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Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

Due to Russian shameful stance regarding Syria our military ties are now held. However it is possible if Russia backs KSA that KSA will move closer to Russia and the East at large.

Ties and international relations should not impulsive to any issue. Being imotional is a weakness in international diplomacy.
Ties and international relations should not impulsive to any issue. Being imotional is a weakness in international diplomacy.

This is not about being emotional this is about interests.
True however lots of things changed since I wrote that. I was writing on a 2 year old information but now there have been updates regarding that.

And besides I am one of those in favor of the F-15SE over the F-35. Much easier to absorb and operate than F-35 and also cheaper. not to mention more range and payload. True it doesn't have the 3D sensors and See through helmets and all around better stealth. However F-15SE will be a lot less problematic and gets the job done.
F22 is Real stealth fighter, even Australia prefers F22 over F35 but U.S.A is only offering F35 to them but Australia is not happy for F35 over F22..
You should try for F22..America economy is not much stable, It is possible that they will sell it soon, Japan is also badly trying for F22 but only offered F35, so they have deal with F35 only.

F35 is even a good fighter but degraded version of original F22 with Less speed and less stealth compared to f22.

Also many problem happened to F22 recently.
Malfunction of Environmental Control System (ECS) and On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) has resulted the pilots deaths.:coffee:
F22 is Real stealth fighter, even Australia prefers F22 over F35 but U.S.A is only offering F35 to them but Australia is not happy for F35 over F22..
You should try for F22..America economy is not much stable, It is possible that they will sell it soon, Japan is also badly trying for F22 but only offered F35, so they have deal with F35 only.

F35 is even a good fighter but degraded version of original F22 with Less speed and less stealth compared to f22.

Also many problem happened to F22 recently.
Malfunction of Environmental Control System (ECS) and On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) has resulted the pilots deaths.:coffee:

F-22 production lines are closed and to reopen them that will take a helluva lot of money. Sure we are rebuilding our armed forces from close to scratch but even we by-pass the US hugging of the aircraft like a kid hugging it's stuffed bear the first nation to buy it will need to spend a lot of money just to re-open the production lines.
How does F-15 Silent Eagle compares to Pakistan new F-16 jets?

First: F-15 and F-16 are two very different classes of jets to begin with. It is like saying how does a pineapple compare to A muffin that is how different they are despite them having the same armaments for the most part.

Second: one employs stealth the other does not.
F-22 production lines are closed and to reopen them that will take a helluva lot of money. Sure we are rebuilding our armed forces from close to scratch but even we by-pass the US hugging of the aircraft like a kid hugging it's stuffed bear the first nation to buy it will need to spend a lot of money just to re-open the production lines.

F22 mainly serves as only ‘strategic deterrence’ for US :smokin:. It is an old stealth aircraft but it lacks many capabilities which a true fighter requires, like F15SE. F22 can work as a stealth fighter for special operations only but the time it will get caught by a 4++ gen, it can’t either fight or turn. It is certainly not as good as F15SE, Rafale, EFT, SU35/ SU30MKI for either air superiority or for multi role operations. It can't do dog fight with any of the current 4++ aircraft, but F22 first need to be in the position that it can’t be traced by a 4th gen aircraft and then it would shoot that 4th gen aircraft :agree:

US’s engineers are facing similar problems with their new 5th gen F35/ JSF which also has true stealth features but lack ‘competent’ capabilities in a2a and a2g operations both, similar to their old 5th gen F22. So, it is wise to have F22 close to 150 to 200 in number, no more than that, and then US would have 1000s of 4th gen like F15SE, F16s, SM etc, as they do. And at the same time they are trying to improve F35 to an ‘acceptable’ level. F22 can serve for special operations only where true stealth features will be the key but if you want to talk about a complete aircraft, then F15SE is their among the best aircraft right now :pop:

SA is a winner with F15SE while Israel would be a clear loser if they will rely only on F35 :tup:
F22 mainly serves as only ‘strategic deterrence’ for US :smokin:. It is an old stealth aircraft but it lacks many capabilities which a true fighter requires, like F15SE. F22 can work as a stealth fighter for special operations only but the time it will get caught by a 4++ gen, it can’t either fight or turn. It is certainly not as good as F15SE, Rafale, EFT, SU35/ SU30MKI for either air superiority or for multi role operations. It can't do dog fight with any of the current 4++ aircraft, but F22 first need to be in the position that it can’t be traced by a 4th gen aircraft and then it would shoot that 4th gen aircraft :agree:
I really have no idea on what the above crap mean. Wonder if there is any experience in backing it up.
what you said is totally true and agreed with.
most of Muslim Arab nations seem to be running a beauty contest for there armed forces. no doubt in doing so they are getting the latest from the arms market but all the puppets in hands of the enemies and these machines are of no good but be be displayed in showrooms.

