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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

My personnel opinion on this: Making enemy is never good. Learn from India, did they made enemy with China, Turkey, Nepal etc, despite having some friction, business goes as usual by and large. I think in modern complex world, friction are normal among fast changing dynamic and should be expected. Way going forward is to work around these friction and still keeping the business and relationship keep going. Despite India/China border conflict business still works. Same goes for US/China as well, apart from some optics here/there due to elections.

I wish relation should come back to normal else it will hurt the economy. never expect a true friend or true foe. Everyone seeks their own interest. We all be partial friend and partial foe for each other. Accept this hard fact and align the foreign policy with this assumption.
@muhammad504 @waz
one other reason of good cop being from PTI is, that if they don't, and lest say some PML (N) member becomes more vocal about Saudis, then MBS will try its best, that in next election N.Sharif should come into power.
They sure as hell did antagonise Pakistan on Kashmir. The GCC nations are characterless monarchies. Drunk in their wealth. At a time when these rich Arab nations should be guiding the Islamic world they are busy creating rifts.

Why should we support such crooked corrupt monarchies? Because they have money? What a foolish argument. What worth is money when you are selling out on your principles?
Different countries have different leadership constructs and bilateral relationships with other countries of choice to their perceived benefits.

You do not like KSA in personal capacity - fair enough. But understand that KSA have provided RELIEF to Pakistan in difficult times.

EMPHASIS: WE can reach out to different countries to endorse [our] Kashmir-related cause in official capacity, but it must be understood that some will reciprocate and others will not. Therefore, Pakistani foreign policy should not be contingent upon this factor [alone].

It is not wise to issue Public statement(s) which might damage relations with an otherwise friendly country. Even blood brothers are not necessarily on the same page on every matter in life.

Constructive criticism of any entity is understandable and even justifiable (I am all for this), but I have noticed that fellow Pakistani are not on the same page while evaluating Pakistani bilateral relations with other countries (lack of consensus); if fellow Pakistani will make it a habit of bashing 'any' friendly country for not supporting Pakistan on a certain issue, [our] enemies will come to celebrate [our] immaturity at display in all its glory in Public platforms and make an effort to capitalize on this dynamic to their advantage in any capacity whatsoever. Right now - I can imagine Indians having euphoria moments while coming across KSA-bashing sessions within Pakistani circles (forums; social media and vice versa). This is the era of Social Media, my friends.

I have been saying this for some time. Pak-GCC relationship have come to a point of diminishing returns.

Pakistan interests are within the grouping which is against the America led block. We can never have the power and say within this American led block becuase joining it means surrendering Kashmir to India and accepting Indian hegemony , for India being American regional sugar baby. GCC is too much tangled within American lead group of nations.

However, the group against America, Pakistan enjoys the prominent role, the seat at the board of governors, which the other side can never offer.

Pakistan needs to be among the "decision makers" not the "followers", its size, power and influence demands it. Decoupling with GCC is needed and strategic focus must focus on anti-American grouping. This "brotherly nations" non sense has already wasted so much precious time. National interests must be pursued with cold hearted, no non sense approach where the aim should be to further Pakistan influence on global scale and betterment of 220 million Pakistanis lives.
This loan means nothing. Remember the meeting in Malaysia about Kashmir without Pakistani participation. I will never forget this one.

Words cannot describe what harm the Saudis did to the Kashmiri cause back then. They forced IK to back out of this meeting which was attended by Malaysia, Turkey, Iran and Qatar - all nations openly supporting Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It was surreal....

Kardeşim We messed up bad. We are grateful to have such understanding friends like Turkey and Mahathir.

It was quite a pitiful moment of weakness. IK was the one who was angered most of all.

This current situation is a direct product of that blackmail.

KSA committed a sin far greater than they realized. Every man, women, and child of Pakistan and Kashmir is cursing them.
You cant really have foreign policy independence if you are begging for loan at the same time. This is especially the case with saudis who expect Pakistanis to become their lackeys and canon fodders. This is a wake up call the we need to cut our reliance over saudi money at they very least. China has already been giving us cheaper and more affordable loans so lets cut this Saudi baggage that is dragging us down for decades now.
I have been saying this for some time. Pak-GCC relationship have come to a point of diminishing returns.

