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Saudi Arabia: Dancing to Israel's tune

I think the relationship is with Sauds at the bottom of the rung

Tel Aviv-AIPAC-Americans-Sauds

Pak's opinion about Saudis seem to be very confusing ..... We can see a very varied opinions right from closest allies to bottom rung ..... strange but true !!!
All I said about you was that your level of education prevents meaningful discussion something which is apparent by your pith comments. Back to topic not only do Saudia do what Israel want but some Arabs like you are in denial of what is going on in your name

how could someone like you hold a meaningful discussion < all I'm telling you is that > holding discussion with you will be worthless and as i stated before there is a deep gap between me and you> why would i low myself down when i know your level of intellect. you wanna gain some respect then man up :wave:
Yeah right after you lot were calling for the genocide of us I thought I would make you happy by posting pictures of dead Arabs in my profile picture I thought you would like it.
I never insulted Pakistan nor do I hate, I mean how can I seeing that many of my very close friends are Pakistanis. But then again as predictable as ever out of you you resort to personal insults and defaming once you fail to get your point across.

you are such a drama queen Mosa, you are just showing ur true colours

Please excuse the religious content in this video, my motive is purely political.
You never see Jewish rabbies vehemently defending KSA or its Monarchy in media.
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Pak's opinion about Saudis seem to be very confusing ..... We can see a very varied opinions right from closest allies to bottom rung ..... strange but true !!!

My education has not been funded by Sauds therefore I have not been indoctrinated by Mr Waahebs books. Sauds have funded some schools in Pakistan where they insist this indoctrination takes place. That is why you find the disagrements

GCC is infected - quarantine - quarantine - quarantine.

It would appear that some of their citizens need quarantining as well as they have been severely brainwashed to respond in a manner that suggests any criticism of their royal family that is 1 family constitutes an attack on all Arabs and that the person who is critical of the house of Saud is a blasphemer

Please excuse the religious content in this video, my motive is purely political.
You never see Jewish rabbies vehemently defending KSA or its Monarchy in media.

You need to realise that you can be Jewish and Anti Zionist. Some Jews are like us and Anti Zionist. Some Arabs like the Sauds are Zionists.
They don't need to defend KSA or its Monarchy in media.. The sole purpose of KSA existence is to defend Zionist agendas and they are at their work with zeal so why to draw others attention on them....
They don't need to defend KSA or its Monarchy in media.. The sole purpose of KSA existence is to defend Zionist agendas and they are at their work with zeal so why to draw others attention on them....

The monarchy is just a glorified badge in reality they assist the Americans to steal Arab oil. For that they get commission per barrel of oil which they spend on hedonism and marrying 12 year old girls
Ooooooh another conspiracy theory man this place is a research gold mine for Psychotic delusional projection.

I agree with you 100%.

Of course, to the Pakistanis here we are simply another example of the Saudi-Zionist conspiracy, yes?

See who are the ones who scream all this "Wahhabi" mumbo jumbo is?? Hope everyone is paying close attention.

Oooooh you're good shlomo, I bet you are rejoicing at watching us fight don't you?? So subtle but enough to ignite the flame. As expected from a die hard Zionist.

Yeah right after you lot were calling for the genocide of us I thought I would make you happy by posting pictures of dead Arabs in my profile picture I thought you would like it.
I never insulted Pakistan nor do I hate, I mean how can I seeing that many of my very close friends are Pakistanis. But then again as predictable as ever out of you you resort to personal insults and defaming once you fail to get your point across.

some gems from this thread "people still have doubts about GCC intentions" ? two shills agrees 100% only difference is one is from the house of Al-Zionist Saud
It would appear that some of their citizens need quarantining as well as they have been severely brainwashed to respond in a manner that suggests any criticism of their royal family that is 1 family constitutes an attack on all Arabs and that the person who is critical of the house of Saud is a blasphemer

You would be really surprised to see the level of penetration zionists have in GCC, they have literally poisoned their minds & they are nothing more than mere little zionist puppets & worse zionists themselves.

