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Saudi Arabia Has Devastated Pakistan’s History of Religious Tolerance and Diversity

I disagree, i think the land of Pakistan had a history of religious tolerance and diversity when it was a Hindu and/or Buddhist majority in the past. What destroyed the religious tolerance and diversity was not an external nation (liek Saudi), but the external imported Arab religion of Islam into these lands. Its ideology that poisons the tolerant and diverse nature of a country, not an external nation-state. @levina
I re-read your post and realised that your post is nothing but a confirmation to the title of this thread
see this...
but the external imported Arab religion of Islam into these lands.
It works in KSA's favor to have as many satellite countries as possible, as then it would be able to maintain its clout over muslim nations. KSA wasnt pumping millions into Pakistan for gratis.
I disagree, i think the land of Pakistan had a history of religious tolerance and diversity when it was a Hindu and/or Buddhist majority in the past. What destroyed the religious tolerance and diversity was not an external nation (liek Saudi), but the external imported Arab religion of Islam into these lands. Its ideology that poisons the tolerant and diverse nature of a country, not an external nation-state. @levina
It is a delusion many tend to have. The facts on the contrary are TOTALLY different. All you need to know is look of the topics with key words as India, religions harmony, before partition and you can find for yourself. The only little difference at that time and now was that under British rule, Hindus or Muslims we were all slave to them and slaves don't fight with each other on religion, they have a LOT else to worry about. The day British started to lose grip on the sub continent there were all kindly of difference based on religion. Said that, your point was religious tolerance and you need to look up for that, IF YOU ARE WILLING TO LEARN, if it just for the sake of criticism feel free to continue. :) (don't know if that is the case, havent followed lot of your posts to understand what you are getting at so leave it with you sir)
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