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Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices for Europe, raise oil prices for Asia

US debt is the human history's largest debt. It is only a matter of time before they go bankrupt.

U dont have an iota of an understanding of global economics do you ? :wave:

Maybe u can try to define the term bankrupt and provide reasons why the situation will arise !! I hope I have all the answers.
Not only Saudis feared Soviet Union, but so did Pakistanis, remember the rumors spread that after Afghanistan, Soviet will come 2 Pakistan 4 warm water.

Secondly, ISI and Pakistan army needed mardrassahs to wipe out Pashtun/Afghan nationalism and replace it with religious extremism.

Don't forget that Pashtunistan was Pakistan's biggest fear b4 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan..

Also, ISI and Pak army funded, supported, and even actively aided Taliban, they even kidnapped little boys and teenage Pashtun boys and brainwashed them and sent them to Afghanistan to blow themselves up:

Watch this video, these poor Pashtuns, fellow Pakistanis treated like pawns:

These r Pakistanis, our own Pakistani pashtuns, brainwashed and sent to Afghanistan by our army and ISI to blow themselves up (they speak in Urdu):

This is how our army and military treat their own people, and then they kill these young boys as well.

The Pakistani government has always been corrupt. Their best interest was to take the money from Saudi Arabia and spend it wisely on terrorism. Musharraf, Zardari, Sharif, Zia on the other hand get their part personally from Americans... This is a whole cycle you have understand involving Saudi Arabia and American coalition.
ISI is not always trusted. Recently, there was a general in Pak army, who hired an F-16 pilot to drop bombs on our own people.
The general public was aware of Soviet invasion, however, it doesnt stop eaters to take money from Saudi Arabia to use just Militants mostly in Afghan War!
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The Pakistani government has always been corrupt. Their best interest was to take the money from Saudi Arabia and spend it wisely on terrorism. Musharraf, Zardari, Sharif, Zia on the other hand get their part personally from Americans... This is a whole cycle you have understand involving Saudi Arabia and American coalition.
ISI is not always trusted. Recently, there was a general in Pak army, who hired an F-16 pilot to drop bombs on our own people.
The general public was aware of Soviet invasion, however, it doesnt stop eaters to take money from Saudi Arabia to use just Militants mostly in Afghan War!

everyone is in this business 4 the money/power, and unfortunately it is the common man that suffers, like those poor boys, only God knows whatever happened to them, they probably ended up dying in such a young age, bodies somewhere in Afghanistan, mothers and fathers don't have a clue as to where their sons ended up.

Also, you will find this a interesting read:

Pakistan ready for Middle East role
The Pakistani government has always been corrupt. Their best interest was to take the money from Saudi Arabia and spend it wisely on terrorism. Musharraf, Zardari, Sharif, Zia on the other hand get their part personally from Americans... This is a whole cycle you have understand involving Saudi Arabia and American coalition.
ISI is not always trusted. Recently, there was a general in Pak army, who hired an F-16 pilot to drop bombs on our own people.
The general public was aware of Soviet invasion, however, it doesnt stop eaters to take money from Saudi Arabia to use just Militants mostly in Afghan War!

Open support for terrorism and then you guys shamelessly also claim innocence.
Regardless of bad policies by GCC absolute monarch's, their long term policy of depending on the West is not mistaken. What are the alternatives, Chinese or Indians? Indian Hindu's hate Muslims and the Chinese are still not yet ready to take the steering wheel of the world. So despite all misadventures and faults, who are we, people of the world, left with? You guessed it, the West. Because the alternatives are not yet ready and we shall see when they become ready, to become new pillars of the emerging "multi-polar" world, which could easily and possibly will turn into another imperial play ground for these two large states.
Open support for terrorism and then you guys shamelessly also claim innocence.

of course, no one is innocent, America now supporting al-ciada in Libya and Syria, but it is the common man who suffers, everyone is just pawns for the greater game.
Open support for terrorism and then you guys shamelessly also claim innocence.

Nice try Hindian.
We claim innocence for general civilians (who are brainwashed for years), not for those you explicitly accept corrupt payment i.e ISI and Government who use them.
Nice try Hindian.
We claim innocence for general civilians (who are brainwashed), not for those you explicitly accept corrupt payment i.e ISI and Government who use them.

who brainwashed them?? and you have huge role in bringing nato in region
who brainwashed them?? and you have huge role in bringing nato in region

The problem with Pakistanis is the fact that they look up to Saudis as Islamic leaders. They have this inferiority complex. Pakistanis are generally materialistic (they like accepting payments) and some elements in ISI and government are responsible for this. Pakistanis cannot possibly bring mess into the region. They are being funded or blackmailed. Since our population is mostly Sunni, It also attracts Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia already has a lot of mess to clean up. OBL is a Saudi. People who committed 9/11 terrorist attacks were Saudis. People who learn from the hanabli school of taught (in Pakistani Madrasas) comes from Saudi origin. Pakistanis are not responsible to bring NATO in the region clearly.

Saudis are also responsible to cause the world's sunni vs shia issues. Iran is a country that has jews. No matter how much they hate Israel, they keep their own jews living in their own country happy. Clearly, Persians are not the ones to blame for being racists. I have been to Mecca and Medina many times and Saudi Special police is especially on Iranian men and women to torture...

Their people have so much hatred that now yesterday, the Saudi government banned protests in the country. I am sure who ever attempts to do this, will either get his or her hands chopped off. or receive other capital punishment.
Just look at the beauty of hipocracy from Saudis. Their foreign policies are different from domestic!

Perhaps the oil cut price for Europe is one another reason for Saudi support. Don't tell me now that European countries are not fighting war in Asia and they are not using Saudi Oil!
Hahahaha, O love how people are jelous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jelous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of lucury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decen life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilazation and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculus.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media componies like News Corporation biggest media compony in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)

You are right about the financial power Saudis have accumulated over the decades. But can you point me out one important world event or achievement they could influence? Just shows they have power but they don't know how to use it or where to use it. That is the reason why they are insignificant in strategy and politics(let us leave out science and technology for now). Their only 'achievement' I can think of is the peaceful transition from Musharraf to a civil administration in Pakistan(Again, with due credit, this just shows how pathetic Pakistan was and not that Saudi princes are excellent statesmen).
Bear in mind that in spite of their oil wealth(or rather because of it), their citizens do not even work as labourers in their own firms. And they don't give citizenship to the Asian labourers. They will end up as a country with no skill set, sooner or later. This is not some fantasy but a real danger for their country.

BTW I think you have confused SA with UAE when you said they were building cities like its civilation.
Hahahaha, O love how people are jelous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jelous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of lucury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decen life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilazation and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculus.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media componies like News Corporation biggest media compony in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)

exactly this is the truth ma man but people's who oppose you in this thread, there brains capacity is very limited and hard for them to comprehend these facts >>> if they read more they will find exactly what you have said and what you are aiming to.
Hahahaha, O love how people are jealous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jealous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of luxury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decent life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilization and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculous.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media companies like News Corporation biggest media company in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)

This saying describes Deno 100%= Of all the things i have lost i miss my brains the Most.

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