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Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

Who the hell is the clown who wrote this? He did not even give examples of how ksa can help Pakistan. Basically he talked sht and tried to say don' t blame us we are nice wahabbis. Scum
Questions are needed to be answered:

Isn't enough the silly Indian culture you mixed with Islam and you are now calling true Muslims "Wahabies", is it Saudis fault that they brought Islam to you after you used to worship god knows what? Why is it only you people turned to terrorists while Saudis sponsored and financed mosques inside KSA and around the globe graduated sane and true Muslims? Why to blame KSA for your own backwardness and terrorism?

Another thing:

"Many blame the late President Zia ul-Haq for letting Satan out of the bottle. He allowed and encouraged fundamentalist and jihadist ideas, which has ancient roots in the Indian subcontinent since the famous revolution against the British in the eighteenth century. These extreme groups settled along the bordering areas with Afghanistan after the British enclosed them. Their ideas remained dormant and they continued looking for an opportunity to revive them, until the Afghan jihad against the Russians, which awakened them. They did well there, and thus Zia ul-Haq was encouraged to repeat the experience in Kashmir.

In the late nineties, I personally visited a training camp for Kashmiris. Under the pretext of the liberation of Kashmir, the goal of Zia ul-Haq and his effective “military intelligence” was to let them loose on India, which is a historic problem of Pakistan. However, after the Sept. 11 disaster, these extreme groups together with another Ul-Haq group along the border areas transformed from being “undercover” friends to enemies of the regime.

Extremism became the biggest disaster for Pakistan. It is in an advanced state there. It has spread, intellectually and practically, more in that nation than any other Muslim country. There are more suicide operations there than any other Islamic country (figures only challenged by Iraq). There is an online site that announces painful and reliable figures on the network called “the counter of the dead in Pakistan.” It noted that until last week, 369 suicide attacks were recorded in Pakistan killing 5,329 people.

These operations occur in the mosques, markets, and public places, and not only against army personnel. It is clear that the mufti of Pakistan’s Taleban does not see anything wrong with a young man committing suicide by blowing himself up in the public market or in the central meeting place of the general population, or even in a mosque to kill the targeted official. What sound reason can permit such an action?

Religious scholars in Pakistan are unable to do anything. Those who speak out and criticize the Taleban are killed. Another large group of scholars is opportunistic and employs religion in politics. These scholars keep silent about the crimes of the Taliban, to employ them in their conflict with the government. A third group has opted for safety and remained silent."
Questions are needed to be answered:

Isn't enough the silly Indian culture you mixed with Islam and you are now calling true Muslims "Wahabies", is it Saudis fault that they brought Islam to you after you used to worship god knows what? Why is it only you people turned to terrorists while Saudis sponsored and financed mosques inside KSA and around the globe graduated sane and true Muslims? Why to blame KSA for your own backwardness and terrorism?

Another thing:

"Many blame the late President Zia ul-Haq for letting Satan out of the bottle. He allowed and encouraged fundamentalist and jihadist ideas, which has ancient roots in the Indian subcontinent since the famous revolution against the British in the eighteenth century. These extreme groups settled along the bordering areas with Afghanistan after the British enclosed them. Their ideas remained dormant and they continued looking for an opportunity to revive them, until the Afghan jihad against the Russians, which awakened them. They did well there, and thus Zia ul-Haq was encouraged to repeat the experience in Kashmir.

In the late nineties, I personally visited a training camp for Kashmiris. Under the pretext of the liberation of Kashmir, the goal of Zia ul-Haq and his effective “military intelligence” was to let them loose on India, which is a historic problem of Pakistan. However, after the Sept. 11 disaster, these extreme groups together with another Ul-Haq group along the border areas transformed from being “undercover” friends to enemies of the regime.

Extremism became the biggest disaster for Pakistan. It is in an advanced state there. It has spread, intellectually and practically, more in that nation than any other Muslim country. There are more suicide operations there than any other Islamic country (figures only challenged by Iraq). There is an online site that announces painful and reliable figures on the network called “the counter of the dead in Pakistan.” It noted that until last week, 369 suicide attacks were recorded in Pakistan killing 5,329 people.

