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Saudi Arabia Has Devastated Pakistan’s History of Religious Tolerance and Diversity

Thread is about religious fundamentalism and lack of tolerance.

Both Pakistan and India suffer from it. In Pakistan we are on a corrective path, whereas in India they are electing such people to power.

So both are interconnected.

The thread title is "
Saudi Arabia Has Devastated Pakistan’s History of Religious Tolerance and Diversity "

means Pakistan social affairs and not present situation of India
again reported for trolling.

Shias have more freedom than Middle East. They know that and are on side of military. As for other minorities, most of them are happy because they don't have big impact on religiom basis. Only problem os with Ahmaddi community.

Now as you said "If Hindu extremists were doing this then the solution was uprooting extremism from society, not division". Hindus were in power not Muslims. Full control was in vice roy's hand. Blame British and Hindus for division and not Muslims. We are blowing extremistsbon our soil. Would you have done the same thing?

Go and take history lessons. I am not going to reply you again.
Sorry sir. you are wrong here. Power was with British before division. And if a leader can create a country because of extremism it would have easy for him to fight against extremism.
No @levina I don't buy the logic of putting blame on SA here rather I would say it was Pakistan which wanted to be presented herself more Green than Arab.... Ultimately Pakistan was created for Islam not for Pakistan.... Pakistan had no nationalism but the religiously motivated movement.... Pakistan toady is what it manifested in its creation .....
Pakistan will continue to struggle with all sorts of internal dilemma until it sets out definition of Pakistan based on Pakistan without mixing religion into its identity.....
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No @levina I don't buy the logic of putting blame on SA here rather I would say it was Pakistan which wanted to be presented herself more Green than Arab.... Ultimately Pakistan was created for Islam not for Pakistan.... Pakistan had no nationalism but the religiously motivated movement.... Pakistan toady is what it manifested in its creation .....
Pakistan will continue to struggle with all sorts of internal dilemma until it sets out definition of Pakistan based on Pakistan without mixing religion into its identity.....
Lets call it symbiosis.
You are right, religious fundamentalism in India and intolerance can be discussed here:

Religeous intolerance in the subcontinent
Ok. Since you agreed with me I wont report your this post. And where is the source of that other thread ? I see no source there. Only statements. And also your title of the thread and the source's title should be same. After that tag me. We will discuss.
Ok. Since you agreed with me I wont report your this post. And where is the source of that other thread ? I see no source there. Only statements. And also your title of the thread and the source's title should be same. After that tag me. We will discuss.

Feel free to report the posts dude. :lol:

No problems with that.
As per this article KSA supported/funded JUD, which is considered a terrorist organizations by India, so when & what action u gonna take against those funding I am very interested to know :pop:
As per this article KSA supported/funded JUD, which is considered a terrorist organizations by India, so when & what action u gonna take against those funding I am very interested to know :pop:
Our government will decide that. I actually dont know what action government has taken.
Perfectly legitimate article @levina I agree with the headline as i have seen country transforming in late seventies from tolerant sufi version of Islam to the militant extremist and intolerant type fed by Middle East influence wars between Iran and Saudis.

There are two events that juxtapose and create this friction.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Saudi indoctrination and funding to fight essentially a CIA war against Soviets.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran and Iran seeing to use its religious influence in the region.
The Islamic Revolution of Iran and Iran seeing to use its religious influence in the region.
Is it true that it was Iran which started sponsoring terror groups first, and KSA's was pulled into this proxy war?
Just curious if its true.
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