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Saudi Arabia offers India $ 625 bn investment opportunities.


But i think Saudi's should invest those 'petroDollars' into $1 Trillion dollar Investment opportunity which we have already offered.

It should be both ways, Saudi's should Invest in our Infrastructural projects and we in there science &Technology.

How?? Can you elaborate?

The more India-Saudi engages the less value Saudi gives to Pakistan which is actively supporting all terrorist groups by Saudi riyals both state actors and non-state actors like mullahs are involved but when Saudi turns to India and fortunately the two factors; 1) India's century old friendship with Afghanistan, 2) India's 0 support to militancy can persuade Saudi into pure investment in Afghanistan through Indian support if we request :)

At the end India can help decrease the Saudi-Iran rivalry in Afghanistan in either case be it Taliban or former NA commanders who are in the current government! :)

Your avatar was my expression:lol:

Why? :lol: I just explained it.
Its gud that saudi is asking for India's investment in their land.
Saudi investment in Madrassa's and mosque's in India hmmm. .we should reciprocate and invest in a whole lot of temples and Gurukuls in SA, if they don't allow us to do that - then we should not allow them to do that as well.
The more India-Saudi engages the less value Saudi gives to Pakistan which is actively supporting all terrorist groups by Saudi riyals both state actors and non-state actors like mullahs are involved but when Saudi turns to India and fortunately the two factors; 1) India's century old friendship with Afghanistan, 2) India's 0 support to militancy can persuade Saudi into pure investment in Afghanistan through Indian support if we request :)

At the end India can help decrease the Saudi-Iran rivalry in Afghanistan in either case be it Taliban or former NA commanders who are in the current government! :)
Hmm thanks bro that sums it all. Hope Afghanistan regains it's past glory and our relationship becomes stronger each passing day. Peace. :cheers:
See brother, let me clarify it for you. Indian education systems follow definite curriculum, and Saudis can't modify it just because they are pouring money into it. But your concern about spreading of 'Wahabi ideology' is valid.

But it'd me good if they invest in infrastructure and energy sector.

agreed, but we should be very cautious when it comes to investment in these fields also.
Let Saudia invest in infrastructure sector of India.

Nothing else should be allowed, else we will head the same way as our 'moderately enlightened' and developed western neighbour!
India do not need Investments of any other country, The growth rate we are achieving is of domestic one and the contribution of foreign investments is very little.
We don't need foreign influence, especially when the royals are in the pocket of US and come with dangerous ideologies which can harm secular fabric of our society.

We only need technical cooperation not investments.

Do not be fooled by the investment amount, Saudi's GDP is half of India, and not all the investments are coming from their pockets.

WTF?! People without knowledge about the globalized economy talk all kind of nonsense. Without FDI, our country will get nowhere. This is absolutely nonsense. Thanks to this kind of backward thinking its so hard to implement any reforms. Thats why our growth is so sluggish.
WTF?! People without knowledge about the globalized economy talk all kind of nonsense. Without FDI, our country will get nowhere. This is absolutely nonsense. Thanks to this kind of backward thinking its so hard to implement any reforms. Thats why our growth is so sluggish.

Backward Thinking :lol:

Tell me one country which invested in India heavily and our country grew??

Can you list out the percentage of FDI which is aiding our growth, these foreigners invest in India to reap profits, Fact is India grew not by foreign investments but because of emergence of middle class.
Which now every country wants some pie of this market.

If you do not have any idea of India's growth better not to talk.
business is good. but we should be very clear and explicit that any covert or overt interference or 'investment' related to religious matters are strictly prohibited.
Backward Thinking :lol:

Tell me one country which invested in India heavily and our country grew??

Can you list out the percentage of FDI which is aiding our growth, these foreigners invest in India to reap profits, Fact is India grew not by foreign investments but because of emergence of middle class.
Which now every country wants some pie of this market.

If you do not have any idea of India's growth better not to talk.

1. Yes, they invested to see profits in the end. Everything is about profits! Dont bring in any communist ideology pls! Thats why there is something like an economy in the world!
2. How exactly/why did this middle class came into existence? They just came up... or what? Think about it first.
The rapid growth was only possible after liberalizing the economy in the early 90s which included more openness to FDI.

3. Yes, they all want a piece of the pie now. Allowing FDI will not only bring capital, but also know how, investments in infrastructure, jobs, more orders for countless supply industries ...etc...
What is Pakistani opinion? I thought Saudi is investing big in Pakistan....making building etc.
Backward Thinking :lol:

Tell me one country which invested in India heavily and our country grew??

Can you list out the percentage of FDI which is aiding our growth, these foreigners invest in India to reap profits, Fact is India grew not by foreign investments but because of emergence of middle class.
Which now every country wants some pie of this market.

If you do not have any idea of India's growth better not to talk.

USSR invested in few iron and steel plants back in their era, most of our manufacturing PSUs had direct and indirect assistance from USSR at their onset. Followed by Japan, South Korea and US after the economic reforms of 90s.

And FDI plays major role in manufacturing based economy, like China, while our growth in last decade as mainly because of domestic consumption of middle class segment. Such kind of growth won't be sustainable in the long run.

So your theory is kind'a backward. :)
What is Pakistani opinion? I thought Saudi is investing big in Pakistan....making building etc.
now you starting a FLame war

If YOu must insist Please refer to my earlier post in reply to mehbookz
1. Yes, they invested to see profits in the end. Everything is about profits! Dont bring in any communist ideology pls! Thats why there is something like an economy in the world!
2. How exactly/why did this middle class came into existence? They just came up... or what? Think about it first.
The rapid growth was only possible after liberalizing the economy in the early 90s which included more openness to FDI.

3. Yes, they all want a piece of the pie now. Allowing FDI will not only bring capital, but also know how, investments in infrastructure, jobs, more orders for countless supply industries ...etc...

I am not talking the communist ideology here.

Liberalizing our economy only helped our industries to grow, they competed with the world brands through JV's once our companies mastered the trade. They quickly became giants and are ready to invest in other countries. They even bought world renowned brands.

FDI's are good but FDI also brings corruption and funding for religious groups.

There is a limit for liberalization and there are areas where you need protectionism.

Saudi's are interested in investing in the sectors which are mentioned above because those sectors offer many profits, why not give the chance to our home grown entrepreneurs to take advantage of our middle class.

If we are ready to spend close to 200 Billions in defense purchase we can also invest 1 trillion in our own developing sectors. We have the capital now and only thing we need is technology.

USSR invested in few iron and steel plants back in their era, most of our manufacturing PSUs had direct and indirect assistance from USSR at their onset. Followed by Japan, South Korea and US after the economic reforms of 90s.

And FDI plays major role in manufacturing based economy, like China, while our growth in last decade as mainly because of domestic consumption of middle class segment. Such kind of growth won't be sustainable in the long run.

So your theory is kind'a backward. :)

Mate that was back in 1990's where we are a cash strapped nation, Now we are buying companies to save some of the nations in Europe. So lets give our own entrepreneurs to take advantage of our middle class and profit giving industries and say no to foreigners reaping profits from our market.

We only need technology collaboration not some foreign company to come here and reap profits.

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