Pakistan interests are within the grouping which is against the America led block. We can never have the power and say within this American led block becuase joining it means surrendering Kashmir to India and accepting Indian hegemony , for India being American regional sugar baby. GCC is too much tangled within American lead group of nations.

However, the group against America, Pakistan enjoys the prominent role, the seat at the board of governors, which the other side can never offer.

Pakistan needs to be among the "decision makers" not the "followers", its size, power and influence demands it. Decoupling with GCC is needed and strategic focus must focus on anti-American grouping. This "brotherly nations" non sense has already wasted so much precious time. National interests must be pursued with cold hearted, no non sense approach where the aim should be to further Pakistan influence on global scale and betterment of 220 million Pakistanis lives.
Better to reign in the Hell than to serve in the Heaven....

As for Pak, it's now like serving in the Hell...
I believe this is the correct course of action. We aren't cutting of relations with KSA or the Gulf but letting them know a change of guard is pretty much due at this moment due to their incompetency and lack of initiative in doing anything to resolve the issues facing the Muslim World. They've been failures to push their weight to gain any meaningful advantage or settle disputes -- the danger I'm guessing Pakistan is seeing is an unstable child who will be crowned king in couple of months and his leaning to Israeli and US tilt is far to great for anyone's liking. The last couple of months or even years has shown Gulf favor to India with investments and silent diplomatic support, they have their priorities all wrapped up wrong to begin with, and their tangles in various different issues have exacerbated conflicts in the region -- they've not spared their own Arabs and some Pakistani's are crying about SMQs reaction. Let's be honest, KSA has housed and protected our corrupt diplomats who've done us more harm that the Indians in the long-run, through this have interfered in us carrying out justice.

His reaction isn't just his opinion but that of the ministry he leads, I'm sure lots of high ranking foreign diplomats are angry at KSA, after ditching Malaysia and refusing to come out publicly and support us I feel was the last straw and the voice came out. KSA threw us under the bus after we threw Mahatir under the bus.

@LeGenD @waz @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet@PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit

"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack." - Marshal Ferdinand Foch, C-in-C of the allied Forces in WW1

As for the timing, nothing can be more than this much perfect:
  • The USA-China tussle is turning into a war (of words, trade, immigration, investment, shipping routes, getting lands back etc.)
  • The plan to divide the KSA via inter-fighting is being finalized. The critical center of gravity is tilting fast toward it as MBS is running toward the Kingship
  • Turkey wants her lands back as they were taken away illegally at the first place
What has come with a wind will be gone with the WIND....
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Such excited responses to such a minor action. The Saudis are not obliged to provide unlimited aid to Pakistan in the form of loans or oil credits.
Pakistanis here are treating it as their right to such facilities for unlimited periods.
Every country looks after its interests , including Pakistan.
See how Malaysian ex PM justified his silence wrt the Uighurs by saying that china is a belligerent nation , while India accepts criticism so is a easy target.
Imran had also said the same on Uighurs when questioned on his silence.
When Pakistan can discard the interests of muslims for its own interests, why cannot the saudi ?
Nothing new for Pak.....

Pak was created when it was like: "Now or Never".....

Pak acquired nukes when it was like: "Eat Grass but Have the Bomb"....

Pak defeated the USSR in Afganistan with the help of the USA, and Pak defeated the USA in Afganistan with the help of the USA when it was like: "With us or against us"....

No easy rides for the countries like Pak and Turkey in this Dunya....
There are many people who wants to damage our relationship with Saudis. This post is such an example. They have to be disappointed though. Pak-Saudi relationship is will only get stronger.
Wouldn't you rather want clarity?, of both thought and action. No one in history has gone ahead and accomplished something with naysayers in their midst or forefront. Pakistan having clarity, vision and a direction only allows it accomplish goals unencumbered, uninhibited.
Besides, time will set the clock straight and Saudi role over the years will become evident in near future.

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