rajendran: The Military Balance - 2014's top defence spenders | IISS

“There is no compulsion in religion -- the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in God, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And God is Hearing, Knowing.”

It’s totally clear now. Closed.

lol we are both saudi why are you writing quran in english ?! :crazy: i guess that shows how brainwashed you are.:omghaha:
anyway :offtopic:

saudi PC-21 waiting to be delivered


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