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Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices for Europe, raise oil prices for Asia

based on what ?

Don't respond to them... They would never understand or can accept ''facts''... They live in a world where Iran is heaven on earth and KSA or any other country that dare to cross with Iran is :chilli: ''zionist'' :chilli: ''zionists slave'' :chilli: ''un-believer'' :chilli:

Just state the facts and let them hate :chilli: Unlike normal people who hate when trolling they hate when stating facts :chilli:
Don't respond to them... They would never understand or can accept ''facts''... They live in a world where Iran is heaven on earth and KSA or any other country that dare to cross with Iran is :chilli: ''zionist'' :chilli: ''zionists slave'' :chilli: ''un-believer'' :chilli:

Just state the facts and let them hate :chilli: Unlike normal people who hate when trolling they hate when stating facts :chilli:
The only thing you can do to back your logic is to use :chilli:? good enough
No Iran is not paradise and no one said it is.The topic is not about Iran.So you can spread your hate in some Iran related topic.You will be welcomed there by your counterparts.
Don't respond to them... They would never understand or can accept ''facts''... They live in a world where Iran is heaven on earth and KSA or any other country that dare to cross with Iran is :chilli: ''zionist'' :chilli: ''zionists slave'' :chilli: ''un-believer'' :chilli:

Just state the facts and let them hate :chilli: Unlike normal people who hate when trolling they hate when stating facts :chilli:

why do you support these saudis really i cant belive you :angry:
This saying describes Deno 100%= Of all the things i have lost i miss my brains the Most.


Deno is not supporting Saud family out of his love for them. In fact there is old blood between Saud family and Turks since the time when Saud family was killing Ottoman soldiers in the desert. There is a game going on in middle east for hearts and minds and Turkey has sided with the Saud family and Iran with the Arab people. It is just how they are projecting their power for a future middle east. But this is just a friendly competition between Iran and Turkey who between themselves are enjoying quite good relations with ever increasing trade. This cartoon from Arab media describes the whole picture of what is going on with regard to Arab world on one side and Iran and Turkey on the other:

LOL china+india needs to stop buying oil from them.

the usa's game is to make china and India more dependant on saudi oil and move away from Iran. so when they tell their saudi *** lickers to stop giving you oil, then your economy is doomed.

the usa is a snake.
The only thing you can do to back your logic is to use :chilli:? good enough
No Iran is not paradise and no one said it is.The topic is not about Iran.So you can spread your hate in some Iran related topic.You will be welcomed there by your counterparts.

This is not about hating Iran :D This is about hating chauvenistic, unlogical, trolls :D
Deno Iran is Turkets friend, our relatsion are getting better everyday, dont let internet delude you from the truth.

why are backing the saudi regime anyway?
This is not about hating Iran :D This is about hating chauvenistic, unlogical, trolls :D

As I said and proven by this statement, Turkey and Iran are buddies and are just having a fun competition over an Arab trophy.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Deno Iran is Turkets friend, our relatsion are getting better everyday, dont let internet delude you from the truth.

why are backing the saudi regime anyway?

For the reason of controlling black gold movement, US is on decline and the region would need a new super power:

If Iran wants to be a leader among Muslims, it needs to stop the divisive Shia-Sunni politics, that will be appreciated by all Muslims. It is ok if they want to help fellow Shia Arabs, but it should not be by creating fitna (division) among Muslims. A fight between Persian-Arab and Shia-Sunni only help the other powers of the world who want to divide and rule. These other powers are of course, the West, China and India. Russia is no longer a world power, but they cannot forget that they used to be one.
The problem with Pakistanis is the fact that they look up to Saudis as Islamic leaders. They have this inferiority complex. Pakistanis are generally materialistic (they like accepting payments) and some elements in ISI and government are responsible for this. Pakistanis cannot possibly bring mess into the region. They are being funded or blackmailed. Since our population is mostly Sunni, It also attracts Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia already has a lot of mess to clean up. OBL is a Saudi. People who committed 9/11 terrorist attacks were Saudis. People who learn from the hanabli school of taught (in Pakistani Madrasas) comes from Saudi origin. Pakistanis are not responsible to bring NATO in the region clearly.

Saudis are also responsible to cause the world's sunni vs shia issues. Iran is a country that has jews. No matter how much they hate Israel, they keep their own jews living in their own country happy. Clearly, Persians are not the ones to blame for being racists. I have been to Mecca and Medina many times and Saudi Special police is especially on Iranian men and women to torture...

Their people have so much hatred that now yesterday, the Saudi government banned protests in the country. I am sure who ever attempts to do this, will either get his or her hands chopped off. or receive other capital punishment.
Just look at the beauty of hipocracy from Saudis. Their foreign policies are different from domestic!

Perhaps the oil cut price for Europe is one another reason for Saudi support. Don't tell me now that European countries are not fighting war in Asia and they are not using Saudi Oil!

Saudis r mostly wahabis, not Hanafis or anything else, Afghans were and are majority Hanafis. Whabism and Salafism are both very strict sects.
Saudis r mostly wahabis, not Hanafis or anything else, Afghans were and are majority Hanafis. Whabism and Salafism are both very strict sects.

your talking sh''t ma man all saudis are Hanafis and there is nothing called wahabis.. this term was created to make division among muslims and to spread hate. stop watching western and iranian media(shia) and ask any **** who livs in saudi what does it look like over there..look your problem guys is that you don't know sh''t about saudi and its socity and i have no idea from where you guys get your info.:angry:
your talking sh''t ma man all saudis are Hanafis and there is nothing called wahabis.. this term was created to make division among muslims and to spread hate. stop watching western and iranian media(shia) and ask any **** who livs in saudi what does it look like over there..look your problem guys is that you don't know sh''t about saudi and its socity and i have no idea from where you guys get your info.:angry:

Saudis r not Hanafis, and stop using cuss words. Hanafis are totally different from Salafis, majority of Pakistanis and Afghans are Hanafis, and here in Pakistan we don't go out shouting that all Shias need to be butchered or this and that, only the Saudi inspired Salafis do that.

Majority Saudis are Salafis, not Hanafis.

"The Saudi government established the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a state religious police unit, to enforce Wahhabi rules of behaviour." Glasse, Cyril, The New Encyclopedia of Islam, Rowan & Littlefield, (2001), pp.469-472
My bad. I confused Hanafi with Hanabali
Both of you guys are wrong.:lol:
But Still, i don't understand why you guys are bringing up Wahabism? :lol:
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