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Saudi Arabia Has Devastated Pakistan’s History of Religious Tolerance and Diversity

Is it true that it was Iran which started sponsoring terror groups first, and KSA's was pulled into this proxy war?
Just curious if its true.

I dont have access to genuine sources but just observations. At that time, both these countries began to sponsor sectarian terrorists. In late eighties and onward, Pakistan saw a lot sectarian related terrorism including attacks on Iran consulate general building in Karachi and killing or Irani consul general.

Sectarian terrorism still goes on. But sectarian hatred is confined to these terrorists or funded groups only. This sectarianism did not find traction among people.

Compare this to Middle East where most of the wars are sectarian. The sectarian discrimination was instituted by the govts of Saddam and Assad. They themselves were products of sectarianism in their societies. So the sectarian hatred there is entrenched in society.
My assumption is that Jinnah's call for muslims to form a pure land served as an invitation to the zealots. The secular muslims stayed back in India while those who put religion over country had segregated to form Pakistan, albeit I still feel that such people are a minority.

Turkey was always a secular country isnt it?

You're being a pessimist again. :)
Its never too late to start again, Pakistan can recover if the populace doesnt loose hope and unites against the fringe elements.

I've always believed that a disturbed neighborhood would effect India's progress, so for my own selfish reasons I want Pakistan to come out of this mess.

Au contraire, I see the youngsters on this forum as more open minded compared to the middle aged men/women on this forum. I must say that members like @faisal6309 @Secur @Arsalan @forcetrip @That Guy have often surprised me with their posts and such members form the majority (the list is very long ), but unfortunately haters always scream the loudest.

Is it okay if I open a thread on this topic??? I know i might earn a lot of brick bats for opening such a controversial thread :sick: , so I'm requesting you to open a thread on this topic and tag us. :)

Poor education and lack of intellect go hand in hand...isnt it?
Just like you I also believe good education can negate religious extremism and a lot of other problems, the same applies to my country too. Lol

You've hit the nail on the head!

Brusque but true.

More than the serene places I like the ppl of Rajasthan and North-east. :)

Not fair!!!:disagree:

Thank you for tagging me in, i agree with most of the things you said here but there are a few misconceptions that i will like to address. to start with, i am not of the view the religion SHOULD not be part of our everyday affair, on the contrary i feel that if we do start practicing religion to its true meaning ALL of the problems will be solved, ALL!! even hunger and education, and, i am not saying this out of love for my religion rather i have logical reason for believing this, for knowing this.

The problem, to me, is not that people are trying to follow religion in every day life, the problem is NOT that people are too old fashioned or narrow minded that they look towards religion for everything and these decisions and actions are governed by religion, there hatred and love is directed for religion and toward religions... this is NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is that what we are following in the name of religion is the WRONG interpretation of religion. We failed to understand what Islam ask of us rather we follow a wrong interpretation forced upon us my some Mullahs. Again i am not against mullahs, there is a large number who are doing he right thing but then there are many who are spreading extremism, i am against those scums. People need to know what Islam tell about our relations towards other religions and beliefs, know what Islam ask of us and what it tells us about treatment of these religions and we wont be extremist, If we learn what Islam tell us about education we wont be illiterate, if we know what Islam tells us about Zakat there wont be any one poor, there cant be!! If we learn what Islam tells us about cleanness there wont be pollution, the health systems will improve, If we learn what our religion tells us about bribery, in what strong words, and heed to it, there wont be any corruption, Talk about anything and there is an answer available, the problem is not that we or masses follow Islam the problem if we follow the wrong interpretation, that, is the majority, not the people who do not follow the religion or are secular at mind.

Now one can say i am narrow minded as i am trying to drag in my religion into everything or one can say i am open minded because i openly criticize the wrong interpretation we follow in masses today. For me, in a nutshell, if we start following religion to its true meaning it will give a solution to all of our problems. That we not do.

Also i will like to take this opportunity to address an massive miss conception, about EXTREMISM. Extremism is not only about a person following Islam to the extreme level or having no tolerance for other religions, it is also extremism if it is the other way around. :)

PS: non of the comments and things are directed to you @levina rather these are my general comments, this is what i think and believe in. Quoting you as i was informed about this thread due to your post, thanks for that!! :)
Thank you for tagging me in, i agree with most of the things you said here but there are a few misconceptions that i will like to address. to start with, i am not of the view the religion SHOULD not be part of our everyday affair, on the contrary i feel that if we do start practicing religion to its true meaning ALL of the problems will be solved, ALL!! even hunger and education, and, i am not saying this out of love for my religion rather i have logical reason for believing this, for knowing this.

The problem, to me, is not that people are trying to follow religion in every day life, the problem is NOT that people are too old fashioned or narrow minded that they look towards religion for everything and these decisions and actions are governed by religion, there hatred and love is directed for religion and toward religions... this is NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is that what we are following in the name of religion is the WRONG interpretation of religion. We failed to understand what Islam ask of us rather we follow a wrong interpretation forced upon us my some Mullahs. Again i am not against mullahs, there is a large number who are doing he right thing but then there are many who are spreading extremism, i am against those scums. People need to know what Islam tell about our relations towards other religions and beliefs, know what Islam ask of us and what it tells us about treatment of these religions and we wont be extremist, If we learn what Islam tell us about education we wont be illiterate, if we know what Islam tells us about Zakat there wont be any one poor, there cant be!! If we learn what Islam tells us about cleanness there wont be pollution, the health systems will improve, If we learn what our religion tells us about bribery, in what strong words, and heed to it, there wont be any corruption, Talk about anything and there is an answer available, the problem is not that we or masses follow Islam the problem if we follow the wrong interpretation, that, is the majority, not the people who do not follow the religion or are secular at mind.

