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Saudi Arabia, UAE helped war on Iran: Rouhani

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Hassan Rouhani who was speaking at a conference in the memorial of martyrs said "At 1:00 pm on September 22, 1980 and the war started all of a sudden. They attacked us all at once from air, land, and sea. What had we done against Iraq and other neighbors? We had no armed forces in the saddle and circumstances were those of the post-revolution period.”

The president stated "You may like to know that the aircrafts which used to bombard Tehran were given to Iraq two years into the war by the Soviet Union, that is, they used to help Iraq in the middle of the war. The Mirage F1 would bomb our refineries from 4 miles away, they would not even approach the target.”

"We would discuss which way the fighter flew as it bombed Tehran, later on we found that it struck Tehran while flying over Karaj. It would not care where it hit, it would only shoot,” he said.

The president further pointed to Saudi Arabia’s aid to Saddam Hussein during the war and said "AWACS aircrafts would observe our movements from over Saudi Arabia. They would even cover up to Tabriz. The fighters would even attack from the south then go to the UAE where they were celebrated then.”

He added "We stood and fought against the world and we still have many ill-intending and conspirators around the world.”
Saudi Arabia, UAE helped war on Iran: Rouhani

The AWACS thing is awesome.:triniti:
Everybody know that, but if Russia and it allies don't decide to fight the cause of their problems, it's their choice
Everyone know that the Ba'ath regime was supported by the east and the west but the got crushed in the end in operation mersad
Everyone know that the Ba'ath regime was supported by the east and the west but the got crushed in the end in operation mersad
Live like a dog, die like a dog. By the way, the guy who is looking at the camera is an Iraqi Shia. He also punched Saddam a few times in the mouth, as can be seen by the blood.:rofl:
Live like a dog, die like a dog. By the way, the guy who is looking at the camera is an Iraqi Shia. He also punched Saddam a few times in the mouth, as can be seen by the blood.:rofl:

Yet why does he look like an average African-American?:lol:

Saddam Hussein caused ENORMOUS misery for Iran and Iranians so of course we understand the frustrations but it is a shame that you brag about your enemies (US) work in capturing him since you did nothing and never managed to topple him or invade his country.

Everyone know that the Ba'ath regime was supported by the east and the west but the got crushed in the end in operation mersad

Yet you Farsis support your Ba'athi mass-murderer and Child-Murderer in Syria. Contradiction much?:lol:

Also long before the Syrian conflict.
Live like a dog, die like a dog. By the way, the guy who is looking at the camera is an Iraqi Shia. He also punched Saddam a few times in the mouth, as can be seen by the blood.:rofl:
I know he was from nasiriyia
USA wanted them to kill each other off it was bad.
Yet why does he look like an average African-American?:lol:

Saddam Hussein caused ENORMOUS misery for Iran and Iranians so of course we understand the frustrations but it is a shame that you brag about your enemies (US) work in capturing him since you did nothing and never managed to topple him or invade his country.

Yet you Farsis support your Ba'athi mass-murderer and Child-Murderer in Syria. Contradiction much?:lol:

Also long before the Syrian conflict.
The translator is from nasiriyia who moved to USA before the war
and I never supported bashar in any post I only support Syria and syrian people
That's an African-American. Looks like a textbook African-American from the Bronx.:lol:

Must be an Iraqi Afro-Arab. Quite a few of them it must be said.
He was an Iraqi refugee in America but worked for the US military as a translator. May God bless him. And he looks like an ordinary Iraqi, nothing strange about him.
Source? Which tribe is he from?
"I Punched Saddam in the Mouth" - Page 1 - News - St. Louis - Riverfront Times

"I was so angry," says Samir, who immigrated to St. Louis eleven years ago after fleeing Iraq. "I began cussing at him, calling him a motherfucker, a son-of-a-bitch -- you name it. I told him I was Shiite from the south and was part of the revolution against him in 1991. I said he murdered my uncles and cousins. He imprisoned my father.

"All these years of anger, I couldn't stop. I tried to say the worst things I could. I told him if he were a real man he would have killed himself. I asked him: 'Why are you living in that dirty little hole, you bastard? You are a rat. Your father is a rat.'"
USA wanted them to kill each other off it was bad.

Khominie on other hand said the following:

The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

A legitimate reason for us to sand against the sons of Muta'h wherever they appear. The US have had nothing to do with the conflict.
Source? Which tribe is he from?

Then you should be against the mass-murderer.

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Or this hilarious video:

Will you are hypocrite as the same shia on this forum and the Internet the hate saddam the Baathist but they love bashar the Baathist
The same goes with Sunnis the hate the nusyiri Baathist bashar but they love the Baathist sunni saddam
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