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Saudi Arabia threatens to go nuclear 'in weeks' if Iran gets bomb

Well judging a country based on one person opinion is..... i don't even know what how to call it.
Sunnis in Iran are equal to all other Iranians,from Christians to Jews and Zoroastrians and Shias.They have representives in Parliament and all of their rights are protected by law.You can come to Iran yourself,and watch closely.
I can also bring an example for you,you can see how Shias are treated in Parachinar region of Pakistan while extermist Sunnis with the support of ISI kill them every chance they get.But i will never judge thole Pakistanis by that because it's not wise.

Care to substantiate your claims IN ANOTHER THREAD ?
I have several muslim friends who went to Iran, some stayed there for work etc.
what they tell me is a complete opposite of what you are saying.
Well judging a country based on one person opinion is..... i don't even know what how to call it.
Sunnis in Iran are equal to all other Iranians,from Christians to Jews and Zoroastrians and Shias.They have representives in Parliament and all of their rights are protected by law.You can come to Iran yourself,and watch closely.
I can also bring an example for you,you can see how Shias are treated in Parachinar region of Pakistan while extermist Sunnis with the support of ISI kill them every chance they get.But i will never judge thole Pakistanis by that because it's not wise.

I never judged the whole country dude. I was sharing the personal experience of my very close friend who went Iran from Dubai. He went there with very positive feelings but came back with very negative as according to him most peoples were very rude and racist to him after knowing he is Pakistani Sunni. He think that most iranians have too much superiority complex and even did not bother to reply when he was asking for direction ..sorry but that's what he felt and i am not saying its true for all iranins as off course he don't know all of them..
Treatment of Iran with Sunni in Iran is not much different than treatment of Saudi with shia in Saudia Arabia . They are like India and Pakistan. Propaganda machine is active from both side to present opposite side as evil as possible. My friend recently visited Iran and his opinion about Iran was very very negative because of the way he was treated there.

In Iran Zoroastrians are free to practice their religion, can we expect same in Saudi Arabia. A person can't even carry a non-Islamic symbol inside Saudi Arabia and their religious police can break into the house of the non-Muslim in the mid of the night to check if the guy is worshiping or not. Also, in Saudi Arabia there is huge problem of mistreatment with foreign expats. Everyone knows about the huge difference between treatment of women in Saudi and Iran.

I didn't claim Iran as Utopian society but still as an outsider I believe they treat other much better than Saudis.
And you came to this conclusion because?? You hang out with a lot of Iranians it seems.

---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

Did you bother to read the article?? I guess not. Not surprising actually. Most people here just go to a thread with the word "Saudi" in it to insult like an idiot on steroids. So I don't blame you.

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 AM ----------

Oh and one more thing iajj read the entire thread first and tell me what you think? Is that not insulting and racism??

my eyes obviously didn't dwell a lot on the one-liners, but only on some of the longer, more serious responses in the thread, all of which spoke of the scientific education and strategic alignment of ksa being the principle impediment to the kingdom's wish of getting the bomb in a few weeks (meaning building one, not borrowing one). i never hanged out with iranians - know a few in casual acquaintances but my appreciation of what iran as a nation has done has got nothing to do with my impression of the very few iranians i met in life (some of them political refugees who, as you can predict, behave just like bitter, old ladies; others are just ordinary folks who apparently adjusted well to the countries i visited; so it is a mixed bag). and i never spoke to any of them about their impression of saudi arabia: i know there is some bad blood between the two nations and i know too little of the arcane struggle between two historical teachings of a religion to which i don't belong to even start phrasing a question right. so if you have any issue with what i said of saudi arabia, address your concerns directly to me and there is no need to cast suspicion on iranians for giving me some bad/wrong ideas of saudi arabia. i still stand by my opinions of saudi arabia and i formed them from a chinese perspective.

i used "saudi" or "saudis" lots of times because over the years i read this term a lot on this forum, including by pakistani members who i assume are usually on friendly terms with your nation, and thought it was a neutral term. but if you believe it isn't and could suggest a better substitute, i will show myself to be the first to be willing to change in my usage.
You better know about what is Wahabbi ideology and their violent views about Shias before blaming Americans or Israel.
We are talking about the Saudi government here, not some ragtag radical group. It is obvious that the 'we are gonna go nuclear if Iran does' statement came because of US's influence.
Here is the list of grievances that US has against an Iranian bomb, as they say to the public
1. Iran's regime hates Israel.
2. Iran's regime is radical and is dangerous for the whole world(of course no body in the non-Western countries believe this).
3. If Iran gets a bomb, so will the Saudis.(The reality is the only place the Saudis could possibly get a bomb is from the US or Europe. We all know how scientifically advanced they are. At the best, some Pakistani leader may in desperation promise a nuke to Saudis in exchange for a political favor. But even Pakistani leaders dont have the nuclear remote. It stays with the army.)
4. Iran's bomb will be another blow to international efforts for non-proliferation.(This is the only real reason the so called international community wants Iran to come clean with its nuclear programme)
while in reality the only reason is that an Iranian bomb is a threat to Israel and this is the last chance for US to attempt a regime change in Iran. Once they go nuclear, they become untouchable for outsiders.
In Iran Zoroastrians are free to practice their religion, can we expect same in Saudi Arabia. A person can't even carry a non-Islamic symbol inside Saudi Arabia and their religious police can break into the house of the non-Muslim in the mid of the night to check if the guy is worshiping or not. Also, in Saudi Arabia there is huge problem of mistreatment with foreign expats.

