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Saudi Arabia: World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law

But this law will also prevent Arabs and Muslims from calling Jews as a nation of Pigs and Monkeys and Pakistanis from insulting Hindus.

Does this Law only apply to Sunni Muslims or every other religion in the world at large?

How about Ahmedis, Scientology and Mormonism?

It's in the Quaran actually.

What do you think Bani Israel means?

"O' Apes of Israel."

There are sura's I can refer you to.

Are you a muslim?
lol you seem bitter. Let me consider India's membership and get back to you.

(Most) Indians dont want to be a part of OIC. We are NOT an Islamic nation. So dont bother wasting your time.

It's in the Quaran actually.

What do you think Bani Israel means?

"O' Apes of Israel."

There are sura's I can refer you to.

Are you a muslim?

Bani in Hebrew transalates into Banu in Arabic..yeah right Apes..:lol:
I wasn't translating Bani Israel.

But I'm sure you have read have read the sura 2.

Verse 65 for reference.

Read your own post again below.

What do you think Bani Israel means?

"O' Apes of Israel."

It clearly sounds as if you were translating the term "Bani Israel".

Moving on to the reference you provided to the verse of the Quran.

And you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the sabbath, and We said to them, "Be apes, despised." (Quran 2:65)

As far as I know; the Children of Israel were forbidden from performing certain acts on the Sabbath day. One of those acts was that they were forbidden from fishing. When God wanted to test the Israelites; He ensured that fishes would be plentiful on the day of the Sabbath, whereas there would be little to no fishes available in other days of the week. Some people among the Israelites tried to figure out ways around this, so they deceitfully planted nets & ropes in the sea the day before. This resulted in the fishes getting caught in the nets during the Sabbath. That allowed some Israelites to collect the fish the day after, thus violating the Sabbath. As punishment for this act, God turned those responsible in to apes. It's said that this metamorphosis prevented those that were punished from reproducing as well. That is one point of view, the other point of view is that God did not literally turn those responsible in to apes. The verse has chances of simply being metaphorical instead.

Another verse of the Quran you may want to refer to is stated below.

And ask them about the town that was by the sea - when they transgressed in [the matter of] the sabbath - when their fish came to them openly on their sabbath day, and the day they had no sabbath they did not come to them. Thus did We give them trial because they were defiantly disobedient. (Quran 7:163)

Leaving all that aside, the Quran does not justify pointlessly calling the Children of Israel apes.
(Most) Indians dont want to be a part of OIC. We are NOT an Islamic nation. So dont bother wasting your time.

Bani in Hebrew transalates into Banu in Arabic..yeah right Apes..:lol:
Bani & banu are Arabic words that means sons, depending on the place in a sentence. I am not sure about Hebrew though.
How Global blasphemy law proposes to counter the blasphemy where one religion says that its only the true path to the God others are false or others gods are false say for example following Sholaka from Geeta can be consider as blashphmey foby other religion....

sarvadharmaanparityajya maamekam sharanam vraja |
aham tvaa sarvapaapebhyo mokshayishhyaami maa shuchah ||

meaning:Abandoning all paths, come to Me as the only refuge. Grieve not, for I will liberate you from all sins.

Or in case of Kalima " La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah"(Translation: ‘There is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of Allah.’) from Quran can be consider as blasphemous by other religion.

etc etc.

So how Global blasphemy law propose to walk this thin line.
Islam and Judaism is blasphemous according to Chrisianity as according they don't accept Christ to be the God
Christianity is blasphemous according to Islam as it claims that a human is a God
Hinduism, Buddhism, other pagans are blasphemous according to all Abrahamic religions as they break all the first 3 commandments
Atheists and Agnostics are blasphemers according to every religion.
So, if blasphemy laws are really implemented, then every single human being living and ever lived are blaspehemers according to one or other religion.
lol you seem bitter. Let me consider India's membership and get back to you.

Keep ur membership with u..as i said OIC is nothing but a joke...on top of that it is a racist and bigoted organisation which sees all conflicts in the world through religious angle..no doubt no one takes u guys seriously..so as u said,..OIC is pushing for global blasphemy law..it is going nowhere but into a garbage dump....
But this law will also prevent Arabs and Muslims from calling Jews as a nation of Pigs and Monkeys and Pakistanis from insulting Hindus.

Does this Law only apply to Sunni Muslims or every other religion in the world at large?

How about Ahmedis, Scientology and Mormonism?
We live in a free society, and I would rather face criticism (including insult), than ban criticism altogether.
Those who seek such ban are insecure.
I also prefer american right to fee speech than european anti-hate laws.
are they dreaming? what the heck cares about so-called blasphemy???

The world Islamic body signaled on Wednesday that it will revive long-standing attempts to make insults against religions an international criminal offense.

The bid follows uproar across the Muslim world over a crude Internet video clip filmed in the United States and cartoons in a French satirical magazine that lampoon the Prophet Mohammad.

But it appears unlikely to win acceptance from Western countries determined to resist restrictions on freedom of speech and already concerned about the repressive effect of blasphemy laws in Muslim countries such as Pakistan.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said the international community should "come out of hiding from behind the excuse of freedom of expression", a reference to Western arguments against a universal blasphemy law that the OIC has sought for over a decade.

He said the "deliberate, motivated and systematic abuse of this freedom" were a danger to global security and stability.

Separately, the Human Rights Commission of the OIC, which has 57 members and is based in Saudi Arabia, said "growing intolerance towards Muslims" had to be checked and called for "an international code of conduct for media and social media to disallow the dissemination of incitement material".

Western countries have long argued that such measures would run counter to the UN's core human rights declaration on freedom of expression and could even open the door to curbs on academic research.

As if to underline the point, a conference in Geneva of the World Council of Churches (WCC), which groups the world's major Protestant, Orthodox and Evangelical churches, urged Pakistan to abolish its blasphemy law, which carries a possible death penalty.

Critics say the law is widely misused to persecute non-Muslims, and cite this month's case of a Muslim cleric detained on suspicion of planting evidence suggesting that a 14-year-old girl had burned Islamic religious texts.

Pakistani Christians and Hindus at the WCC gathering said a global law against blasphemy, or "defamation of religion", would only endorse on an international scale the religious intolerance seen in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries.

But Western countries have also come under criticism for stifling free speech, with Iran previously highlighting the criminalization of doubting the Holocaust in a number of Western states.

(Reuters, Al-Akhbar)

World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law | Al Akhbar English

The Muslim News
Why aren't they instead educating their own citizens to be more civil instead of destroying property because someone insulted their imaginary friends. Instead of blasphemy laws what the world needs right now is for these guys to grow up.
It seems you have reading comprehension issues. This law has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia, the human rights branch of OIC which has its headquarter located in Saudi Arabia has signaled to push for this law. Its like blaming the U.S for a U.N law.
BTW, I think the law(which will never pass) is stupid.
Human rights of the OIC... :lol:
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