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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

Oye...don't say that out load ! It doesn't make any sense ! The monarchy derives legitimacy from the Clerics and the Clerics from the monarchy and this symbiotic relation goes back to Abdul Wahab and the first Saud !

Yes but he is a liar:rofl::rofl:
you guys claim the Wahabis and Saudis love Pakistan. So where's this fake love you guys are promoting?

You guys worship the feet of Saudis, but in return, they give you guys cr@p.

Just like the people of Interior Sindh worship the feet of Zardari and vote PPP all the time, they get cr@p in return and continue to vote for him.


Okay son...! Tu theeek keh rahaa hai ! I'm off to worshiping the feet of my Saudi wife and the petro-dollars that she brought as dowry ! Isss se ziyaada love kiya ho saktaa hai keh they gave me a 300 pound wifey with a moustache and what appears to be a beard who squishes me to death whenever we cuddle together...! Khair koi nahin - Dil ki achee hai...uppar seh mujhe dollars aa rahein hain !
I wish you had education. btw which Madrassa did you go to. Was it paid for by Sauds?

Hahaha...come on mate reply to my post dont go here and there....or wait you dont have anything to say...
Okay son...! Tu theeek keh rahaa hai ! I'm off to worshiping the feet of my Saudi wife and the petro-dollars that she brought as dowry ! Isss se ziyaada love kiya ho saktaa hai keh they gave me a 300 pound wifey with a moustache and what appears to be a beard who squishes me to death whenever we cuddle together...! Khair koi nahin - Dil ki achee hai...uppar seh mujhe dollars aa rahein hain !

you are one weird Wahabi..:undecided:
Forgive but I couldn't understand what your first point was trying to imply; of course not all Saudis are Wahabis...they, by the way, don't like to be called that ! Who said anything to the contrary ? But the State is intrinsically linked to Abdul Wahab's version of Islam and his subsequent students have ensured the continuance of that relationship.


and what does he and some of his followers say about other Muslim who do not interpret Islam in that way
and what does he and some of his followers say about other Muslim who do not interpret Islam in that way
I'll tell you what he says since his followers are blind & incompetent

- Destroy all shrines, Islamic artifacts, places in "fear of idol worshipping"
- Purge Islam of all "impurities" and banish all sects to Hell
- Declare non-muslims to Hell
- Impose his beliefs on others

Very tolerant, non-judgemental and respectful person he must have been.

United Nations should strip all of his followers naked and make them run the streets of the Taliban Strongholds & Villages.
We respect Saudia Arabi, the Arabs and the House of Saud for being helpful to Pakistan since it's inception. They, the House of Saud, have done more for us than your Ayatollas.

You on the other hand spread hatred, pure Iran quality hatred against the Arabs and when pointed out - I become evil. Nice.

You see this is where your duplicity and dishonesty is there for all to see. I am a Pakistani not an Iranian. Anyone who calls you for what you are an intolerant bunch gees this label from you. btw good that Pakistanis are treating Saudis the way they should be at airports. Lets take the gloves off come on down. More and more Pakistanis are seeing Saudis for what they are
You see this is where your duplicity and dishonesty is there for all to see

Suggest next time you point out this so called "duplicity and dishonestly" instead of simply mentioning it. I'd love to know about that too.
and what does he and some of his followers say about other Muslim who do not interpret Islam in that way

He didn't practice Takfir, if thats what your referring too ! Takfir is a universal phenomena which got localized in the Muslim world too ! One of the most noted 'Takfiris' of the last century was Syed Quttub with his 'Quttubism' as its called. I've had Shi'ites call me a 'wayward Muslim' whilst they themselves call themselves 'Momin' simply because I don't agree with them. I've had Deobandis call me the same whilst they too call themselves 'Momin' and I've had, ironically, an Ahmedi class-fellow call me the same ! I'm sure the Ultra-extreme in either sect whether they are Wahabis, Deobandis, Shi'ites, Sunnis or just plain football hooligans - all practice that ! And no don't give me the - but the wahabis do it more....! No they don't...at least not in Pakistan where they are less then 9% of the Population if the percentage of their seminaries are anything to go by; in fact throw in the non-religious lot and that number would be even lower.
Aryan B, you're coming off as a hate monger. Chill out dude.
Stop dreaming Sauds have been relying on us or now America to protect them lol
SO they can get Pakistani Hajj & Umrah money - otherwise they don't give 2 cr@ps about Pakistan. Once Pakistanis realize this, we can move on as A FREE INDEPENDENT COUNTRY and stop relying on saudis for everything.

Aryan B, you're coming off as a hate monger. Chill out dude.
Says the guy supporting Wahabi Terrorist & Hatred movement (for all other sects & Minorities)

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