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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

Mahmoud_EGY is a secular anti-Saudi pro-Bashar Egyptian, so he represent the views of 2-5% of Egyptians.
But yes. Absolutely, I do not believe you…
you are free to think what you like you want to talk about facts
1 the saudi embassy is shut down
2 the iranian navy passed the suez canal 2 times after mubark gone. in 30 years of mubark rule not a single a fishing ship passed
3 the people who hate the saudis has become alot bigger and more agressive (anti wahabism)
4 the iranian investmint in egypt after 25 jan
5 egyptian groups( polticians universty students people from el azhar and more) who visted iran many times to better know iran
6 enter any news site and see the comments or any egyptian fourm
all with sources if you want
That is very complicated to be stated in a single line. We have good relations with both and we will try our fullest to prevent any conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Shia Sunni aside, but being a Muslim i don't want to see two Muslim countries fighting at the behest of the US of A.

I believe that many pakistanis on this forum ,completely underestimate Pak-Saudi relations.In case of war ,pakistan will completely side with the kingdom ,as it has for over decades.Prime examples are the grand mosque seizure,yemen insurgency ,pakistan's support to saudia during saddams invasion of kuwait and who hasnt heard the rumors of nuclear warheads stocked at Kamra air force base for saudia.
On the other hand pakistan's relations with iran are that of distrust,specially if you are considered that both nations fought a proxy war in afghanistan.
To start with facts well muslims are being pushed towards a dead end road and making muslims fight eachother is gonna be an exclusive prize for jews,neo-cons and mention not hindus as one can see them having good time even at this thread...There is a certain group of ppl who were after Islam since its inception and carving of a shia sect after more than a hundred years of karbala incident and then lots of other sects is a live example of that...

Comin to thread well Pakistan has good relations to saudia owing to their generous support for nukes from 70's and being handy whenever Pak needed some oil on defer payments but along with rest of the world recently even saudi's were asking Pak to make use of its vast resources and manpower and stand on its own feet and its kinda right aswell...

Iran on the other hand has different issues she feels cornered by other gulf states and went close with india and even facilitates their covert missions in afghanistan thru their ports and is onboard with india on many issues but she had a stern position towards Pak during last 3,4 decades and now when shez squeezed by international pressure on her nukes that shez willing to make some energy deals with Pak..

Our concerns are best addressed by having a fruitful relations with both of these countries but as someone brought up the issue earlier i would say with cent % surity that incase any war materializes b/w saudi's and iranians Pak will side by saudia if she will have to side anyone at all...
you are free to think what you like you want to talk about facts
1 the saudi embassy is shut down
2 the iranian navy passed the suez canal 2 times after mubark gone. in 30 years of mubark rule not a single a fishing ship passed
3 the people who hate the saudis has become alot bigger and more agressive (anti wahabism)
4 the iranian investmint in egypt after 25 jan
5 egyptian groups( polticians universty students people from el azhar and more) who visted iran many times to better know iran
6 enter any news site and see the comments or any egyptian fourm
all with sources if you want
that's why your parliament president is in Riyadh now begging us to reopen the embassy.
i think saudis are deficient in navy only. other wise they are too much ahead. even UAE airforce can wipe out iran in few hours ...

but again its purely depedent upon US techn..not a good sign. they should have a mix
Iran and Saudi Arabia, Both are friends of Pakistan, Pakistan wil not Involve in the war. Even if war happens, Pakistan will try to stop the war. Pakistan wants good relation with the world specially with the Muslim World.. This is in the interest of Pakistan...
There are many iranians who supports Kashmir's struggle.(Correct me if i am wrong)
Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times
Pakistan and Iran have a number of areas of mutual interest and opinion on Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia-Herzegovina and other matters concerning the Muslim Ummah.
Politically, Iran was the first country to officially acknowledge the newly formed state of Pakistan in 1947

Also relation with Saudi Arab is time tested and proven. No need to explain:D.

I hope war will not happen b/w KSA and Iran.
LOL, not that we need them, but we have a defence agreement with Pakistan. At the very least they would be neutral. Not to mention, they would have to declare war on the US if they sided with Iran, since we also have a defence agreement with them!

Your statement is self contradictory; If you don't need us then what's the point of a defence agreement? I'm sure you don't need us, in fact the last thing i want is for Pakistan to drag itself into a Saudi animosity of Iran and vice versa.

So if you don't need us then i am the first to take this as great news.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
this is just to show the people that the crisis is not his fault and the muslim brotherhood is just looking to ensure the vote of the 2 milion egyptians in saudi


Egypt team arrives to mend fences

Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam receives head of an Egyptian delegation led by Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni. (SPA)

Published: May 4, 2012 01:48 Updated: May 4, 2012 01:48

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah will hold talks with a high-profile Egyptian parliamentary delegation here Friday in a bid to repair strained ties between the two nations, Saudi and Egyptian officials said here yesterday.

The Egyptian delegation, headed by People’s Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni and Shoura Council Speaker Ahmed Fahmy, held talks last night with Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal. Prince Saud welcomed the team and praised the contribution of the Egyptian community in the Kingdom in the country’s development. He said Egyptians living in the Kingdom were law-abiding and peaceful.