Now one can say i am narrow minded as i am trying to drag in my religion into everything or one can say i am open minded because i openly criticize the wrong interpretation we follow in masses today. For me, in a nutshell, if we start following religion to its true meaning it will give a solution to all of our problems. That we not do.

Also i will like to take this opportunity to address an massive miss conception, about EXTREMISM. Extremism is not only about a person following Islam to the extreme level or having no tolerance for other religions, it is also extremism if it is the other way around. :)

PS: non of the comments and things are directed to you @levina rather these are my general comments, this is what i think and believe in. Quoting you as i was informed about this thread due to your post, thanks for that!! :)
That's a beautiful post Arsalan. :)

For me, in a nutshell, if we start following religion to its true meaning it will give a solution to all of our problems.
I agree.
Religion in its true sense instills discipline in our lives but it's the misinterpretation of religious texts (be it Geeta/Quran or Bible) which causes the confusion. Just my humble opinion! :)
the problem is not that we or masses follow Islam the problem if we follow the wrong interpretation

The problem is even simpler than that: What we say is not what we do. Guess what is more important?
The problem is even simpler than that: What we say is not what we do. Guess what is more important?
Guidance perhaps!
Our people need to be thought about Islam, and not by some madrassa (not that i am against madrassa as i know of quite a few doing suspended things, things that these NGOs wont ever be able to accomplish in Pakistan) by thought by teachers and professors and scholars. The irony is that every parent want there kid to be a good Muslim but no parent want there kid to be an Islamic scholar or Molvi or even a teacher!!

Islam is not to be blamed for our problems, our NOT following the actual teaching of Islam is the problem. Religion is something that given you surety, strong beliefs, confidence all these are prerequisites for progress and development.
"Shias are isolated in Pakistan
Shias are purged from Pakistan Military
Sharif is backing Saudi strike in Yemen......"
And hence officially a BULLCRAP. Started of well but same old stupidity at the conclusion.
Please analyse your own country with this kind of intellect if you don't know any facts regarding Pakistan
Just FYI- I'm not the author of this article, it was written by a Pakistani.
Well still he did wrote a lot of 5hitty things :P

Journalists you know, they get paid to spice up things, to make NEWS from happenings.

I agree.
Religion in its true sense instills discipline in our lives but it's the misinterpretation of religious texts (be it Geeta/Quran or Bible) which causes the confusion. Just my humble opinion! :)
No religion will teach to annihilate people of other beliefs, NO RELIGION,,, people may quote here about Jihad and teaching of Jihad in Islambut the dont know the basic concept of Jihad, its types, need for it and the rules to follow. Also at the same time they must remember Hindu worshiping Kali mata and other war gods, Christians wagging wars in name of Christianity for CENTURIES,,, there pope calling for crusades, Jews killing and having hand in killing of prophets in name of there religion. I am taking about the true essence of religion, the core of teachings, yes this aggression and war is part of EACH of these religions but that is not their main teaching or the main calling.It is us, the people killing ourselves, other people in name of religions that never asked us to do so.
Just FYI- I'm not the author of this article, it was written by a Pakistani.
Who ever wrote it. Pakistan government has totally backed out of Saudi Coalition that attacked Yemen and Asked Saudis to stop this Madness-This is a FACT
Shias are a minority in Pakistan but are spread all across country hold significant positions in Government and private organisations are not differentiated at all anywhere. If religious psycos are your standard then god bless you. they spare no one Sunni, Sufi, Ahmadi no one is safe from terrorists. Army is destroying them from roots. When this mess started all world hailed this phenomenon of religiously motivated fighters agaisnt communism. Now they go out of hand they are being controlled.- This is a FACT

Paksitan army is a uniform organsiation with no discrimination amoung sects - This is s FACT
If you believe otherwise come visit Pakistan and see it by yourself.
The last president of Paksitan was a Shiajust a few years back (Asif ali zardari)
No religion will teach to annihilate people of other beliefs, NO RELIGION,,, people may quote here about Jihad and teaching of Jihad in Islambut the dont know the basic concept of Jihad, its types, need for it and the rules to follow. Also at the same time they must remember Hindu worshiping Kali mata and other war gods, Christians wagging wars in name of Christianity for CENTURIES,,, there pope calling for crusades, Jews killing and having hand in killing of prophets in name of there religion. I am taking about the true essence of religion, the core of teachings, yes this aggression and war is part of EACH of these religions but that is not their main teaching or the main calling.It is us, the people killing ourselves, other people in name of religions that never asked us to do so.

With what you have said, it seems that the main problem is religion.
Golden words!

The cure for a patient dying of poison is not more poison, or a better and refined poison, but only an antidote.

Many here, some with exalted titles, would vehemently disagree, of course. :D

No, the cure is "true poison" what has been tried thus far was "adulterated poison" .......
Love the thread..... hope it doesn't die the usual death! :)
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