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Saudi Arabia: Dancing to Israel's tune

It is no secret that Iran and Israel worked closely together during the Iraq and Iran war:
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran

They even carried out the Osirak bombing DURING the war an act clearly coordinated with Iran at the time. And we still remember this fact to this day which is why Israel and Iran working together is considered a big possibility considering they are both Anti-Arab.

How even if that was true does that mitigate sauds dancing or plodding to Israel's tune,
When I saw the title I immediately thought it will be either Neutral_Citizen or S-19 or Aryan_B. I was not wrong :P
It is no secret that Iran and Israel worked closely together during the Iraq and Iran war:
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran

They even carried out the Osirak bombing DURING the war an act clearly coordinated with Iran at the time. And we still remember this fact to this day which is why Israel and Iran working together is considered a big possibility considering they are both Anti-Arab.
So your source is Wiki now?
If really Iran and Israel worked close to bomb Osirak,it has been in interests of both sides.You know If Saddam would acquire nukes,he was crazy enough to use it on its enemy.A mad man who can mass drop chemical bombs on civilians,can definitely use nukes on them too.

Given the historic rivalry between Arabs and Persians which predates America and Islam, it's not a surprise that a nuclear Iran would be a matter of serious concern for the GCC nations.

A nuclear Iran would also be worrisome for Pakistan as well, given the fact that Pakistan and Iran are at loggerheads in Afghanistan. Iran is aligned with India in its support of the Tajik-dominated Northern Alliance while Pakistan is backing the Afghan Pashtuns.

However, American and Israeli aggression against Iran will also be very destabilizing for the entire region, including Pakistan.

Like it or not,in Afghanistan,Iran supported the ones who were in its interest .I think Pakistan supported the wrong side.Still it doesn't make us enemies.
And why in the world nukes in Iran should concern Pakistan?Why do you try to show Iran is your enemy?As far as i know,majority of Pak people support Iran.PGCC nations don't have the right to worry about anything as long as they host U.S bases in their soil,Iran biggest enemy.
It is no secret that Iran and Israel worked closely together during the Iraq and Iran war:
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran

They even carried out the Osirak bombing DURING the war an act clearly coordinated with Iran at the time. And we still remember this fact to this day which is why Israel and Iran working together is considered a big possibility considering they are both Anti-Arab.

I find it difficult to buy your argument for two reasons:

- Israel assisted both Iran and Iraq

- It is the Arabs who wanted to destroy Iran and pushed Saddam to invade Iran. If Israel wanted to attack Iraq's reactor, it did not have to fly planes over Iranian airspace? It attacked Iraq while Iraq was busy fighting Iran. The nuke reactors were destroyed.

EVEN if Iran did help Israel, I cannot blame them. They were on the brink of being wiped out by the Arabs in the war. In their desperation they could do anything to weaken Iraq. Can you imagine what would happen if Saddam acquiredbomb? There would be no Shia alive today.

- Israel and Iranians are anti Arab - true. But Arabs and Israel are also Anti Iranian? At the moment, Israel is hell bent on destroying Iran's nuke facilities. This is their main priority now since all Arab countries are decades away from nukes. And by the attitude of Arab monarchies, they seem to be very eager to assist Israel in this regard
When I saw the title I immediately thought it will be either Neutral_Citizen or S-19 or Aryan_B. I was not wrong :P

Why ? cos we can see through you guys??

Absolutely. Yet which country was it that, under Zia, wrenched Pakistan's educational system to eliminate Western subjects and reasoning and install Wahhabi curricula and paranoia in its place?

A Saudi and an American blaming Pakistan. Your duplicity knows no bounds you conveniently forget Saud and American complicity in propagating those evil murderous lol

Absolutely. Yet which country was it that, under Zia, wrenched Pakistan's educational system to eliminate Western subjects and reasoning and install Wahhabi curricula and paranoia in its place?

A Saudi and an American blaming Pakistan. Your duplicity knows no bounds you conveniently forget Saud and American complicity in propagating those evil murderous lol

They're not listening. It doesn't support the world-view they've had beaten into them and they have been indoctrinated to tune such things out.

