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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

We should play good rule between the two Muslims countries.
You used to make balanced comments....now, you are doing foreseeing ?

That is a balanced comment. If you cannot see why and how, i cannot help. It's not even a prediction. Arabs are looking for new protectors (while going on frantic buying sprees to Europe to assure continued protection from there which is coming under increased criticism) and with it eager to pay. See, Turkish def. companies' hopes and the amount which they wish to sell. That's protection money and for it you are going in bed with wahabis.

The only other option is if Erdogan is playing a double game and that he will exploit whatever problems fate throws towards KSA to realize his dreams of being the undisputed sultan. Until then....

Erdogan is not idiot as many present them here... he will do what is in best interest of Turkey...

unlike Pakistan Turks have stake in middle east hence they have to chose allies and friend in region.. best would be friendship with both Iran and Arabs, but it seems Iranian are not interested in good relation with either... so i think its logical that Turks chose Arabs instead of Iran... but that does not mean that Turkey will get in bed with Wahhabis... Turkey didnt become part of yemen war for saudis ... turkey was hesitant to join 34 countries alliance militarily.. so what led u to belive that erdogan will become part of this shit..

This is not serious, i will not reply to this.
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hat is a balanced comment. If you cannot see why and how, i cannot help. It's not even a prediction. Arabs are looking for new protectors (while going on frantic buying sprees to Europe to assure continued protection from there which is coming under increased criticism) and with it eager to pay. See, Turkish def. companies' hopes and the amount which they wish to sell. That's protection money and for it you are going in bed with wahabis.

The only other option is if Erdogan is playing a double game and that he will exploit whatever problems fate throws towards KSA to realize his dreams of being the undisputed sultan. Until then....

So, in order to sell weapons to Gulf States. We are going to cut our relation or at least deteriorate our relationship with Iran. I don't think so, bro. We shall see.


Those silent for attacks on Syrians now causing uproar for death of one person, Erdoğan says

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Wednesday drew attention to the dangers of the sectarian conflict in the region, and said that the attacks against the Saudi Embassy in Iran and Iraq are unacceptable, while noting that those causing an uproar about the death of one person now but they never talked about the executions in Egypt and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

Speaking to local headmen at the Presidential Palace, Erdoğan said that the main goal of fueling the sectarian conflict in the region is to become a regional power, and underscored that Iran remains silent as Russia and the Assad Regime bomb innocent civilians, while others lose their lives trying to flee the conflict in Syria.

With regards to the death sentences in Saudi Arabia, Erdoğan said that there were a total of 46 sentences and 43 of these were for Sunnis and added that it was a domestic legal matter.

"Thousands of people have been sentenced to death in Egypt, how come the world never talked about this?" Erdoğan asked, and added that Iran openly supports Assad, the killer of 400,000 people.

Last Saturday, Saudi Arabia executed 47 people convicted of "terrorism", including a Shiite cleric named Nimr al-Nimr.

Erdoğan also said that the PKK terrorist organization harms everyone, including the Kurds. He noted that Turkey will continue its anti-terror operations in order to ensure permanent security and stability in the country for all citizens, and will continue to work towards reaching its 2023 goals.

"There is no Kurdish issue in Turkey, there is a terror issue," Erdoğan said and reassured that the country will overcome the terrorist threat.

He added that progress in Turkey means gains for all citizens, regardless of their background, while he criticized the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) for supporting the terrorists.

"Political immunity cannot be used as a means to protect the terrorist organization," Erdoğan said, adding that siding with those who exploit ethnicity and breeds hatred against the people is not politics, but simply treason.

Those silent for attacks on Syrians now causing uproar for death of one person, Erdoğan says - Daily Sabah
So, in order to sell weapons to Gulf States. We are going to cut our relation or at least deteriorate our relationship with Iran. I don't think so, bro. We shall see.

I think it's too late to care about Iranian friendship.
Have your relations not deteriorated sufficiently in the last months/years due to support of different sides in Syrian conflict?

It's not just about weapons too, it's about Sunni alliance which Saudis want as their tribal way isn't really good at motivating a national army which might be needed sometime in the future.
I think it's too late to care about Iranian friendship.
Have your relations not deteriorated sufficiently in the last months/years due to support of different sides in Syrian conflict?
We have different opinions with Iranians regarding Syrian civil war. However that's not effecting the bilateral relations between two countries.

It's not just about weapons too, it's about Sunni alliance which Saudis want as their tribal way isn't really good at motivating a national army which might be needed sometime in the future.
And.... ? Turkey is going to fight the wars of Saudis ? No, way bro. Turkey didn't even militarily involved in Syrian Civil War despite it's happening in our backyard....just no way.

Another aspect is; we have good relations with Saudis and we will continue to have good relations in the future. But don't expect a super-duper alliance between Turkey and Saudis. Fundamentally we are rivals of each other. Both striving to show them as the champion of Sunni states.
This is how we deal with Iranian diplomats in Saudi Arabia, No Molotovs were used No Telephones were stolen.
Hopefully, one day Mullahs can learn how to treat guests and diplomats
(Photos were taken today when Iranian diplomats were leaving Saudi Arabia)




It's actually a strange paradox. The more USA warms up to Iran, the more hostile our GCC neighbors get, which makes political sense since they are paranoid about a new regional influence. So this also means that if the deal collapses (which there still is a chance), it would then mean the GCC would get less worried and they'd get friendlier with us.

Pushing down oil prices to create a glut is part of same game to create an impact on US foreign policy. It is forcing US shale production out of market...very fast.

I could only wish for normalized middle east with good relations between Arabs, Iran and Western powers..however the Iranian regime in Tehran is not to be trusted..

Storming the Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was a “fully organized” move, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) top commander in Tehran province, Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini said.

He further rejected any involvement of the forces close to the government in the attack, saying the “believers and followers of Hezbollah ideology” did not take part in the attack, Iran’s official Mizan news agency reported Jan. 4.

Kazzemeini did not unveil further information about the group or groups which he believes were responsible for the attack.

This statement is highly suspicious?? Who could organised such an attack on such short notice?? Especially in a country where social media is banned?? Did bunch of thugs get together and were like...lets take evening coffee at Saudi embassy...and even more suspicious....the equally coordinated attack on Mashad Consulate...

Iran served a good excuse to Saudis for severing relations..this will Saudi a big moral win..
If Tahir-ul-qadri start his political work in KSA, he would behead atleast 30 times by now.

This statement is highly suspicious?? Who could organised such an attack on such short notice?? Especially in a country where social media is banned?? Did bunch of thugs get together and were like...lets take evening coffee at Saudi embassy...and even more suspicious....the equally coordinated attack on Mashad Consulate...

Iran served a good excuse to Saudis for severing relations..this will Saudi a big moral win..

Lots of social media in iran is open. Whatapp, telegram, viber, skype, line, etc. These are all open.

Plus, anyone who wants to coordinate anything will use a vpn service so they will remain fully anonymous and can access anything.
It would take 20 years of irritating the state to get beheaded..
He is over 70 year old and his political carrier start 40 years ago. I would appreciate the beauty of Pakistan democracy. He did agitation against PPP govt right in the middle of capital . But, PPP send him home through dialogue not with bullet. We should appreciate the political system of our country. Even has lots of loop hole. But democracy is continuous refining process. And encourage democracy in the other parts of muslim world. Even its Iran,Iraq or Saudi Arabia. But though peaceful means.
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