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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

it seems they have a interest in JFT

No KSA is not interested in JFT, KSA even have visited and sat in Dassault's Rafale does it mean they were going for it too. How do you expect some country to pen down deal apart from some sort of interest even if it is a strong one when they know the originator doesn't even have funds.
Thank you for making my point

I am sure you as yazeeds grand kid are bothered by Muslims remembering prophet of Islams Grandson, but don't let that stop you go ahead strap that suicide jacket and meet your grandfather in hell.

Salman108 and Cheetah786
Please stop this bickering before you both get banned. There is no reason to berrate one another for your respective religious beliefs. Imam Hussain(AS) is not the Jageer of any sect but he is a reveered personality for the whole world of Islam. Similarly whether someone does Zanjeer Zani or not should not be anyone else's business.Please leave individual beliefs out of it. Now the topic at hand is Saudi delegation's visit to View JFT. Can we concentrate on the topic rather than bashing each other 's heads. If you are against it , please elaborate the reasons for it and so forth. The reason for all of us to be here is to learn from each other and have fun not fight with each other.
I hope you will heed to some good advice.
No they don't.

There shall not be any sales.

I for once am going to 100% oppose any sales.

There should be one target, Joint production, joint R&D.

Both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia can learn a lot from each other and contribute in each other success.

What is Pakistan going to learn in this regard?

More like Saudi's will learn, and that too for a local production if they choose to procure the JFT in large numbers. Pakistan learned much more in collaboration with the Chinese.
No KSA is not interested in JFT, KSA even have visited and sat in Dassault's Rafale does it mean they were going for it too. How do you expect some country to pen down deal apart from some sort of interest even if it is a strong one when they know the originator doesn't even have funds.
You are probably right but hte only proviso is as I have mentioned in case of a comprehensive pact between Saudia and Pakistan.
Salman108 and Cheetah786
Please stop this bickering before you both get banned. There is no reason to berrate one another for your respective religious beliefs. Imam Hussain(AS) is not the Jageer of any sect but he is a reveered personality for the whole world of Islam. Similarly whether someone does Zanjeer Zani or not should not be anyone else's business.Please leave individual beliefs out of it. Now the topic at hand is Saudi delegation's visit to View JFT. Can we concentrate on the topic rather than bashing each other 's heads. If you are against it , please elaborate the reasons for it and so forth. The reason for all of us to be here is to learn from each other and have fun not fight with each other.
I hope you will heed to some good advice.

Why would they ? One is more Arab than the Arabs themselves whilst the other is more Iranian than the Ayatollahs ever can be !

You should read some of their more 'interesting' posts !
You are probably right but hte only proviso is as I have mentioned in case of a comprehensive pact between Saudia and Pakistan.

We shall see, it these sort of pacts should have come by in 80s, our airforce is in poor state while saudis pay billion to various nations what are the chances they would pay us mere 5 billion to upgrade out AF, after all we are a begger's Nation despite declaring best relations with them on media every now and then we have seen little contribution/help from the other side.

As for the point that saudis might be looking towards air national guard, these are best speculations, their AF is strong enough and the need is not critical and with their petro dollar they can get best of weapons from US/UK as their primary source. Let saudis first get Al-khalids oh wait they rejected them, than we can talk about selling them whatever comes to mind I think saudis are good to Pakistan for giving left over charity nor is Pakistan is such a state to sell potential weapons when our country is suffering from terrorism we need to fix our problem and spend inside Pakistan.
We shall see, it these sort of pacts should have come by in 80s, our airforce is in poor state while saudis pay billion to various nations what are the chances they would pay us mere 5 billion to upgrade out AF, after all we are a begger's Nation despite declaring best relations with them on media every now and then we have seen little contribution/help from the other side.

As for the point that saudis might be looking towards air national guard, these are best speculations, their AF is strong enough and the need is not critical and with their petro dollar they can get best of weapons from US/UK as their primary source. Let saudis first get Al-khalids oh wait they rejected them, than we can talk about selling them whatever comes to mind I think saudis are good to Pakistan for giving left over charity nor is Pakistan is such a state to sell potential weapons when our country is suffering from terrorism we need to fix our problem and spend inside Pakistan.

For that to happen, Pakistan will need to break it's relationship with Saudis as they are biggest funding party for this terrorist beasts roaming in Pakistan.

Are you willing to sacrifice the livelihood of millions of Pakistanis living in Gulf region for that?

The thing is, we need to stand on our own feet. We need a diversified, industrial economy.