Hoist by your own petard, cousin!

Saudi being called cousin by a Zionist oh how cute;)
You see, Mosa? Aryan_B is not stupid but he can't handle the truth, his brain rejects it. Perhaps KSA can work at fixing this be re-establishing the humanitarian traditions of Islam that have been eliminated from the madrassa curriculum but that would require you to stop thinking of Muslim South Asia as exclusively a breeding ground for cheap workers and pet mercenaries, wouldn't it?

It would also require them to take of their standard syllabus Mr Waahebs standard texts.;)

Its nice to see Zionist brothers talk and give advise to each other. Solomon and Mossa true love lol
You see, Mosa? Aryan_B is not stupid but he can't handle the truth, his brain rejects it. Perhaps KSA can work at fixing this be re-establishing the humanitarian traditions of Islam that have been eliminated from the madrassa curriculum but that would require you to stop thinking of Muslim South Asia as exclusively a breeding ground for cheap workers and pet mercenaries, wouldn't it?
How old are you 6?grow up.The situation is not like what you see,sitting in your home,watching it from propaganda new sources on your tv.We live in this region and we know better who is dragging ME in to $hit.
You see, Mosa? As Pakistani nationalism declines and its people's loyalty becomes more fixated on Islam, it's only a matter of time before they look covetously at Arabia and start claiming you aren't good Muslims. From there to Hamid Gul's old plan to conquer and divide KSA isn't much of a step, is it?

Oooooh you're good shlomo, I bet you are rejoicing at watching us fight don't you?? So subtle but enough to ignite the flame. As expected from a die hard Zionist.
Oooooh you're good shlomo, I bet you are rejoicing at watching us fight don't you?? So subtle but enough to ignite the flame. As expected from a die hard Zionist.

Mossa too late your and Solomons earlier posts reveal your true views. To be honest Mossa after the last three months or so having heard your views I would rather my country befriends Israel than a country run to the benefit of one family.

We in Pakistan have no issue with Israelis and we should no longer hold a torch for Arabs. After all you Arabs have relations with Israel some openly and some through America like your nation
Mossa too late your and Solomons earlier posts reveal your true views. To be honest Mossa after the last three months or so having heard your views I would rather my country befriends Israel than a country run to the benefit of one family.

We in Pakistan have no issue with Israelis and we should no longer hold a torch for Arabs. After all you Arabs have relations with Israel some openly and some through America like your nation

Thank you again I even thanked your post to show people here where you truly come from. I hope other people see your views. You are not anti-Israeli or even anti-West you are only anti-Arab but use these things to garner support to push your main agenda.
Thank you again I even thanked your post to show people here where you truly come from. I hope other people see your views. You are not anti-Israeli or even anti-West you are only anti-Arab but use these things to garner support to push your main agenda.

Yea so what?? I am not hiding the fact. I hate the fact that Arab nations try to use Pakistanis and Pakistan for their own ends without caring of the consequences on Pakistan.

Remember a few weeks ago we pointed out that your country was doing defence deals with India and you said oh yes we have to look at our nations interests.

well we Pakistanis have the right to do what we think is best for Pakistan.

Your leaders begged us to release Davis for Americans after Davies shot two Pakistani nationals.

After Americans murdered our soldiers in cold blood and their President would not appologise UAE came to Pakistan asking us to allow Americans to continue allowing Americans to use Shamsi base.

Now we got a good deal with Iran-Pakistan pipeline because our people need oil and gas and your leaders try to sabotage the deal. Whilst your leaders and Saudis are sitting in AC rooms our poor have no AC or fuel and you expect us to put Sauds above Pakistan.

You can go and shove it where the sun don't shine mate
Mossa too late your and Solomons earlier posts reveal your true views. To be honest Mossa after the last three months or so having heard your views I would rather my country befriends Israel than a country run to the benefit of one family.

