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Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices for Europe, raise oil prices for Asia

Royal Saudi family has great influence on Taliban... Taliban won't and can't attack KSA...

they don't need to... KSA has one of the most sophisticated army in ths world let alone middle east... Their officals are moly foreign but that doesn't chage the fact that KSA is decades ahead of most of the middle eastern nation in weapo systems they own...

EDIT: You forgot that KSA owns %8 of US ecconomy... US cannot leave KSA alone... When KSA wants something from US they get it... Thats the rule of politics... The day KSA even mentions that they are going to retreat their money from US economy US will be in economical crisis...

Turkey itself is buying its oil, gas and electricity from Iran. So it does not matter what you say in defense of Taliban and terrorists.
small investment? Dude... 1 trillion dollar is times and times more than total value of Vietnam... Taliban was created and supported by Saudi royal family...

One trillion is indeed very small, when you have to import everything you need from your food to your cars to your medicine. A large nation needs a trillion every year to sustain itself. When oil runs out the dollars will too eventually. And what makes you think that Americans are going to return all the money Saudis have invested in US? The moment oil runs out, they are going to put sanctions on KSA, and "freeze" all their assets on some cooked up charges. US has been doing this for a long time. Lending money to a drug dealer much more powerful than yourself, is never a good idea.
Hahahaha, O love how people are jelous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jelous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of lucury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decen life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilazation and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculus.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media componies like News Corporation biggest media compony in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)
That's comedic. You're being sarcastic about Arabs, right? Those guys in the white robes can barely drive a car or wash their own dishes, never mind fight a war. They are like a 3 year old child with an AK-47. They can't even lift it, much less aim and shoot. And that bit about economic domination is even funnier. We all know these guys in the white robes just hand their money to Wall Street Jews. We all know how that works out in the end when the US dollar hyper-inflates.

Signs of it happening already :azn:
Hahahaha, O love how people are jelous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jelous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of lucury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decen life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilazation and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculus.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media componies like News Corporation biggest media compony in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)
That's comedic. You're being sarcastic about Arabs, right? Those guys in the white robes can barely drive a car or wash their own dishes, never mind fight a war. They are like a 3 year old child with an AK-47. They can't even lift it, much less aim and shoot. And that bit about economic domination is even funnier. We all know these guys in the white robes just hand their money to Wall Street Jews. We all know how that works out in the end when the US dollar hyper-inflates.

Signs of it happening already :azn:
That's comedic. You're being sarcastic about Arabs, right? Those guys in the white robes can barely drive a car or wash their own dishes, never mind fight a war. They are like a 3 year old child with an AK-47. They can't even lift it, much less aim and shoot. And that bit about economic domination is even funnier. We all know these guys in the white robes just hand their money to Wall Street Jews. We all know how that works out in the end when the US dollar hyper-inflates.

Signs of it happening already :azn:

US debt is the human history's largest debt. It is only a matter of time before they go bankrupt.
Saudis were the first volunteers to increase their production and replace Iran's oil market even before EU declares sanctions on Iran.Although it is against OPEC laws that a member act against another member and increase it's production which causes damage to other.
Have you guys read history when in 1973 OPEC members acted united against the west for supporting Israel in Yom Kippur war?First it was Iran to increase it's prices and decrease it's production and other countries followed Iran back then.oil prices doubled in few days and U.S had to use it's strategic reserves for the first time.In that time,most of ME was powerful,united and independent.After that everyone believed in power of OPEC in controlling the market.
A lesson from history:
On October 6, 1973, Syria and Egypt launched a surprise attack on Israel.[5] This new round in the Arab-Israeli conflict triggered a crisis already in the making; the price of oil was going to rise. The West could not continue to increase its energy consumption 5% annually, while also paying low oil prices, and selling inflation-priced goods to the petroleum producers in the developing Third World. This was stressed by the Shah of Iran, whose nation was the world's second-largest exporter of oil and a close ally of the United States in the Middle East at the time. "Of course [the world price of oil] is going to rise", the Shah told The New York Times in 1973. "Certainly! And how...; You [Western nations] increased the price of wheat you sell us by 300%, and the same for sugar and cement...; You buy our crude oil and sell it back to us, refined as petrochemicals, at a hundred times the price you've paid to us...; It's only fair that, from now on, you should pay more for oil. Let's say ten times more."
On October 12, 1973, President Richard Nixon authorized Operation Nickel Grass, an overt strategic airlift to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel, after the Soviet Union began sending arms to Syria and Egypt.

