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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

Considering that our Airport Security just beat the faeces out of a Senior Saudi Defence attaché.. I think this perception of "facilitation" may just change.

The story goes that the ASF asked the attache to go through walk through scanners, he refused, ASF insisted, and then he pushed them and all hell broke loose!!!

We all know how all these ASf Nd other people are told to keep hands off the yanks and Saudis.

There goes our Saudi aid then.
As long as Pakistanis are dependent on Arabs, Pakistan is a lost cause.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/econom...e-pak-every-sphere-life-13.html#ixzz1wTPbf6GJ
Depending on Hajj n Ummrah is as good as depending on Saudis (arabs) who treat pakistani, indian n bangladeshi muslims with contempt.....so what about it?
Saudi is banking on Hajj tourism when their oil is depleted after fifty years.......its thier zamzam doctrine to keep them afloat therefter....

First off - My family never got treated like dirt on any of their Hajj or Ummrahs !

Secondly - The Saudis have tons of other mineral resources. My uncle works at a Limestone plant in Saudi Arabia whose annual turnover is around $1.2 b and he says that KSA plans to build between 15-20 such plants over the next decade with his plant's life-cycle being spanned over 45 years.

Thirdly - The Saudis are investing quite heavily in industrializing their country ! Think of the UAE; whereas Dubai may be a trading city...Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are industrial cities and Abu Dhabi has bailed Dubai out on more than once occasion. So my friend.....they're not dodos either ! They're investing in their people and in their country; one of the reasons why so many jobs keep popping up in KSA is because of their expansion.
The writing is on wall....Saudi arabia has beheaded many more pakistanis every friday publicly than indians.....what say u on this very fact partner?
They are on thier own, they are arrogant, they give a shik about other muslims, be they momin or najis.....
I don't see how Wahhabism ha anything to do with the House of Saud - maybe except for they maybe Wahhabis themselves. Our family has been Wahhabi generations before the Saud came along.

Oye...don't say that out load ! It doesn't make any sense ! The monarchy derives legitimacy from the Clerics and the Clerics from the monarchy and this symbiotic relation goes back to Abdul Wahab and the first Saud !
First off - My family never got treated like dirt on any of their Hajj or Ummrahs !

Secondly - The Saudis have tons of other mineral resources. My uncle works at a Limestone plant in Saudi Arabia whose annual turnover is around $1.2 b and he says that KSA plans to build between 15-20 such plants over the next decade with his plant's life-cycle being spanned over 45 years.

Thirdly - The Saudis are investing quite heavily in industrializing their country ! Think of the UAE; whereas Dubai may be a trading city...Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are industrial cities and Abu Dhabi has bailed Dubai out on more than once occasion. So my friend.....they're not dodos either ! They're investing in their people and in their country; one of the reasons why so many jobs keep popping up in KSA is because of their expansion.

1st - What's that got to do with anything? Not all Saudis are Wahabis, and they can be peace loving people
2nd - Good for Saudi, but where's their support for investing in Pakistan due to all of our resources?
3rd - Good for Saudi, but where's their support for industrializing Pakistan?
Funny you bring up Hindus slaughtering Muslims but you conveniently leave out how such incidents occurred to Hindus? Then you conveniently forgot the past atrocities of Muslim Rulers against the local hindu populace. Shame on you man.....India is not your enemy unless you want them to be...

Mate my point was that Hindus did not differentiate between Shias and Sunnis. That is a fact.

You missed the point altogether of course I abhor any violent act against anyone based on religion. But my comments were addressing an issue within my community to make a point
They treat people accordingly when it comes to employment n other things....but i never said on Hajj, especially by saudi gov...however their hv been abuse by turism industry who were charging exorbitant rates during peak times....

And on the other hand....wht makes u think saudi has more minerals than south africa or othe country on per capita basis?
Get yr facts right n approved...
Really? You've been spreading hatred against Wahhabis for the past 10 pages and when somebody points that out - you bring Saud in.
I wonder how you people live by lying so much.
He's spreading religious tolerance and peace among all sects & religions.

You fools are spreading hate by supporting the Wahabi movement - a movement which wants to rid Islam of all "impurities" based on THEIR interpretation as well as conquer all non-Wahabis.

US should be drone striking Wahabis - THE REAL terrorists!

You guys are traitors to humanity and nation of Pakistan itself. We want a secular Free Independent Pakistan, not a Wahabi infested Pakistan!
1st - What's that got to do with anything? Not all Saudis are Wahabis, and they can be peace loving people
2nd - Good for Saudi, but where's their support for investing in Pakistan due to all of our resources?
3rd - Good for Saudi, but where's their support for industrializing Pakistan?

Forgive but I couldn't understand what your first point was trying to imply; of course not all Saudis are Wahabis...they, by the way, don't like to be called that ! Who said anything to the contrary ? But the State is intrinsically linked to Abdul Wahab's version of Islam and his subsequent students have ensured the continuance of that relationship.

As for the 2nd and the 3rd points : Why should KSA invest in Pakistan ? Koi Allah wasstei ka kaaam hai investing ? They're out to make money for that is what a business is. Having said that between them and UAE...they've undertaken some admirable philanthropic ventures in Pakistan too. My Dad works at a local hospital that was built by the UAE during Bhutto's time, they've offered to fund it fully from thence on wards by Zia refused so they've only been giving occasional grants and stuff. Just recently their ambassador to Pakistan visited the hospital and promised a further grant to help refurbish the hospital completely. The hospital has been receiving grants from KSA royals too.

Additionally we do hear of rumors of our military acquisitions being funded by the Saudis, the petroleum we got in '98 etc.
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