These operations occur in the mosques, markets, and public places, and not only against army personnel. It is clear that the mufti of Pakistan’s Taleban does not see anything wrong with a young man committing suicide by blowing himself up in the public market or in the central meeting place of the general population, or even in a mosque to kill the targeted official. What sound reason can permit such an action?

Religious scholars in Pakistan are unable to do anything. Those who speak out and criticize the Taleban are killed. Another large group of scholars is opportunistic and employs religion in politics. These scholars keep silent about the crimes of the Taliban, to employ them in their conflict with the government. A third group has opted for safety and remained silent."

Zia ul haq spent most of his adult life in Jordan among you guys, his ideology was directly imported he didn't just wake up a wahhabi one day. Once he usurped power after he returned to Pakistan he spread the ***** all over which directly led to terrorism, of course the Saudis have no problem with this because they need their salafi ideology to thrive in order to justify the existence of their monarchy. Before wahabbis started running around Pakistan was mainly a Sufi state, my ancestors were sufi, and there was no terrorism. As Muslims we should only follow Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sunnah yet the saudis have adopted Muhammad ibn abd al Wahhab's bigoted archaic model of Islam.

Trust me if the Islam the Saudis follow was the one the spread all over the world there would not be many Muslims in the world today.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Research that man and his motives.
Zia ul haq spent most of his adult life in Jordan among you guys, his ideology was directly imported he didn't just wake up a wahhabi one day. Once he usurped power after he returned to Pakistan he spread the ***** all over which directly led to terrorism, of course the Saudis have no problem with this because they need their salafi ideology to thrive in order to justify the existence of their monarchy. Before wahabbis started running around Pakistan was mainly a Sufi state, my ancestors were sufi, and there was no terrorism. As Muslims we should only follow Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sunnah yet the saudis have adopted Muhammad ibn abd al Wahhab's bigoted archaic model of Islam.

Trust me if the Islam the Saudis follow was the one the spread all over the world there would not be many Muslims in the world today.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Research that man and his motives.

And now Jordanians are Wahabi? :D, keep your Indian culture and bedaas to yourself and stop calling true Muslims names.
Zia ul haq spent most of his adult life in Jordan among you guys, his ideology was directly imported he didn't just wake up a wahhabi one day. Once he usurped power after he returned to Pakistan he spread the ***** all over which directly led to terrorism, of course the Saudis have no problem with this because they need their salafi ideology to thrive in order to justify the existence of their monarchy. Before wahabbis started running around Pakistan was mainly a Sufi state, my ancestors were sufi, and there was no terrorism. As Muslims we should only follow Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sunnah yet the saudis have adopted Muhammad ibn abd al Wahhab's bigoted archaic model of Islam.

Trust me if the Islam the Saudis follow was the one the spread all over the world there would not be many Muslims in the world today.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Research that man and his motives.

And come here, is this why you hate him? So you claimed that you are Suffi, ahhh now I understand...

Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab began to implement some of his ideas for reform. First, citing Islamic teachings forbidding grave worship, he persuaded Ibn Mu'ammar to level the grave of Zayd ibn al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, whose grave was revered by locals. Secondly, he ordered that all adulterors be stoned to death, a practice that had become uncommon in the area. Indeed, he personally organised the stoning of a woman who confessed that she had committed adultery

Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab considered his movement, Wahhabi, an effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to what he believed were the original principles of that religion, as typified by the Salaf and rejecting what he regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid'ah and Shirk.
And now Jordanians are Wahabi? :D, keep your Indian culture and bedaas to yourself and stop calling true Muslims names.

Oh yes true Muslims do takfiri, nice. :rolleyes:

And come here, is this why you hate him? So you claimed that you are Suffi, ahhh now I understand...

Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab began to implement some of his ideas for reform. First, citing Islamic teachings forbidding grave worship, he persuaded Ibn Mu'ammar to level the grave of Zayd ibn al-Khattab, a companion of Muhammad, whose grave was revered by locals. Secondly, he ordered that all adulterors be stoned to death, a practice that had become uncommon in the area. Indeed, he personally organised the stoning of a woman who confessed that she had committed adultery

Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab considered his movement, Wahhabi, an effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to what he believed were the original principles of that religion, as typified by the Salaf and rejecting what he regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid'ah and Shirk.

No Sufi worships a grave and I am not a Sufi but my ancestors were. I would be considered an orthodox Sunni by most but not a wahabbi. You should research about him unless you want me to do everything for you? Also stop bashing Indian culture they have nothing to do with this and you just sound like a bigot.
So the reason for Pakistan's current situation is some foreign power and people think foreign power can save them too.

Do you guys ever admit your short comings, your faults and find solutions by your own ?
Zia ul haq spent most of his adult life in Jordan among you guys, his ideology was directly imported he didn't just wake up a wahhabi one day. Once he usurped power after he returned to Pakistan he spread the ***** all over which directly led to terrorism, of course the Saudis have no problem with this because they need their salafi ideology to thrive in order to justify the existence of their monarchy. Before wahabbis started running around Pakistan was mainly a Sufi state, my ancestors were sufi, and there was no terrorism. As Muslims we should only follow Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sunnah yet the saudis have adopted Muhammad ibn abd al Wahhab's bigoted archaic model of Islam.

Trust me if the Islam the Saudis follow was the one the spread all over the world there would not be many Muslims in the world today.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Research that man and his motives.

So ,when your Sufi ancesters gon'na safe Pakistan with their charasmatic abilities, I have heard lot about Pakistan's Sufis abilities due to which we managed to prevent indian attack in 1965 , I really want to see something like that again. Can any of their self claimed descendants repeat anything similar specially when Pakistan need them most?
KingMamba is right no Sufis actually worship graves even I know that! they go to show their respect which is very much allowed.
So ,when your Sufi ancesters gon'na safe Pakistan with their charasmatic abilities, I have heard lot about Pakistan's Sufis abilities due to which we managed to prevent indian attack in 1965 , I really want to see something like that again. Can any of their self claimed descendants repeat anything similar specially when Pakistan need them most?

No super powers here, you want to save Pakistan do it in Pakistan, despite what we overseas folk do you guys living in Pakistan leave the lasting impression.
In Kashmir, India there is many Sufi Shrines which are visited by both Muslims and Hindus
In Kashmir, India there is many Sufi Shrines which are visited by both Muslims and Hindus

They do not know anything about Sufism.

So the reason for Pakistan's current situation is some foreign power and people think foreign power can save them too.

Do you guys ever admit your short comings, your faults and find solutions by your own ?

No one here asked for Saudi help however the author wrote a bashing article while claiming about giving help.
No super powers here, you want to save Pakistan do it in Pakistan, despite what we overseas folk do you guys living in Pakistan leave the lasting impression.
Listen boss, You mentioned the sufism, In Pakistan their are lots of popular tales regarding to their past. (don't know self made or not) . but even today large no. of tales followers matters lot in our domestic politics, and you know the person you are calling wahabbi follow Imam Hanbal school of thought?
Listen boss, You mentioned the sufism, In Pakistan their are lots of popular tales regarding to their past. (don't know self made or not) . but even today large no. of tales followers matters lot in our domestic politics, and you know the person you are calling wahabbi follow Imam Hanbal school of thought?

Yes wahabbis follow some bits and pieces of handbali School of jurisprudence but selectively meanwhile most Muslims follow hanafi jurisprudence. If you want to know about my ancestors I can tell you but they have passed and are not coming back. Most of my family back in Pakistan are part of the problem, vote them all out of power they have gotten MNA seats on name value alone.
saudi arabia, china, russia koria, Japan, USA, India, Israel all can rescue pakistan but big question arise whether pakistan wants to help itself or not.
Dont need anyone's help, stay out of our business and keep the oil coming :partay:
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