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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

I don't see how Wahhabism ha anything to do with the House of Saud - maybe except for they maybe Wahhabis themselves. Our family has been Wahhabi generations before the Saud came along.

You lie. I have seen you up there with the rest of them defending them. Sauds have been propagating Wahhabisim and their intolerance's. I have first hand experience of this at mosque in the UK
i wish u had that much education to differentiate between threads that are meant for discussing the ties and cooperation than to use for ur personal insults and hate...

I wish you had education. btw which Madrassa did you go to. Was it paid for by Sauds?
Forgive but I couldn't understand what your first point was trying to imply; of course not all Saudis are Wahabis...they, by the way, don't like to be called that ! Who said anything to the contrary ? But the State is intrinsically linked to Abdul Wahab's version of Islam and his subsequent students have ensured the continuance of that relationship.

As for the 2nd and the 3rd points : Why should KSA invest in Pakistan ? Koi Allah wasstei ka kaaam hai investing ? They're out to make money for that is what a business is. Having said that between them and UAE...they've undertaken some admirable philanthropic ventures in Pakistan too. My Dad works at a local hospital that was built by the UAE during Bhutto's time, they've offered to fund it fully from thence on wards by Zia refused so they've only been giving occasional grants and stuff. Just recently their ambassador to Pakistan visited the hospital and promised a further grant to help refurbish the hospital completely. The hospital has been receiving grants from KSA royals too.

Additionally we do hear of rumors of our military acquisitions being funded by the Saudis, the petroleum we got in '98 etc.

you guys claim the Wahabis and Saudis love Pakistan. So where's this fake love you guys are promoting?

You guys worship the feet of Saudis, but in return, they give you guys cr@p.

Just like the people of Interior Sindh worship the feet of Zardari and vote PPP all the time, they get cr@p in return and continue to vote for him.


We respect Saudia Arabi, the Arabs and the House of Saud for being helpful to Pakistan since it's inception. They, the House of Saud, have done more for us than your Ayatollas.

You on the other hand spread hatred, pure Iran quality hatred against the Arabs and when pointed out - I become evil. Nice.
The story goes that the ASF asked the attache to go through walk through scanners, he refused, ASF insisted, and then he pushed them and all hell broke loose!!!

We all know how all these ASf Nd other people are told to keep hands off the yanks and Saudis.

There goes our Saudi aid then.

yaar we do not need charity of anyone. Pakistan is a great country with resources of near 200 million. We need to stand up for ourselves
He's spreading religious tolerance and peace among all sects & religions.

You fools are spreading hate by supporting the Wahabi movement - a movement which wants to rid Islam of all "impurities" based on THEIR interpretation as well as conquer all non-Wahabis.

US should be drone striking Wahabis - THE REAL terrorists!

You guys are traitors to humanity and nation of Pakistan itself. We want a secular Free Independent Pakistan, not a Wahabi infested Pakistan!

I'm sure you can ask 'Webby' to give my IP to the CIA so that they can bomb me right while I'm typing this message....anyhow my exams are coming up in June and so escapism (even if its permanent) would be nice ! :enjoy:

P.S Khudaiyaan if you want a 'Secular Pakistan' then you're rooting for the wrong party ! I root for him because I think he supports my political stance but hes unequivocally bashed Secularism in a few of his interviews.
I wish you had education. btw which Madrassa did you go to. Was it paid for by Sauds?

It's only a matter of time until American & Saudi planes will be bombing Islamabad.

Pakistan needs more people like you and me; promoting an Independence movement and staying away from these Wahabi Terrorists.

Otherwise with these Wahabi (Saudi & American funded) terrorists walking freely in Pakistan; Pakistan is doomed for death.
Aw, I showed you your own hypocrisy and you went bollocks :lol:
They say ignorants hate to see the mirror, I guess they were right.

You lie again. In the past you have gone on a frolic as I have been critical of that evil family the one that wants to lead Muslims. The one where the leaders have 30 wives and hundreds of kids
really a bad with also Uighur terrorists hiding inside pakistan the the uighur islamic movements have also had links with Saudi Arabia, this is simply pure suicide on pakistan accepting this.
You lie again. In the past you have gone on a frolic as I have been critical of that evil family the one that wants to lead Muslims. The one where the leaders have 30 wives and hundreds of kids

Again with that BS. You deny spreading hatred against Wahhabis?
with resources of near 200 million.

Lol at such a poor country...
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