Exporting footballs and towels ain't going to cut it.
Why saudis want to create a whole new army when they have already a very capable force. I mean SANG as counter parts of Special forces can be understandable, but separate air arm and naval arm doesn't fit.
For that to happen, Pakistan will need to break it's relationship with Saudis as they are biggest funding party for this terrorist beasts roaming in Pakistan.

Are you willing to sacrifice the livelihood of millions of Pakistanis living in Gulf region for that?

The thing is, we need to stand on our own feet. We need a diversified, industrial economy.

Exporting footballs and towels ain't going to cut it.

What are the chances, we sell them light weapons and find out next day they are being handed over to terrorists in Pakistan and afghanistan. The thing is they aren't even interested in a dozen tanks we are dreaming of selling them billions of dollars of weapons/equipment-systems. Here is a simple test case saudis have older 40 years old amx-30 tanks french origin, saudis bought top of the line hardware for military and air force yet they kept the old tanks and the only replacement are Germans tanks or per latest again american tanks, where were the brotherly relations to atleast replace 100 or so with AK-I or instead of buying they could have funded jointly for AK-2 no? they won't.
My question is why would Saudi Arabia want to buy JF-17 when they have hard cash to buy top of the line fighters like Typhoon?

I dont see them buying it. Showing interest is something else.
This is a high-profile delegation consists of the entire Saudi defense establishment. At the top of them is the MoD.

There is going to be a special visit to Pakistan by the Minister of the National Guard, and the head of the GiP.

Anyway, I knew that the MoD is helping the SANG to figure out what kind of equipments do they need after the upgrade of their presidency.

The Saudi defense delegation which included members of the Royal Saudi Air Force, was lead by Saudi Arabia's deputy minister of defense.






Best Regards.

@Yzd Khalifa | Looks like there is some weight to what you said earlier about SANG.

@JUBA @al-Hasani @Bubblegum Crisis @Mosamania

My question is why would Saudi Arabia want to buy JF-17 when they have hard cash to buy top of the line fighters like Typhoon?

I dont see them buying it. Showing interest is something else.

If there is going to be a procurement to the Thunder jet, the Saudi National Guard will pick it as it may suit and match their needs and standards.

National Guard will not got for JF.
They will go for the very best, for which they have each and every right to.

The impetus for National Guard's air wing is politics and not the actual force; you will need to understand Saudi Politics to know what is going on.

Actually, the political air wing belongs to the Royal Saudi Air Guard, not the SANG which operates attack helicopters.

For argument's sake. If Saudis go for Thunder, it will be a lifeline for the program and more customers will develop confidence in the program as RSAF is one of the most advanced air forces in the world.

Thunder offers them to have a 'clean chit' machine, they can play around with as much as they want and integrate weapons they ought to integrate.
Every KSA weapon qualify for sanction . Plus they need more reliable AF in their backyard, which is PAF and JF17. KSA planes regularly maintained by for foreign firms under end user agreement. These firms are mainly appoint by the manufacturer of product.
But incase of sale, Russia is ready to provide engine ...........Chinese as to ask Russian...
This is a high-profile delegation consists of the entire Saudi defense establishment. At the top of them is the MoD.

There is going to be a special visit to Pakistan by the Minister of the National Guard, and the head of the GiP.

Anyway, I knew that the MoD is helping the SANG to figure out what kind of equipments do they need after the upgrade of their presidency.

If there is going to be a procurement to the Thunder jet, the Saudi National Guard will pick it as it may suit and match their needs and standards.

Actually, the political air wing belongs to the Royal Saudi Air Guard, not the SANG which operates attack helicopters.

I honestly doubt that KSA will opt for JF-17 citing operational aircraft in the current inventory. You guys have extremely opulent airforce budget with the best of best available planes in service. I somehow doubt it being acquired.

BTW is the SNG like Iranian IRGC, i believe IRGC is to counter military coups right?

For argument's sake. If Saudis go for Thunder, it will be a lifeline for the program and more customers will develop confidence in the program as RSAF is one of the most advanced air forces in the world.

Thunder offers them to have a 'clean chit' machine, they can play around with as much as they want and integrate weapons they ought to integrate.

For argument's sake...it would be brilliant unfortunately we can't even speculate or go into such arguments because not much have we sold to saudis and always saudis have come under pressure or gone for western products. Would US allow AMRAAMS integration? Would US offer various weapons suites to RSAF for Chinese/Pak JV product. There are many questions, Since saudis are not going for any stealth for now does it mean KSA is looking for some different product with its investment. It is a fact now chinese are in position, chinese won't sell them potentially j-20/j-31 unless major US equipment is dumped by saudis like F-15s would it ever happen, mostly unlikely. For saudis to invest they should be looking for something with similar capabilities close to Typhoons and Eagles, Block III/IV? I don't know.
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