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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

Well, initially, the Saudis might be looking for procuring attack submarine that could launch a major offense in times of an estcalation, petroling their territorial water, securing their mainland, and lastly they might be looking for a type of sub that the Saudis might be able to deploy special forces in it.

I was referring to your above post about sub.

India and Pakistan can go to another war as India is preparing its military to fight a war under threshold of nuclear war tipping point. They are working on CSD doctrine with new name and water may become next reason for war.

Cant see you tube link in Pakistan please post some other link if possible, also please tell us in detail what kind of equipment KSA had allotted or provided to Pakistan in times of war as many Indian think its a myth and KSA will not help Pakistan in war with India.

India and Pakistan can go to another war as India is preparing its military to fight a war under threshold of nuclear war tipping point. They are working on CSD doctrine with new name and water may become next reason for war.

The Cold Start doctrine is a ploy. Neither India nor Pakistan can use such strategy under any circumstances. First you have to take the geographical shape into consideration, preparations on both sides, and the viability of using WMDs.

I don't think this would prevent a nuclear war in the subcontinent but it can rather lead into a nuclear holocaust.

Cant see you tube link in Pakistan please post some other link if possible

It is unfortunate to find out that you couldn't see the video. I don't think that I could find it elsewhere on the web, but it shows in short that a Saudi rescue team came from KSA to help the civilians struck by an earthquake in Pakistan.

also please tell us in detail what kind of equipment KSA had allotted or provided to Pakistan in times of war as many Indian think its a myth and KSA will not help Pakistan in war with India

This was in 1971 when the RSNF lent some of their ships to the PN. The RSAF too sent out Helis.

I don't think that another Indo-Pakistani war would tolerable by KSA. It poses as much of a threat as to both countries.

WikiLeaks Cablegate: Indo-Pak tensions a threat to stability in Saudi Arabia

It is not confirmed but there could come 2 possibilities; french submarines or if and if there is possible investment in JF-17s than we could see similar subs that PN is looking for from China but these are all speculations and currently it rests all on KSA if are serious and willing to...we all read news of Pak offered to KSA invest in certain military programs of which 3 are JF-17, submarines and tanks but i think personally it is an offer solely on part of Pakistan we do not know how deep the interest is from the other party.

I'm just as optimistic as anyone else in this. The JF-17 program must go through, by the hooks or the crooks.
In news there were something about sub purchase too, which sub it may be?? Augusta 90Bs or any Chinese one?

I don't really know actually. There have been many rumors.

For years there were strong rumors of KSA being interested in the Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines but it never materialized.

Then last year came the rumors about the 5 German Type 209 submarines for 12 billion euros that there was supposed interest in but it never materialized either.

Anyway I have been crying about strengthening the navy for months. Members know it here.

@Yzd Khalifa might know more about this.


Then last year came the rumors about the 5 German Type 209 submarines for 12 billion euros that there was supposed interest in but it never materialized either.

The 12 billion euros is the cost of 25 T-209 boats, which was later dismissed by the company as KSA never held any talks with Germany.

Any news about possible purchases for the navy?

@Yzd Khalifa

I told you before nothing came so far o_O ..

The 12 billion euros is the cost of 25 U-209 boats, which was later dismissed by the company as KSA never held any talks with Germany.

I told you before nothing came so far o_O ..

That's not what Defense News was reporting at least.

Report: Saudi Arabia Eyes Buying German Submarines | Defense News | defensenews.com

Yes, I know that Germany's ThyssenKrupp denied the media report.

Well, maybe I missed the answer then. It's frustrating me. We need to strengthen our navy.:argh:
Graduates from the King Fahd College in Jubail during a graduation parade:

الله بن أحمد الوقداني

Our Egyptian brothers and neighbors hosting a joint exercise in the Egyptian Red Sea port city Safaga.


Let me repeat myself. We need to strengthen the navy.:pissed:
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@al-Hasani, pointless to go for Type 209 submarines unless they are heavily modified like Dolphin class [isreali modified 209] which costs alot only 3 of them currently costs some $1.8b in such a price heavily modified by today's standards single A-90 submarine should cost $400m costs lesser.
@al-Hasani, pointless to go for Type 209 submarines unless they are heavily modified like Dolphin class [isreali modified 209] which costs alot only 3 of them currently costs some $1.8b in such a price heavily modified by today's standards single A-90 submarine should cost $400m costs lesser.

I totally agree mate. That's why those rumors were not correct. Aside from the A-90 submarine then what kind of purchases would you recommend for the RSNF? I would like to hear your opinion.
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I totally agree mate. That's why those rumor were not correct. Aside from the A-90 submarine then what kind of purchases would you recommend for the RSNF? I would like to hear your opinion.

Everybody has their choice/opinion likes/dislikes, I think apart from heavily Joint Venture/Investment into A-90 project with RSNF Chinese option should be looked into the project should very much become a tri party project Chinese Navy/PN/RSNF. The reason Pakistan didn't go for Type 214 was although it is advance enough there were some restrictions i think we couldn't play much with it without Germany's approval unlike israeli that can do anything with german submarines, second it was expensive the rumored Chinese submarines that Pak is interested in and which is under development in China has heavy capabilities and larger displacement which should give us some clues how capable it would be. RSNF investment would boost the program and maybe later on it could be developed in house in KSA which could prove beneficial for the future program. I think diversity is a good thing KSA is in position.
Everybody has their choice/opinion likes/dislikes, I think apart from heavily Joint Venture/Investment into A-90 project with RSNF Chinese option should be looked into the project should very much become a tri party project Chinese Navy/PN/RSNF. The reason Pakistan didn't go for Type 214 was although it is advance enough there were some restrictions i think we couldn't play much with it without Germany's approval unlike israeli that can do anything with german submarines, second it was expensive the rumored Chinese submarines that Pak is interested in and which is under development in China has heavy capabilities and larger displacement which should give us some clues how capable it would be. RSNF investment would boost the program and maybe later on it could be developed in house in KSA which could prove beneficial for the future program. I think diversity is a good thing KSA is in position.


I fully agree.

In light of the supposed Saudi Arabian interest in co-production with the Pakistani-Chinese manufactured JF-17 then a joint venture into a A-90 project would be excellent indeed.

Regarding the JF-17 then the F-5's are coming offline while Tornado IDS seem to be getting retired within the next decade or so. In light of that then the JF-17 is a great lightweight fighter akin to F-5 Tiger II. Would be a excellent jet to support the frontline jets etc. Let us not forget the F-15E Strike Eagle fleet.

The ideal is obviously to strengthen the local manufacturing abilities. Many outsiders are totally ignorant about the right steps that KSA have taken in that direction in recent years. Such as the upgrade of the M1A2S battle tank, F-15 fleet modernization, the upgrade of the Awacs etc. More or less entirely done by local Saudi Arabian engineers etc. It is about damn time that such works expands and that we see a closer cooperation between influential Muslim states such as KSA, Pakistan, Indonesia and many others.

But anyway since this is about the navy then the question is whether submarines are a must have right now and many would say that this is not the case but no matter what then the navy is need of strengthening. The coastline of KSA is after all very big.
I fully agree.

But anyway since this is about the navy then the question is whether submarines are a must have right now and many would say that this is not the case but no matter what then the navy is need of strengthening. The coastline of KSA is after all very big.

Indeed coastline is big enough and it needs to be protected I don't think any other country would provide nuclear based submarines to KSA other than China without ripping KSA's pocket.8-10 mix submarines over the next 15 years is a reality and shouldn't cost more than $6b peanuts I say for the capabilities it comes with.
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