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Saudi Arabia: World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law

It's in the Quaran actually.

What do you think Bani Israel means?

"O' Apes of Israel."

There are sura's I can refer you to.

Are you a muslim?

To be so racist- you need to move to UK as you are one of those rare bigoted Pakistani Americans in our country. As I always said here, the more sophisticated , educated Pakistanis moved to the US while UK got the opposite class as immigrants. Troubling to see you represent Pakistan in the US. I'm sure your reply to me will be further evidence!
But this law will also prevent Arabs and Muslims from calling Jews as a nation of Pigs and Monkeys and Pakistanis from insulting Hindus.

Does this Law only apply to Sunni Muslims or every other religion in the world at large?

How about Ahmedis, Scientology and Mormonism?
We will not call any one than we will do something else ........... yes all Muslim governments should push for this law and make sure this law is passed at UN
We will not call any one than we will do something else ........... yes all Muslim governments should push for this law and make sure this law is passed at UN
Not going to happen. Never will.

If America vetoes any such move, then all Muslim states must suspend diplomatic relations with USA. Blasphemy or not, Muslims should be treated equally and with respect.
Religion is blasphemous to intelligence.

What about that???

Would someone be punished for going up to an idol worshiper & telling him that his God is a worthless inanimate object incapable of moving on its own & just so happens to be blind, deaf, & dumb?

LOL, don't be so scared man, of course not. That is the very foundation of OIC's human rights, they will protect your rights to say all that to people of other religions.

If someone replies in kind though, then he will be beheaded. You need not lose sleep.
Islam and Judaism is blasphemous according to Chrisianity as according they don't accept Christ to be the God
Christianity is blasphemous according to Islam as it claims that a human is a God
Hinduism, Buddhism, other pagans are blasphemous according to all Abrahamic religions as they break all the first 3 commandments
Atheists and Agnostics are blasphemers according to every religion.
So, if blasphemy laws are really implemented, then every single human being living and ever lived are blaspehemers according to one or other religion.

OMG we are all going to jail :lol::lol:
If America vetoes any such move, then all Muslim states must suspend diplomatic relations with USA. Blasphemy or not, Muslims should be treated equally and with respect.
This is where you are wrong. It will not be just US but all of the Western Hemisphere, all of Europe, most of Asia, and at least half of Africa. What will the muslims do then?
Let there be freedom of expression against Holocast as well and lets see how many refrain from saying this "Action".

Its hurting to know you and many "freedom of speech lovers" are insensitive to 1.6 Billion Muslims on earth but think hurting 60million Jews a crime. Would you call is Hypocrisy or Ridiculousness - or a mere western style of Justice?
Let there be freedom of expression against Holocast as well and lets see how many refrain from saying this "Action".

Its hurting to know you and many "freedom of speech lovers" are insensitive to 1.6 Billion Muslims on earth but think hurting 60million Jews a crime. Would you call is Hypocrisy or Ridiculousness - or a mere western style of Justice?
And how many countries have laws against Holocaust denial versus those do not?

Clue for you: Laws are local, meaning they are applicable only as long as a country's citizens approved its implementation inside the country's borders. Very few laws are 'universal' and even they some are considered so, it takes consensus to enforce it.

So does Pakistan have laws against Holocaust denial or not?
This is where you are wrong. It will not be just US but all of the Western Hemisphere, all of Europe, most of Asia, and at least half of Africa. What will the muslims do then?
Veto powers are only five. Secondly it's not just about blasphemy, like I mentioned earlier, its about equal rights......... if a video of man talking in indian accent can be removed from youtube under the pretext of racism, then muslims deserve to be treated on equal footing.
Veto powers are only five. Secondly it's not just about blasphemy, like I mentioned earlier, its about equal rights......... if a video of man talking in indian accent can be removed from youtube under the pretext of racism, then muslims deserve to be treated on equal footing.
This is not a security issue. Not every issue is automatically transferred to the Security Council. It is the Genital Assembly that decides when an issue is worthy of being elevated, and if the Genital Assembly vote among the members that the issue is not worth debating, it will die on the floor, like it should.
^^^ maybe he( peregine) can start his great boycott by first removing the Jewish owned logo he sports as his avatar? The logo of an american football team owned by a Jew that he wears proudly as his avatar

LOL, don't be so scared man, of course not. That is the very foundation of OIC's human rights, they will protect your rights to say all that to people of other religions.

If someone replies in kind though, then he will be beheaded. You need not lose sleep.

I am not scared, I was simply trying to make a point. Personally, I haven't met any Muslim that insults or mocks the sacred figures of other religions; especially not the sacred figures of Abrahamic religions. Although, some might mock the religious practices of others.
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