The team will hold talks today with some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Shoura Council. The delegation was received at Riyadh Air Base by Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam; Shoura Chairman Abdullah Al-Asheikh; Minister of Culture and Information Abdulaziz Khoja; Undersecretary of Royal Protocol Abdulaziz Al-Aqeeli; Saudi Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the Arab League Ahmed Qattan; and Commander of Riyadh Air Base Maj. Gen. Abdul-Latif Al-Shuraim.

Asked about the composition of the Egyptian delegation, Nabeel Baker, a spokesman of the Egyptian Embassy, said: “There are about 39 parliamentarians from Egypt’s upper and lower houses of Parliament besides statesmen, journalist and academics from Al-Azhar University.”

The visit of the Egyptian delegation, which includes top figures of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the first of its kind in the history of Saudi-Egyptian relations.

“The mission of this Egyptian parliamentarian group is to explore with Saudi officials on how to bridge the rift and remove misunderstandings on both sides,” said the embassy’s spokesman.


I believe that many pakistanis on this forum ,completely underestimate Pak-Saudi relations.In case of war ,pakistan will completely side with the kingdom ,as it has for over decades.Prime examples are the grand mosque seizure,yemen insurgency ,pakistan's support to saudia during saddams invasion of kuwait and who hasnt heard the rumors of nuclear warheads stocked at Kamra air force base for saudia.
On the other hand pakistan's relations with iran are that of distrust,specially if you are considered that both nations fought a proxy war in afghanistan.

That is a common misconception. While historically we have been close to Saudia Arabia, times have changed now. Our maximum effort would be to make sure such a conflict does not arise. Pakistan too has at stake here specially when Iran shares a common border with Pakistan and we are looking towards gas pipe line project.
And please not the nuclear thing again. Our nuclear weapons are a deterrent against India and India alone. As a muslim we have a duty to protect macca and madina but that because of our holy places and not for anything else.
Nah won't be trouble not a single bit. What can they do?? Send a few missile that will be mostly intercepted by our ABM defenses then what?? Send an AirStrike?? Haha fat chance I mean only a glimpse will suffice. Send the navy?? You are more than free to compare GCC navy with that of Iran. Land Forces?? Again you are more than free to compare.

What will Iran do send human waves again?? a 19 century machine gun will do the job then. Really people here Extremely overestimate Iran's capabilities and Extremely underestimate GCC capabilities.

Hell Wikipedia is more than enough to compare. Go and combine the forces of KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Jordan with that of Iran. Feel more than free to indulge yourself to Assault Rifle comparison and then come back and talk then.

Sadly part of your 'analysis' is driven by an urge to counter the anti-Arab sentiment amongst the ignorant members here. Iranian missiles are unlikely to be intercepted by any ABM in great numbers, and Saudi Arabia can not develop a national ABM system, so you buy from infidel Americans who did the worst crimes of the last decade against Muslims.

According to you, Iran already occupies the 3 islands, so they have already moved. It's your turn to prove yourselves. That's the truth even if it hurts.
Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam receives head of an Egyptian delegation led by Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni. (SPA)

Published: May 4, 2012 01:48 Updated: May 4, 2012 01:48

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah will hold talks with a high-profile Egyptian parliamentary delegation here Friday in a bid to repair strained ties between the two nations, Saudi and Egyptian officials said here yesterday.

The Egyptian delegation, headed by People’s Assembly Speaker Mohammed Al-Katatni and Shoura Council Speaker Ahmed Fahmy, held talks last night with Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal. Prince Saud welcomed the team and praised the contribution of the Egyptian community in the Kingdom in the country’s development. He said Egyptians living in the Kingdom were law-abiding and peaceful.

The team will hold talks today with some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Shoura Council. The delegation was received at Riyadh Air Base by Riyadh Gov. Prince Sattam; Shoura Chairman Abdullah Al-Asheikh; Minister of Culture and Information Abdulaziz Khoja; Undersecretary of Royal Protocol Abdulaziz Al-Aqeeli; Saudi Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the Arab League Ahmed Qattan; and Commander of Riyadh Air Base Maj. Gen. Abdul-Latif Al-Shuraim.

Asked about the composition of the Egyptian delegation, Nabeel Baker, a spokesman of the Egyptian Embassy, said: “There are about 39 parliamentarians from Egypt’s upper and lower houses of Parliament besides statesmen, journalist and academics from Al-Azhar University.”

The visit of the Egyptian delegation, which includes top figures of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the first of its kind in the history of Saudi-Egyptian relations.

“The mission of this Egyptian parliamentarian group is to explore with Saudi officials on how to bridge the rift and remove misunderstandings on both sides,” said the embassy’s spokesman.
and what would that prove does this has anything to do with egypt iran realtions ?
like i said before egypt want realtions with both
Sadly part of your 'analysis' is driven by an urge to counter the anti-Arab sentiment amongst the ignorant members here. Iranian missiles are unlikely to be intercepted by any ABM in great numbers, and Saudi Arabia can not develop a national ABM system, so you buy from infidel Americans who did the worst crimes of the last decade against Muslims.

According to you, Iran already occupies the 3 islands, so they have already moved. It's your turn to prove yourselves. That's the truth even if it hurts.
what does buying weapons from america has to do wit anything? is it worst than buying from infidel Russia?
The islands are disputed between UAE and Iran, we forced Iran to give up an Island we claimed in the sixties.
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