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Saudi Arabia declares war on energy drinks


Apr 28, 2011
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Saudi Arabia bans the free distribution of energy drinks to consumers of all age groups. (Photo: Shutterstock)
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Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News
Monday, 3 March 2014
Saudi Arabia banned on Monday the sale of energy drinks at government, health and education facilities and outlawed all forms of advertising for the drinks, including the sponsorship of any sporting, social or cultural events by energy drinks companies.

The sweeping ban was approved during a cabinet meeting held in Riyadh on Monday and came after an Interior Ministry study of “the adverse effects of energy drinks,” the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

SPA said: “The Cabinet approved a number of actions, including:

1 - To prohibit advertising of any energy drink or do advertising or promotional campaigns for any energy drink via any readable, audible or visible media organ, or by any other means.”

2 - To prohibit energy drinks companies, their agents, distributors and marketing associations from sponsoring any sporting, social or cultural event, or taking any procedure leading to promotion.

3 - To prohibit the free distribution of energy drinks to consumers of all age groups.

4 - To prohibit the sale of energy drinks in restaurants and canteens in government facilities; education and health facilities; halls and public and private sports clubs.

5 - Upon the decision, factory owners and importers of energy drinks shall be committing to writing a text on the tin of any energy drink in Arabic and English languages - warning of the harmful effects of energy drinks.”

Last Update: Tuesday, 4 March 2014 KSA 02:24 - GMT 23:24
These energy drinks are the biggest con on the market.
You can get the same, or better, benefits by drinking a glass of chocolate milk (seriously!).
They'll distribute suicide jackets instead I suppose ! those won't give you just wings, they'll shoot you sky high !

Why fret? They haven't banned your cow piss drinks yet!
That's good, because a lot of Saudis and expatriates are getting addicted to it, ignoring the dire consequences on their health. I already quited it.
Now Saudis will be able to put their Eurofighters to some good use.
These energy drinks are the biggest con on the market.
You can get the same, or better, benefits by drinking a glass of chocolate milk (seriously!).

No way Developereo these drinks have lots of sugar plus caffeine.
They'll distribute suicide jackets instead I suppose ! those won't give you just wings, they'll shoot you sky high !

With the Iranians being the First Nation to introduce suidide bombings in moder history, I find it ironic to see you picking on others. I mean, just look at you :lol: How many kids have you lost in the process of cleaning up your minefields for your glorious army. :omghaha:

I'm sure Al-Qaida and their likes all over the globe are so thankful of that. After all, Iran has been number 1 inspiration for all barbaric acts.

What is even more ironic is the fact that the crazed Mullahs of yours have never been able to either provide their people with a clean water to drink from, or jackets to warm them up in winter. And you had the audacity to talk about jackets :lol:

You even ran away with your tail upward to the west to beg them for a few change and spares. You might want to use this cash for at least providing some food your people can evtutally put on the table for their families.

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Saudis drinking camel urine

On a serious note energy drinks are not safe when in excess. Red bull is banned in some countries.

One nomad can't represent a whole broad base of human being. But with all your kin and kind running toward Karbala, vying to consume its mud, I think you do have a little less to say on that.

That's good, because a lot of Saudis and expatriates are getting addicted to it, ignoring the dire consequences on their health. I already quited it.

You might want to drink a lot of water after drinking these kind of drinks. I do drink Red Bull daily, but only water can flush its effect away!
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