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Saudi Arabia can rescue Pakistan

It would help a great deal if Saudi's stop the spreading of Wahhabism, refrain from financing & sponsoring religious institutions & hardline takeover of mosques in other countries..
It would help a great deal if Saudi's stop the spreading of Wahhabism, refrain from financing & sponsoring religious institutions & hardline takeover of mosques in other countries..

Sirji you must have heared ...Jo Gay dhoodh Detee hai uski Laaat bhee khanee pertee hai means you cant question the milking cow
For example, Pakistanis do not consume salt because they believe that the iodine content contains a chemical solution that causes infertility, which will stop Muslims from procreating. They see it as part of a Western-Indian plot against Muslims. This is not a joke or an exaggeration, but rather a real health disaster that the Pakistani Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization have addressed and are trying to solve.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...arabia-can-rescue-pakistan.html#ixzz2HrbLDa1m

Is it true :hitwall:
Here's a better idea, stop ******* rolling out the red carpet. They can do w/ever the heck they want, b/c you guys are allowing them. The saudis are laughing so hard they can hardly believe this is happening. Close the f'ng maderesas, kick all wahabis abck there, limit contact to business relations etc...

It's not the saudi's fault, it's you guy's fault for being so, well I don't know what, b/c I can't even imagine why you guys are doing this. What are you getting out of all this I have no idea. Syria, Pakistan, iraq and Afghanistan. They all have smtg in common: wahabis managed to roll in. In your case it was all on you though, b/c you guys invited them in.

Oh thank you mullah Iran, build us a 'community center,' oh thank you wahabis, plz come and build a 'community center'

for the love of kabab koobide get some sense

I never understood the reason behind the nonsensical bashing of Saudis, Americans, Jews and all other smart folks when Pakistanis have always been ready to sell themselves to the highest bidders.

Saudis were never in a position to cajole Pakistanis into doing what they were unwilling to do, it were the Petro dollars that dazzled their eyes and clogged up their brains.

The myopic and irrational policies of the military regime of general Zia eventually led to the creation of Sipah e Sahaba, the mother of all evils - actually the army itself has created and patronized it. The regime of Zia conveniently turned a blind eye to the activities of this terrorist outfit and allowed its members to spread sectarian hatred and violence. His regime even then didn't take any action to stop the terrorists of SSP when its members were issuing fatwas to apostatise the Shias, who unlike Ahmedis were not an insignificant minority.

The members of SSP and Lashkar e Jhangive were also involved in the massacre of Hazaras in Afghanistan, therefore, it was stupid to think that these terrorists would ever let their brethren live peacefully in the environs of Quetta.

The anti Shia feeling are nothing new in this region and putting all the balme on Saudis will be unrealistic. This problem goes back to the days of the Mughal emperor Alamgir and clerics like Shah Walliullah. The Mughal emperor Alamgir had declared Shia heretic in his famous Fatwa e Alamgiri, he also waged wars against the Shia Qutubshahi dynasty in southern India, thereby indirectly paved way to the downfall of the Mughal empire. Shah Walliullah, the mentor of all Deobandis terrorists, also hated the Shias and invited the Afghan king Ahmed Shah to rout the Marathas AND Shias in Delhi, what he also did.
Pakistan Dsnt need Some Money from us or ksa or china to solve its problem it just want some true pakistans who lead them into right path and can stand with them on hard times thats it
i dont even want to read this... just want to say... KHUD KUCH NA KARANA

mere bhai jis din hum ne khud kuch karna start kar diya then os din Pakistan ka koi problem nhi rehe ga :D
get a life you arabs ..... we are sick of saving your a** from Israhell since the day we came into being and see what you are saying ..... better watch your words or might get caught ........
Two points:

  1. As others have mentioned, we shouldn't rely on others to 'rescue' us.
  2. A country that can't rescue its fellow Arab 'brothers' the Palestinians, doesn't have a chance in hell in rescuing Pakistan
I'm convinced that the media including ours is propaganda. My views changed when i actually went to Pakistan after years. Pakistan is a normal country. I'm not denying that there are problems such as terrorism, etc but it is to note that its in areas that do not make even 10% of the country. No one wants to waste time watching political talk shows and to criticize. Those who want an economic boom are actually making an effort and yes those who are not will soon realize from their fellow provinces. I have felt people know whats right and whats wrong and one of the contributing factors are due to the massive young population that many countries are finding difficult to gain. Straight from key board, i'm going to state clearly that Pakistan does not need to be rescued by someone from outside such as Saudi Arabia. We have enough man power to solve any kind of problem.
I'm convinced that the media including ours is propaganda. My views changed when i actually went to Pakistan after years. Pakistan is a normal country. I'm not denying that there are problems such as terrorism, etc but it is to note that its in areas that do not make even 10% of the country. No one wants to waste time watching political talk shows and to criticize. Those who want an economic boom are actually making an effort and yes those who are not will soon realize from their fellow provinces. I have felt people know whats right and whats wrong and one of the contributing factors are due to the massive young population that many countries are finding difficult to gain. Straight o key board, i'm going to s that Pakistan does not need to be rescued by someone from outside such as Saudi Arabia. We have enough man power to solve any kind of problem.

Pakistani Media Sucks. They have no journalistic integrity instead of reporting news, they report opinion.
What is this salt think he writer is talking about? I don't know any Pakistani who has an issue with salt. If anything some of the idiot sprinkle salt on each bite they put in their mouth. And of course not to mention salt is bad for your health.
Pakistani Media Sucks. They have no journalistic integrity instead of reporting news, they report opinion.

That is why no one likes to watch them except us who are sitting outside. We are fools to agree towards whatever they bash. Its very simple to understand. Like all the media around the world, their objective is to make money. From their perspective, the more the criticism, the more drama.
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