Yeah,we miss that days and almost all Arab countries in ME are bowed down to western interests.
Saudis were the first volunteers to increase their production and replace Iran's oil market even before EU declares sanctions on Iran.Although it is against OPEC laws that a member act against another member and increase it's production which causes damage to other.
Have you guys read history when in 1973 OPEC members acted united against the west for supporting Israel in Yom Kippur war?First it was Iran to increase it's prices and decrease it's production and other countries followed Iran back then.oil prices doubled in few days and U.S had to use it's strategic reserves for the first time.In that time,most of ME was powerful,united and independent.After that everyone believed in power of OPEC in controlling the market.
A lesson from history:

Yeah,we miss that days and almost all Arab countries in ME are bowed down to western interests.

because the minds and ambitions of the gulf monarchs got a lot smaller in the past forty years. back then they had on their mind the honor and independence of their nations from the jewish-anglo-american alliance, and today they seek small, meaningless victories in intimidating religious minorities on their own territory into greater submission and creating sectarian conflicts to suppress the rights and dignity of other muslims
Hahahaha, O love how people are jelous of Peninsula Arabs oil :D

Example of jelous rants;

We will take their land! KSA has the strongest military in Middle East after Israel

They are slaves of Western people! Explained below

Slave puppet regimes!! Explained below

When their oils run out, it will be us in power!!


Saudis alone control around 1 trillion dollar!!! Even if their oil run out this moment they have enough money for nearly 15 years of lucury life for every KSA citizen :D Saudis for example have share in every global company :) With their revenue alone they can have a decen life in KSA. They are building new cities like playing civilazation and you people are discussing the downfall of them!! Simple ridiculus.....

US does not control KSA, its KSA that holds great deal of power in US... KSA owns %8 of US economy alone and controls US media y their huge shares on US media componies like News Corporation biggest media compony in the world....

I love people who have no knowledge of strategy and politics talk big. It is just too funny :)

sorry but i have to disagree on the part where you said "strongest military in the middle east after israel".

For one, what strength do the gulf arabs have? strength in quality weapons sold 2 them by the western powers? strength lies in mentality and way of thinking, if u knew even a little about arab mentality you would not have made that statement about their imaginary "strength". Arab tribal mentality does not permit them to become a potent military power, history is witness to this fact. What good is a eurofighter typhoon or a German tank by itself? What matters is the mentality and way of thinking of the pilot and tank crew.

arab militaries don't have their generals and officers/commanders posted to their positions based on merit, rather they are appointed such high positions due to their tribal affiliation to the king/dictator, meaning they don't even have to to prove their military worth, they just get a high position becuz they r related to the king/dictator.

a lot of American as well as Pakistani military officials who were posted 2 arab countries to train the arabs or even fight 4 the arabs have complained the lack of discipline and leadership skills of the Arab armies and their high command, if u don't believe me then read this PDF booklet written by an American:

Why Arabs Lose Wars
By Norville de Atkine

also if u still dont believe me then you can read comments posted by a veteran PAF pilots on this very forum, his username is MuradK, i don't know if he get on this forum anymore but do look up his posts.

as for being jealous of arab oil, we r not jealous, at least i'm not, its their oil, their country, their land, and their money.

however the buildings they so proudly boast of, the artificial islands, the weapons, the oil refineries and and oil drills were not built by arab expertise, but with brains of European engineers and blood, sweat, and tears of south asian/east asian labour workers, so if anyone deserves credit than it is deffinitely not the arabs.
US debt is the human history's largest debt. It is only a matter of time before they go bankrupt.

they did it 2 themselves by fighting unnecessary wars under false pretexts.

i do feel sad 4 the American people, they do not deserve the be wronged.
Saudis are the ones that have brought NATO in Asia.