It would be dangerous to trust GCC or any of their citizens, have a look around & see how they are making mockery of holy books by justifying syrian killings.
A wonderfull article complete with cartoons for those that cant read, add in 24 font red to round out the silliness.

A tip, intelligence agencies talk to each other. I know its amazing :rofl: just because Ri'&#257;sat Al-Istikhb&#257;r&#257;t Al-'&#256;mah talks to Mosad doesnt mean they are pocket zionists it means their doing their job. The ISI talks to the CIA all the time but it doesnt mean they jump when Langley whistles.

Saudi and Israel both see the same thing, Iran has over 10,000 centrifuges it has 5,742 kg of UF6 3.5% and is close( 3 -12 months ) if Iran wants to, to being able to build a nuclear device. Neither the Saudis or Israel belives all that work is for a couple of medical tecnecium generators, that thier policies then are similar is no big suprise.

The one thing i do question is that time after time people acuse the Saudis of being the tail to the US dog I often wonder if it is not actually the other way around.
Do you believe that if you ban me I will be the party harmed or deprived?

This is an example of moderation by dogma - statements you want to place beyond debate.

I'll remind you that today's Pakistan is in serious and growing difficulties. There are Pakistanis who believe Pakistan needs new ideas and thinking very badly. They ask me questions and I answer them - that's what I was doing in the comments you deleted.

I'm not saying that what you did, Oscar, was right or wrong but I do want you to realize exactly what you were doing, its implications, and to consider how your moderation choices may reflect the current barriers of debate in Pakistani society. Do you think these boundaries should be pushed or not? What is your duty? And to whom?

Please keep those debates to the correct sections...spare me the rest.

If your blog is a reflection of your thoughts.. then I sincerely doubt your good will in anything you say about my country.
Please keep those debates to the correct sections...spare me the rest.
The discussion flowed naturally to the point of world-view and identity because it takes a specific world-view to see Saudi Arabia "dancing to Israel's tune" and identity to choose that world-view. So to cogently continue along this line the deleted posts must be restored.

If your blog is a reflection of your thoughts.. then I sincerely doubt your good will in anything you say about my country.
Quinine is bitter but it does treat malaria. Perhaps I could write sweet nothings that would pleasure you for a few moments yet that would diagnose and cure nothing, yes?

I understand your bitterness; some of my writings aim to make individual Pakistanis aware of the evil they do and their choice not to remedy, an awareness denied them for generations. What you probably don't understand is my envy. Someday Pakistanis are going to get it right and those that do so will be worthy of great honor. That may come to you some day, Oscar, but it will never come to me: I consider Israel and the U.S. countries with much less room for improvement than Pakistan.
The discussion flowed naturally to the point of world-view and identity because it takes a specific world-view to see Saudi Arabia "dancing to Israel's tune" and identity to choose that world-view. So to cogently continue along this line the deleted posts must be restored.

Quinine is bitter but it does treat malaria. Perhaps I could write sweet nothings that would pleasure you for a few moments yet that would diagnose and cure nothing, yes?

I understand your bitterness; some of my writings aim to make individual Pakistanis aware of the evil they do and their choice not to remedy, an awareness denied them for generations
. What you probably don't understand is my envy. Someday Pakistanis are going to get it right and those that do so will be worthy of great honor. That may come to you some day, Oscar, but it will never come to me: I consider Israel and the U.S. countries with much less room for improvement than Pakistan.

Unfortunately.. I have come across less remedies and more bitter diagnosis..
Still... the topic should not divert the flow of discussion from the original subject entirely.. as your post would have done.
Pak's opinion about Saudis seem to be very confusing ..... We can see a very varied opinions right from closest allies to bottom rung ..... strange but true !!!

so what?

180m must agree on everything? I think india's official diplomacy is what is really confusing. You call yourselves friends of Iran but then backstab them. Strange but true (and ongoing)
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