I didn't claim Iran as Utopian society but still as an outsider I believe they treat other much better than Saudis.

You can only compare who is better/worse if you ever lived in these two countries. The only difference between them is Iran has laws based on shia sect(Twelvers) while laws of Saudia Arabia based on strict sunni Islam and rest you will see they boht propagate false propaganda news towards each others. I thought non muslims has right of worship in saudia Arabia and i think anyone living in saudia Arabia can clarify it better
3. If Iran gets a bomb, so will the Saudis.(The reality is the only place the Saudis could possibly get a bomb is from the US or Europe. We all know how scientifically advanced they are. At the best, some Pakistani leader may in desperation promise a nuke to Saudis in exchange for a political favor. But even Pakistani leaders dont have the nuclear remote. It stays with the army.)

wow, if a few politicians can be that treasonous, i must really wish the nuclear remote stays with the generals
Well, i been through the whole thread and read many posts, some of which addressed the topic of the thread in an appropriate manner, however there were some rude and derogatory remarks made against the Saudis, such as in the post i've quoted below:

lol look who is talking USa will not let Saudi have nuclear weapons even if Iran has one

they are not even have brain the Saudis

Despite our differing political views with regards to Saudi policies in the region, i think that it is important for us that we should at least show some respect to our fellow members and that too from another Muslim country, they are our guests and we can debate with them regarding the topic in a constructive manner rather than insult them.
You can only compare who is better/worse if you ever lived in these two countries. The only difference between them is Iran has laws based on shia sect(Twelvers) while laws of Saudia Arabia based on strict sunni Islam and rest you will see they boht propagate false propaganda news towards each others. I thought non muslims has right of worship in saudia Arabia and i think anyone living in saudia Arabia can clarify it better

Since 2004 with the introduction of no one can enter someone's house without a warrent signed by a judge and there is no law forbidding religious practice outside (what is banned is preaching) so defacto people can worship in their own homes.

I really hope that one day inter-faith can be achieved completely in our society but it is still a decade or two away. We are slowly deradicalizing which means we are moving slowly forward to a more liberal society as each day passes.

It can happen earlier because I read that when King Abdullah visited the Vatican pope told him why don't you open Churches in your country he told him Why don't you acknowledge that Muhammed was a prophet. And told the pope that the day the Vatican acknowledges that Muhammad Peace be upon him is a prophet and that Islam is an Ibrahimic faith then it will be the day a chruch will be built in KSA.
Saudi-Iran war wonder what side Pakistan will be still killing two birds off with one stone. anyway can't wait to see Iranian Missiles hitting Saudi Cities same for Iranian Cities.
Since 2004 with the introduction of no one can enter someone's house without a warrent signed by a judge and there is no law forbidding religious practice outside (what is banned is preaching) so defacto people can worship in their own homes.

I really hope that one day inter-faith can be achieved completely in our society but it is still a decade or two away. We are slowly deradicalizing which means we are moving slowly forward to a more liberal society as each day passes.

It can happen earlier because I read that when King Abdullah visited the Vatican pope told him why don't you open Churches in your country he told him Why don't you acknowledge that Muhammed was a prophet. And told the pope that the day the Vatican acknowledges that Muhammad Peace be upon him is a prophet and that Islam is an Ibrahimic faith then it will be the day a chruch will be built in KSA.

I don't think perfect freedom can be achieved. Many times freedom of one person violate the freedom/ religious rights of others even in secular India you cannot kill cow because it violate the rights of Hindu who consider it scared ..so if teaching of two religions/sects clashes with each others then what's the solution? sacrifice your beliefs for sake of others or vice versa? :D

---------- Post added at 04:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

Saudi-Iran war wonder what side Pakistan will be still killing two birds off with one stone. anyway can't wait to see Iranian Missiles hitting Saudi Cities same for Iranian Cities.

so you will enjoy if they kill each others :no:
Saudi-Iran war wonder what side Pakistan will be still killing two birds off with one stone. anyway can't wait to see Iranian Missiles hitting Saudi Cities same for Iranian Cities.

Pakistan probably would head to Dehli, I'm sure this would be much more entertaining for you.
I don't think perfect freedom can be achieved. Many times freedom of one person violate the freedom/ religious rights of others even in secular India you cannot kill cow because it violate the rights of Hindu who consider it scared ..so if teaching of two religions/sects clashes with each others then what's the solution? sacrifice your beliefs for sake of others or vice versa? :D

---------- Post added at 04:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

so you will enjoy if they kill each others :no:

Correction, in secular India you can legally kill a cow(except may be in Gujarat, where you can't even find damn chicken. So no fairness issues there). Just not in public. The reason as it goes is that it hurts the religious sentiments of a certain community. But then again, most Indian cities have laws/proposed laws that say slaughter houses(even for chicken and lamb) have to be outside city limits(This is apparently because some people dont like to see animals killed before them. They would rather just each the chicken without ever sparing thought as to where it came from). If you think the 'hurts the religious sentiments' applies just for Hindus, you are mistaken again. India also did not allow the publishing of the Prophet cartoons.
If you ask me, this is just stupid. For every simple act of my life, there will be some idiot who will be offended. You should thank the GoI that it protects your crazy people along with my crazy people from getting unduly offended.
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