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Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

Even then, such a coalition cannot be formed legally. Military coalition need much more that just a joint statement.

A military coalition of 34 countries.....Led by KSA......seriously....:o:

This can only be a a form of a pact between countries to assist each other to combat terrorism, but nothing more than paperwork.

I don't think that SPA is the source to issue such a statement involving a military coalition of 34 countries.

Respectfully, You're arguing whether it can or cannot be formed whilst 34 countries are telling you it has already been formed within 72 hours somewhat before the issuing of the joint statement.

For you to judge whether something is legal or not you need to state what laws prohibit countries from cooperating to fight crime within their borders.

The joint statement is telling us it is going to target all sort of terrorisim within the participating countries with militarily means whilst you say paperwork. I quote the joint statement as my evidence. what makes you say otherwise. Please provide your supporting evidence away from subjectivity.

As for SPA, the coalition is led by Saudi Arabia with its HQ located in Riyadh.
Listen bro I have nothing about Pakestan and Turkey but if those Kids don't know shit about The Egyptian Army and it's cabalities ,please help me to shut them up.

When you know they are kids, then why are you not ignoring them.

Welcome to the coalition.

OK, your penis is bigger than everyone else's. Happy?


Don't bother

This will probably never happen or will end very badly. My money is on the former.

No no,
This time they have spent some time and planned.

If they start from Israel and clean the mess then my vote is that Pakistan join in, if not than Pakistan should stay out.
If they wana really start a coalition that protects and work for Islam and Islamic countries than they should ensure that ONLY MUSLIMS do the talk and walk, No other foreign agenda should be able to interrupt the decisions. That's the way it should be.

What has Israel ever done to Pakistan ?
Name any 3 instances.

Whereas more than 55,000 have perished due to terrorism from the so called enemies of Israel a.k.a Taliban and mullah brigade.

Do the math.
I am going to keep this news in mind and remind you guys in a few months. Then we can sit around and laugh at this silly PR stunt.

However, it might not even take months, it could be days. I have never heard of a 34 coalition made up so quickly and out of the blue. All I can think of is that Prince Mo sent a mass email saying, "habibis, want to go fight bad guys?"
Hopefully the first mission wont be stationing in Iraq without Iraq demanding international help. Already Iraqi army is doing a good job that would reunite itself around the central government. Troop stationing however at northern kurdish parts would only work to make faster those areas separate from the central govt limiting govt control there. Yes stationing 100k troops in Iraq with 10k usa gis would be a buffer zone against Iran but it would be a secterian motivated operation without Iraq govt approval under usa political agenda.
No offense but including countries like Guinea, Somalia, Mali, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Bangladesh doesn't make any sense

Boko Haram is too a terrorist organization. not mentioning 10 other mini Somalian terrorist organizations. I hope this put some clarity to the matter.
Amazing news, Islamic unity AT LAST!
I already know a certain group of people who won't like this news aside from islamophobic non Muslims. Their name start with S and ends with a/e :lol:

Good news for Islamic unity! I hope we can end the Syrian conflict soon. So many Syrians lives have been lost because of international proxy wars. A collective defense will block foreigners like iran and russia from exploiting Arab countries. The Kurdish forces should also join this alliance. Iraqi and Syrian Sunnis deserve true democracy. At the end a great Sunni power will emerge from Iraq and Syria.:enjoy:
. I have never heard of a 34 coalition made up so quickly and out of the blue. All I can think of is that Prince Mo sent a mass email saying, "habibis, want to go fight bad guys?"

So quickly? How quickly? please shed some light.

Where does it say how long it took to form such an alliance? and how did you come to the conclusion "They've discussed the idea and agreed on it in an X length of time therefor, it is indeed QUICK"
So quickly? How quickly? please shed some light.

Where does it say how long it took to form such an alliance?

Common sense would dictate that ifnit was going for a period of time, we would hear more news in each countries media. There would be official meetings, draft proposals, etc. There would analysis and political discussions.

I could be wrong though. They could have been discussing this in-depth for a year and we are only now hearing about it.
Good move.. it will give good massage to the world that Muslim states are against fanaticism.. i hope this coalition will support our stance of peace talks in Afghanistan and pressure Afghanistan to make good ties with Pakistan and stop licking Indian arse...
Common sense would dictate that ifnit was going for a period of time, we would hear more news in each countries media. There would be official meetings, draft proposals, etc. There would analysis and political discussions.

I could be wrong though. They could have been discussing this in-depth for a year and we are only now hearing about it.

Your evidence is "lack of news and evidence" which in itself in any court of law can't be used as an evidence.

Thanks for stating the possibility of you being wrong. Much respect.
Your evidence is "lack of news and evidence" which in itself in any court of law can't be used as an evidence.

Thanks for stating the possibility of you being wrong. Much respect.

If I am wrong, I will be happy. A coalition to battle Islamic terrorists in the region should be done by local players not USA, France, or Russia.
How is the cold blooded massacring of innocent Shia, Yazidi and Sunnis by groups like Daesh, TTP, Lashkar-E-Jhangvi, Jundullah etc part of the process of 'resolving Palestine'?

Palestine has nothing to do with the majority of the fires of hatred and intolerance burning in the Muslim world - it is the ideology of hatred and intolerance that justifies prejudice against, and the murder of, (whether by the State or non-State actors) innocents on the pretext of blasphemy or being Ahmadi, Shia, Barelvi or Yazidi.

The ideology of hatred and intolerance we have been teaching our children, and are still teaching our children, is the root cause here, not Palestine.

How Bashar ul Asad and Iran and Sipah e Shaitan killing Sunnis .... highlight it too ... Both groups have "harami" elements
Ground troops into Syria is the next step I guess. Taking ISIS area in Syria. This can end the suffering of Syrian people and push negotiation into the table with Bashar Regime.

Better Assad regime take negotiation offer Today, further delay will make the troops come to Syria.
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