All their mess : Al-Qaeda, Talibanization, Jamatees, Madrsah that brainwash, Aid, etc have made us Pakistanis and Afghanis suffer. We must not forget that they were the ones to force us to act upon Soviet-Afghan War!

Why the fcuk do we get blamed everything for? Were not the people who committed 9/11 attacks Saudis, Egyptians, other Arabs?

Saudi Arabia is a terrorist country. When ever they have their extremists, they ship them to Afghanistan and Pakistan (OBL)
There is no Muslim country in the world that blindly supports the West (NATO) as much as Saudi Arabia.

Now the oil price difference (cheaper to Europe) is one another example of their support! No wonder why the West is still fighting wars...
I say, up the ante in Iran. India and china should explore and develop Iranian Oil fields. Saudi's can suck up to the west. Saudi's are good business man some say. I say its crap. Not allowing Iran to do business in world market and calling Saudi's good business men is the worst hypocrisy ever.

I agree with that.. but before Iran should come to table for talks, mean while they should come out of all restrictions and sanctions for couple of years , which will give Indian and chines companies some time to build infrastructure in Iran for oil and chahabar port. With this sanction it is difficult to do any big transaction with Iran.. they have to give windows of opportunities to others to develop their oil infra.. then rock and roll baby .. we will buy from Iran west will buy from SA,UAE and other countries

Who funded madrassas?
We can't afford to buy pants for some people and you are saying that we made madrases?

Who made Taliban?
Go and study Saudi fear of Soviet Union. Zia Ul-Haq was a puppet like all Pakistanis are now when it comes to Saudi Arabia. If you think they are truly good muslims, then i recommend you to go and visit to see how Afghanis, Pakstanis, Bangali, and other non-arab muslims are treated. Some of these people are not even paid their salaries...
Some of you will argue Saudi gave aid to us. Guess what? That aid you people think goes to wrong places!

OBL (the former most wanted terrorist) is a Saudi.
I think you forgot that this guy was sitting in Afghanistan and Pakistan... Taliban and Al-Qaeda was run by him and he was honured as a family.
Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices for Europe, raise oil prices for Asia
some tecnical issues

But Iran give %10 discount for China..for some political support

Who funded madrassas?
We can't afford to buy pants for some people and you are saying that we made madrases?

Who made Taliban?
Go and study Saudi fear of Soviet Union. Zia Ul-Haq was a puppet like all Pakistanis are now when it comes to Saudi Arabia. If you think they are truly good muslims, then i recommend you to go and visit to see how Afghanis, Pakstanis, Bangali, and other non-arab muslims are treated. Some of these people are not even paid their salaries...
Some of you will argue Saudi gave aid to us. Guess what? That aid you people think goes to wrong places!
Not only Saudis feared Soviet Union, but so did Pakistanis, remember the rumors spread that after Afghanistan, Soviet will come 2 Pakistan 4 warm water.

Secondly, ISI and Pakistan army needed mardrassahs to wipe out Pashtun/Afghan nationalism and replace it with religious extremism.

Don't forget that Pashtunistan was Pakistan's biggest fear b4 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan..

Also, ISI and Pak army funded, supported, and even actively aided Taliban, they even kidnapped little boys and teenage Pashtun boys and brainwashed them and sent them to Afghanistan to blow themselves up:

Watch this video, these poor Pashtuns, fellow Pakistanis treated like pawns:

These r Pakistanis, our own Pakistani pashtuns, brainwashed and sent to Afghanistan by our army and ISI to blow themselves up (they speak in Urdu):

This is how our army and military treat their own people, and then they kill these young boys as well.
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