what would have been beneficial for the Uma would have been these rich states entering some joint ventures with states with better scientific knowledge and infrastructure. i mean collaboration of these Arbaian states with Turkey, Pakistan would have brought good for all Muslims.
i am not being biased being a Pakistani but think of a Saudia order of Alkhalid, or even, asking for major upgrades for saudia, that would have provided them with a tank better then Abrams, cheaper then Abrams and that would have provided us the necessary funds to take this to a new level. same goes for Turkish naval hardware, Pakistani JF-17 etc!!
forget about it they will ever never do any good niether for them or any arab or muslim country period.
F22 mainly serves as only ‘strategic deterrence’ for US :smokin:. It is an old stealth aircraft but it lacks many capabilities which a true fighter requires, like F15SE. F22 can work as a stealth fighter for special operations only but the time it will get caught by a 4++ gen, it can’t either fight or turn. It is certainly not as good as F15SE, Rafale, EFT, SU35/ SU30MKI for either air superiority or for multi role operations. It can't do dog fight with any of the current 4++ aircraft, but F22 first need to be in the position that it can’t be traced by a 4th gen aircraft and then it would shoot that 4th gen aircraft :agree:

US’s engineers are facing similar problems with their new 5th gen F35/ JSF which also has true stealth features but lack ‘competent’ capabilities in a2a and a2g operations both, similar to their old 5th gen F22. So, it is wise to have F22 close to 150 to 200 in number, no more than that, and then US would have 1000s of 4th gen like F15SE, F16s, SM etc, as they do. And at the same time they are trying to improve F35 to an ‘acceptable’ level. F22 can serve for special operations only where true stealth features will be the key but if you want to talk about a complete aircraft, then F15SE is their among the best aircraft right now :pop:

SA is a winner with F15SE while Israel would be a clear loser if they will rely only on F35 :tup:

What I know is F-15SE is mainly being offered to KSA and South Korea at the moment. And as I said I prefer the F-15SE over F-35 it has more range more payload two engines and same level stealth in the front aspect of it. And we already operate a large number of F-15s and have mastered this plane so its an absolute win.

However other than internal weapon bays and inverted tail stabs the F-15SA has the exact same features as the F-15SE it has the same radar, JHMC, Digital electronic warfare suits and almost everything else. So it will be easier to incorporate it and maintain it as well. We will see how things progress in time.

You know it brings me joy saying that the best and most powerful and advanced fighter in the middle east is being operated by RSAF which is the Eurofighter Typhoon. Also the second most powerful and advanced fighter is the F-15SA. After that it is UAE's F-16 Block 60. So does this mean that Israeli air superiority is a thing of the past?? Because it looks clearly it is.

forget about it they will ever never do any good niether for them or any arab or muslim country period.

Then maybe you should join Mahdi Army?? I hear those guys are hiring people like you :lol:
F22 is an aircraft without any open information so there is just one back up on F22, that is, US’s new 5th gen F35 looks like a crap, as per the news we are getting, and they have closed production line of their old 5th gen F22, with only 180 in number. So, they aren’t relying on F22 for their air defense? hence, a simple logic says F22 isn’t good enough to rely, isnt it? Hence, their best aircraft is F15SE, that’s all :meeting:
The Raptor is designed to do one thing: Kill other aircrafts.

Here is something you obviously do not know: In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

Low radar observability is the new rule that the US have imposed upon everyone else whether they like it or not. So if your fighters and bombers start dropping out of the sky from unseen attackers: Tough sh!t.

It does not matter if these unseen attackers are maneuverable fighters or even a fleet of Goodyear blimps. You start dying? You start respecting and obeying the new paradigm. If the Saudis want the F-15SE, they want it for reasons other than their desire because if the Raptor is offered for export, you can bet one testicle that there will be long list of customers with cash in hand, including your Russia.
LOL gambit I don't know if you checked, but f-22 will kill its own pilot before the enemy does.
that is IF it's not rusty enough to fly. even old Iranian fighter are not that rusty.
LOL gambit I don't know if you checked, but f-22 will kill its own pilot before the enemy does.
that is IF it's not rusty enough to fly. even old Iranian fighter are not that rusty.
Your exaggeration of the F-22's problems is a match for your exaggeration of Iran's military capability. We do not need the F-22 to clear Iranian sky of the Iranian Air Force. Heck, may be we should resurrect the P-51 Mustang. A fleet of Mustangs would do the job quite well.
Look, don’t come up with the information which you also don’t know, as, no one knows about F22 except US, but it is believed they won’t let others get to know how big crap their F22 is, trust me if you can :agree:. As, they simply won’t run its production line, it isnt worth, everyone knows. no one knows how capable F22 is, except its true stealth features. Rest, where exactly their ‘new’ 5th gen stand in front of SU35, check my post ‘56’. Similar things would be true for their ‘old’ 5th gen F22, it won’t either turn or run if it get caught with any 4++, whether SU35BM or F15SE, as these 4++ also have a level of stealth features :tup: thanks
You obviously do not understand what I said about 'fighting under rules', do you? I have said it many times here before and YOU are the first to fail to grasp its philosophical point. And no, based upon my experience, in and out of the military, I see no reasons to 'trust' you about this subject.
Your exaggeration of the F-22's problems is a match for your exaggeration of Iran's military capability. We do not need the F-22 to clear Iranian sky of the Iranian Air Force. Heck, may be we should resurrect the P-51 Mustang. A fleet of Mustangs would do the job quite well.

they are baiting you

and you will kill them all for sure like F-22 will.
there is simply no contest
just waste of time for you though.


please show respect to the original poster and stay on topic. if you think you have some valid arguments against American 5th Gen technology then take them to already existing threads.
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