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Saudi Arabia pledges 71 million for Gaza housing

probably got hit by a stray bullet..

Interesting, with big targets such as people all about and yet a bullet straight to the Quran

Would you make the same excuses if a US soldier or a Israeli soldier had done that? I really think you would not be so ready to make excuses for them, but why do make excuses for such as these?

But remember this set an example - because with what face will any of us now challenge the Syrian forces, or any other - tomorrow if you say that those who protest and use the quran as a symbol of their conscience are free game for police and military - Will you say to the israeli that they too may fire on unarmed protestors who chant Allah o Akbar? And will you say to the Indian that those who use Islam and Quran as their symbol of conscience are now fair game for "stray bullets"??

I really think you have not thought this through.
I told you before numerous times I am not with the uptight ones. But wrong is wrong and Haram is Haram. When they say that alcohol pre-marital sex etc. etc. are haram and they want to carry out God's "hhad" on the perpeturs I am with them on that because that is Islam law.

I am free. I hate those Ulemas more than you even. But I know how most of what you say is bullsh1t and lies. I laugh at people like you, Spreading lies and deceit and hypocritical beliefs (You thanked an Israeli just because he went against me).

The more you clarify- the more harder they'll come at you- Learn the art of argument-
Interesting, with big targets such as people all about and yet a bullet straight to the Quran

Would you make the same excuses if a US soldier or a Israeli soldier had done that? I really think you would not be so ready to make excuses for them, but why do make excuses for such as these?

But remember this set an example - because with what face will any of us now challenge the Syrian forces, or any other - tomorrow if you say that those who protest and use the quran as a symbol of their conscience are free game for police and military - Will you say to the israeli that they too may fire on unarmed protestors who chant Allah o Akbar? And will you say to the Indian that those who use Islam and Quran as their symbol of conscience are now fair game for "stray bullets"??

I really think you have not thought this through.

keep ranting man... i dnt want to waste my time n brain on ur posts.... im fasting.

seriously ur siding with israel,usa? i bet ppl in palastine dont bring their qurans with them during a protests... they r usually shot by a sniper,bombed by a f-16... or idf troops just break their bones with stones.
I think the Palestinians people really have to stop accepting this so called "millions" from the Wahabi millionaires and find other ways to solve the problem. This money is nothing but cursed. This does nothing but radicalise the Palestinians more, thus making the situation in the middle east more complex then it already is.
You are saying that Saudi Arabia is at war against Islam? That it is part of our evil ways to promote no alcohol no drugs and no pre-marital sex and to show to people what is Haram and what is not?

Indeed, I most certainly am - While in Arbia the line is no alcohol, drugs or sex, the truth is that Alcohol is plentyful for the princes and the ulema, that drugs are plentful, thanks to Pakistanis amomng others smuggling them in, and of course cruising princesses are the scandal of arabia.

But this is just part of the hypocrisy of a conscience mandated by the state, no sooner is it noon thursday, that hordes of Arbis descend on bahrain and drink themselves silly -- no sooner is the passenger aircraft over the Mediterranean, the Abaya comes off and the mini skirt and heels come on.

This is the difference between a conscience that the state dictates and the conscience of Free Muslims, who need neither the state nor the threat of coercion to voluntarily take on obligations as acts of faith.
Hey muse i think the mosamania guy agrees with u on the hypocrite part n the stupid laws in sa....U didnt read his post right?

You are fasting - don't get into a situation where by saying something you have not thought about, you may make your fast, batil - leave maso to me
You thanked an Israeli just because he went against me).

So now just because he or she is a Israeli, he or she cannot make a valid point?? See what I told you about what the Wahabi is, to the Wahabi, all are fair game, but when you corner him, it's "peace" and "brotherhood, even hiding in Islam.

maso, maso, Maso -- What am I going to do with you? You are neither honest nor free and are instead arrogant and defensive -- what, oh what is to be done with you.

I tell you what - Lets make a deal, lets create some common ground between us, you say you despise the Wahabi ulema more than I possibly could - help me understand, what do you hate about them?
Assalam alaikum

Welldone SAUDI ARABIA, they also help all other muslim nations.

i see some ppl r trying hard to paint themselves as caring for muslims but if u see their posts on others threads u will see their real faces.

Muse again playing the same card "saudies r trying to break pakistan and on other posts u say pakistan protect and defend them " how u didnot answer there and ran away ?

The problem of saudia is that it has the holy places and some ppl want some other places to be holy places so they try to part between saudies and all other muslims but

hey muslims love their holy places and will not forget the forefathers of the saudies who spread islam all over the wolrd and destroyed the two superpowers rome and furs ( and i know when i write furse some ppl feel the pain like never before though they r not persians anyway)

Hey muse i think the mosamania guy agrees with u on the hypocrite part n the stupid laws in sa....U didnt read his post right?

some people are blinded by hate. They no longer see the world clearly, Hate is a dangerous thing. Muse have drown himself in hate that he no longer looks to the big picture of things and its realities. These kind of people you either try to reason with them (I tried so hard in the past couple of months) and once it is clear they can not be reason with you ignore them and leave them to their rants and not take them seriously anymore.
some people are blinded by hate. They no longer see the world clearly, Hate is a dangerous thing. Muse have drown himself in hate that he no longer looks to the big picture of things and its realities. These kind of people you either try to reason with them (I tried so hard in the past couple of months) and once it is clear they can not be reason with you ignore them and leave them to their rants and not take them seriously anymore.

Sound advice. First step is always admitting Mosamania.
Saudi Arabia-Israeli are best friends 4 forever, the Wahabi's hate Muslims sufi, alevi's shia's as jew conspiracy, the Saudi king says things that will pleased their brainwashed population while working with the supposed enemies, the Wahabai's hate every other type of muslim but seem fine with the ZIONIST JEWS in the middle east :cheesy:.
some people are blinded by hate. They no longer see the world clearly, Hate is a dangerous thing. Muse have drown himself in hate that he no longer looks to the big picture of things and its realities. These kind of people you either try to reason with them (I tried so hard in the past couple of months) and once it is clear they can not be reason with you ignore them and leave them to their rants and not take them seriously anymore.

The classic example of pot calling the kettle black.
Leaving all rhetoric and jokes aside, do you not see that you have passively accepted a monarch, which is nothing short of a mix of autocracy and theocracy? Your so called king is worth now 21 billion dollar, while the country itself cannot yet make a refrigerator. Why do you accuse other members of hatred, when you, yourself accuse another member of thanking someone because he/she is Israeli. That is nothing short of blind hatred and hypocrisy of its worst kind.
the Wahabai's hate every other type of muslim but seem fine with the ZIONIST JEWS in the middle east .
the Wahabai's hate every other type of muslim but seem fine with the ZIONIST JEWS in the middle east .

Yeah we already read your first post and understood your entire post
the Zionists are our true and only friend, we give them almost free natural gas
we even helped them to blockade Gaza and provided them with a full security
do you know that one of our previous kings gave a shameful speech in the Knesset
that's how bad and evil we are !!

I didn't want to downgrade my self to this level
but you truly asked for it

in every thread that contains the word "Saudi" you start your
ignorant behavior and stupid statement that only shows how pathetic you are !!

honestly give it a break and say what are your real intentions
and please don't play the " Wahhabi" card
it's really old, here is a new stuff you can say about us "dirty fat stupid" Arabs

1 - they are back stabbers, don't trust them everr
2 - they spend too much money on unnecessary things
3 - the are Jews in origin
4 - they are puppets
5 - they are bunch of lazy a$$ Bedouins who live in tents with dozen of women to pleasure them
try these statement it may help instead of the " Wahhabi " card

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