We in Pakistan have no issue with Israelis and we should no longer hold a torch for Arabs. After all you Arabs have relations with Israel some openly and some through America like your nation

Although i understand where you are coming from however i would have to disagree with you with regards to Pakistan establishing relations with israel.

Its simply not in our interest.

Yea so what?? I am not hiding the fact. I hate the fact that Arab nations try to use Pakistanis and Pakistan for their own ends without caring of the consequences on Pakistan.

Remember a few weeks ago we pointed out that your country was doing defence deals with India and you said oh yes we have to look at our nations interests.

well we Pakistanis have the right to do what we think is best for Pakistan.

Your leaders begged us to release Davis for Americans after Davies shot two Pakistani nationals.

After Americans murdered our soldiers in cold blood and their President would not appologise UAE came to Pakistan asking us to allow Americans to continue allowing Americans to use Shamsi base.

Now we got a good deal with Iran-Pakistan pipeline because our people need oil and gas and your leaders try to sabotage the deal. Whilst your leaders and Saudis are sitting in AC rooms our poor have no AC or fuel and you expect us to put Sauds above Pakistan.

You can go and shove it where the sun don't shine mate

Cool down bro, no need to resort to sentences like that.

I agree, Pakistan needs to start looking out for its own interest, and establishing relations with israel is not one of them and never will be.
Although i understand where you are coming from however i would have to disagree with you with regards to Pakistan establishing relations with israel.

Its simply not in our interest.

mate I ask you to read your own comments and posts on the following thread where you may have been of a different view:


You may or may not remember that Mosa was stating that each nation should do what is in its own interest. However I checked his anti Pakistani comments he has deleted and or changed them but you can tell he was saying anti Pakistani things cos loads of trolly Indians were thanking him

Although i understand where you are coming from however i would have to disagree with you with regards to Pakistan establishing relations with israel.

Its simply not in our interest.

Cool down bro, no need to resort to sentences like that.

I agree, Pakistan needs to start looking out for its own interest, and establishing relations with israel is not one of them and never will be.

Just cos I do not delete what I write you should not forget provocation and what Arabs inc Mossa says about Pakistanis and anyone against his royal family go and check out Mossa's comments on Blackeagles visitor page and see about hatred he has for Pakistani flag
mate I ask you to read your own comments and posts on the following thread where you may have been of a different view:


You may or may not remember that Mosa was stating that each nation should do what is in its own interest. However I checked his anti Pakistani comments he has deleted and or changed them but you can tell he was saying anti Pakistani things cos loads of trolly Indians were thanking him

Just cos I do not delete what I write you should not forget provocation and what Arabs inc Mossa says about Pakistanis and anyone against his royal family go and check out Mossa's comments on Blackeagles visitor page and see about hatred he has for Pakistani flag

I understand what you are saying, however my point is that if they strengthen their relations with our enemy india, does that mean we establish ties with israel? You are aware of what their lobby wants to do with Pakistan right? Hint: You yourself mentioned it many times in several posts on many threads.

Our response should be to strengthen our existing ties with Russia, Iran, and other CAR's/SCO member states.

Regarding Mosamania or anyone insulting Pakistan or its flag, they are only making themselves look bad. Just use screen capturing programs to save images of their disrespectful and hate filled posts.
mate I ask you to read your own comments and posts on the following thread where you may have been of a different view:


You may or may not remember that Mosa was stating that each nation should do what is in its own interest. However I checked his anti Pakistani comments he has deleted and or changed them but you can tell he was saying anti Pakistani things cos loads of trolly Indians were thanking him

Just cos I do not delete what I write you should not forget provocation and what Arabs inc Mossa says about Pakistanis and anyone against his royal family go and check out Mossa's comments on Blackeagles visitor page and see about hatred he has for Pakistani flag

Yeah right after you lot were calling for the genocide of us I thought I would make you happy by posting pictures of dead Arabs in my profile picture I thought you would like it.
I never insulted Pakistan nor do I hate, I mean how can I seeing that many of my very close friends are Pakistanis. But then again as predictable as ever out of you you resort to personal insults and defaming once you fail to get your point across.
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