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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir


Sep 13, 2015
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Saudi Arabia has ended a loan and oil supply to Pakistan due to the South Asian nation’s criticism that the Saudi-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is not doing enough to pressure India on the Kashmir issue, marking a new milestone in the deteriorating relations between the two allies.
Pakistan was last week forced to repay a Saudi loan of $1 billion that the kingdom called in after Pakistan insisted it be allowed to lead the OIC’s support for Kashmir, a region largely under Indian occupation and which was annexed by India last year.

The loan was part of a $6.2 billion package announced by Saudi Arabia in November 2018, which included a total of $3 billion in loans and an oil credit facility amounting to $3.2 billion. Those deals were then signed when Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salman made a visit to Pakistan in February last year.
Relations between the two countries then started to break down, however, when Riyadh turned down Islamabad’s request to convene a special meeting of the OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers. Pakistan continued to demand the OIC use its role to help Kashmir, with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi stating in an interview with the Pakistani news channel ARY last week that “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation.”

He went further by warning that Pakistan would be forced to take it into its own hands, saying that “If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.”
Qureshi insisted that the OIC, dominated largely by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab states, must “show leadership on the issue.” He added that “We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this.”
The foreign minister made the comments despite risking his country’s ties with the kingdom, acknowledging that “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia…We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris.”
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have historically had strong bilateral relations in the financial, trade and military sectors, making the increased tensions between the two countries a concern for many and particularly for Pakistan, which has been undergoing a financial crisis over the past few years and which saw the kingdom as a primary ally to help bail it out.
This is not the first time such tension was witnessed, though, as Pakistan was pressured by Saudi Arabia to skip the attendance of a major summit on the issues facing the Muslim world in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur in December last year due to the presence of the kingdom’s rivals, Iran and Turkey. Pakistan’s lack of attendance, seen as a challenge to Saudi Arabia’s influence in the Muslim world, caused many to see Islamabad as being subservient to Riyadh.

Finally "LOVELY" If its true... this man MBS would sell entire KSA to Israel and America for the sake of his shit... this man is beyond comprehension!

The worst, even worst than a Piggyshit kinda person I have seen in my life is Sheikh Al-Nahyan of UAE. Initiated Yemeni war when even Saudis and Kuwaitis against it, pressurized Saudia to involve Pakistan in Yemen, he has hate for Pakistan more than anyone else since Indian convinced him about perhaps CPEC/Gawadar would destroy UAE port business or something.

Pakistan MUST draw a line now. I know we are dependent on these kutay bilay badshahat but trust me these royals have no sympathy or concern about Pakistan's related issues. They're not even 1% interested to support Pakistan against India in any matter what so ever quite frankly.

Problem: Our military establishment is a "Phetu" of Saudi royals because most of our ex-officers are working in Arab countries and getting paid a handsome amount.
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I think presence of Iranian oil tanker on port Qasim means things been adverse way before SMQ statement. Because govt has to meet local market oil demand.

A new Pandora's box open few hours ago ...

US court issues summons for Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman
Former Saudi intelligence officer filed lawsuit accusing the crown prince of sending a hit squad to try and kill him.
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We don't need them its time be a leader not a follower they got their money back China pitched in for us a friend in need is a friend indeed , these are different times no more of camel riding and kissing a$$ period time for us to move forward with bigger and better things.
My apologies but who advised SMQ to react in this manner?

Refer to the following post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/has-ksa-chosen-a-side.680235/page-3#post-12619586

If WE cannot be sensible in the matters of our foreign policy then WE are moving in the wrong direction as a nation.

KSA is not a paper tiger by the way - it will continue to draw support from numerous countries around the world.
stop wasting bandwidth from crap blogs posing as news sources! here's a REAL news source!
Screenshot_20200810-133340_Samsung Internet.jpg

one simple threat of Pakistan pulling out its fixes & withdrawing the nuclear cover has made the saudi turds piss in their jubbas & come running to the GHQ to appease Pakistan.

Pakistan WILL call the shots! saudis only have 2 options; either make an enemy out of us or accept the position of the "little" brother and do as the big brother commands (yes, COMMANDS)!
My apologies but who advised SMQ to react in this manner?

Refer to the following post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/has-ksa-chosen-a-side.680235/page-3#post-12619586

If WE cannot be sensible in the matters of our foreign policy then WE are moving in the wrong direction as a nation.

KSA is not a paper tiger by the way - it will continue to draw support from numerous countries around the world.
Sometime leaderships get frustrated from constant blackmailing ... SMQ statement is one example ...and foreign office always consult ISPR before posting such hard language ... But, it seems present Saudi Crown prince has to go.. first time a case registered in US court on assassination bid ... also it seems GCC countries more interested in talk with military of Paksitan rather elected govts , except Nawaz case.
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