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Saudi Ambassador give aid to Korea Muslim Federation

Can u mention any country, where Terrorism havent started after Saudi have reached them with "donated" or "aid" money.
Can u mention? Pakistan , Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Indonesia, Chechnya , Iraq to a some extend India and Bangladesh.

Apparently you don't know the devil you are talking about, We never had a role in Libya, Indoneseia or Chechnya. Next time, try to think 10 times before you post such things as this.

Oh I can also argue about R--E when it comes to some countries ;)..


Islamic Terrorism is going to start in Korea now.

If their government had any sense they would not allow a penny from Saudi to reach anything related to education or religion in Korea.

Yet, your fellow countrymen kill themselves to come here :lol:
Apparently you don't know the devil you are talking about, We never had a role in Libya, Indoneseia or Chechnya. Next time, try to think 10 times before you post such things as this.

Oh I can also argue about R--E when it comes to some countries ;)..

Yet, your fellow countrymen kill themselves to come here :lol:

Ya your country men's, defenders and protectors of Islam fight with one another to "help" USA and its allies. I have used "help" as a decent term, which can go awry.
Rape is not the discussion here. Atleast we dont have laws here, favouring mens, requiring women's to provide "4" witnesses for rape, as if one would rape in front of all others. If not, she is sentenced. Model Law for every nation to follow is it?

If not aware, Banda Aceh, a state in Indonesia, Islamic law was made, after a peace pact was made with a terrorist Wahabi group, one of the most gruesome in that country.
If not aware of Wahabi connections in Chechnya, Ask Russia.
Libya, its just opening up. Best of luck in Libya.
Yet, your fellow countrymen kill themselves to come here :lol:

My fellow countrymen also kill themselves to get paying jobs in Afghanistan, does not mean Afghanistan is a very good place, now is it?

Saudi Arabia exports Wahhabi ideology which is intolerant and incites sectarianism and terrorism globally, using donations to various schools, colleges and madrassas. The objective is to consolidate the power of the House of Saud over Saudi Arabia primarily and keep their dominance over global Muslims secondarily.

This Saudi aid in such institutions is a poison pill.

Any which way you spin, the facts remain the same.
@Rajaraja Chola
Atleast we dont have laws here, favouring mens, requiring women's to provide "4" witnesses for rape, as if one would rape in front of all others. If not, she is sentenced. Model Law for every nation to follow is it?

I don't comment a lot on religion as I have a fundemeantal respect to them all. But what you're saying is utterly false by the way. In Islam, woman doesn't need 4 witnesses for rape, she only needs one, whereas in ADULTRY woman needs 4 witnesses.

If not aware of Wahabi connections in Chechnya, Ask Russia.
For Chechnya, credits go to the CIA and the MI5, after the end of the Cold War, the US wanted to pinch the Russians a little bit to keep them busy, even Putin openly admitted that fact as a response for Boston bombing, he was shedding some kind of a crocodile tears.

Libya, its just opening up. Best of luck in Libya.

KSA never got involved in Libya, get your facts right, otherwise you will embarrass yourself.

If not aware, Banda Aceh, a state in Indonesia, Islamic law was made, after a peace pact was made with a terrorist Wahabi group, one of the most gruesome in that country

That was the dirty work of the Indonisan Gov't to assist Al-Qaida in the Philippines, namely Abu Sayyaf's group.
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Any which way you spin, the facts remain the same.

My fellow countrymen also kill themselves to get paying jobs in Afghanistan, does not mean Afghanistan is a very good place, now is it?

Not as much as what we get to see here, especially when your Gov't sent a bunch of ministers and congressmen to affirm how important KSA is when it comes to India.

Saudi Arabia exports Wahhabi ideology which is intolerant and incites sectarianism and terrorism globally, using donations to various schools, colleges and madrassas. The objective is to consolidate the power of the House of Saud over Saudi Arabia primarily and keep their dominance over global Muslims secondarily.

Do you have a materialistic proof in which you could back your claim upon? Official documents? Or is it a word of a mouth?

If KSA's objective was dadecanited for consolidating the power of so-called House of Saud, then would you mind telling me that why did Al-Qaida tried to assassinate the Saudi Minister of Interior? The GiP director?
Saudi Gazette - Fourth assassination attempt against Prince foiled

Please try to think maturely, things do go that way, try to educate yourself, the more knowledgable you are, the more realistic you will be


UN Counter-Terrorism Centre - Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force
@Yzd Khalifa hindus know all about Islam.. they have been ruled for 500 years by my ancestors and there low casts had been pulled out of atrocities committed by high class brahmins & kayshatars. They work in Saudi Arabia and mid-east and enjoy living under Islamic laws more than hindu laws. He's just trolling.
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@Rajaraja Chola

I don't comment a lot on religion as I have a fundemeantal respect to them all. But what you're saying is utterly false by the way. In Islam, woman doesn't need 4 witnesses for rape, she only needs one, whereas in ADULTRY woman needs 4 witnesses.

For Chechnya, credits go to the CIA and the MI5, after the end of the Cold War, the US wanted to pinch the Russians a little bit to keep them busy, even Putin openly admitted that fact as a response for Boston bombing, he was shedding some kind of a crocodile tears.

KSA never got involved in Libya, get your facts right, otherwise you will embarrass yourself.

That was the dirty work of the Indonisan Gov't to assist Al-Qaida in the Philippines, namely Abu Sayyaf's group.

I have respect to every religion on earth. But the fact is many Saudi's dont. If what you are saying is true, then I can be happy, you are a exception. Still , if you abduct a victim and rape, how can u find witnesses? I think latest, a Finnish or norweign lady, i think was pardoned after she complained of rape, not so long ago in UAE, when she was unable to provide 4 witnesses. One or four, I think its unfair on the victim.

I never said KSA was involved in Libya. I am saying, its getting to start involved.

Reg Indonesia, I have no idea, your reply was anythng related to mine. That terrorist movement in Banda Aceh had killed so many Indonesian soldiers, even internet beheadings of its soldiers. Their ultimate aim was Islamic sunni state, Wahabbi ideology.
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@Yzd Khalifa hindus know all about Islam.. they have been ruled for 500 years by my ancestors and there low casts had been pulled out of atrocities committed by high class brahmins & kayshatars. They work in Saudi Arabia and mid-east and enjoy living under Islamic laws more than hindu laws. He's just trolling.

How is your incomprehension of religious adamancy any hindus fault. None of the respectful women in their family was involved in the propagation of arabianism or islam in india.
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separate education for muslim kids is the last thing south korea needs. Spend the same money in mosque and if any kid wants special lessons, he can get it there.
These kids will grow up not knowing what the nonmuslim koreans like, that will only end up creating division and resentment. Even if your motive is good, you end up breaking a society.
Not as much as what we get to see here, especially when your Gov't sent a bunch of ministers and congressmen to affirm how important KSA is when it comes to India.
I dont understand how you can even use these statements as logic.

1. Yes, KSA is important when it comes to India.

2. It is completely different that KSA has been at the forefront of sponsoring wahhabi madrassas and funded terrorist organizations. There is a reason why Fahd was stopped in his funding to many Islamic organizations by USA

How are the two even related?

Do you have a materialistic proof in which you could back your claim upon? Official documents? Or is it a word of a mouth?
All you need to go is google. Let me give you a push...try googling the world islamic conference held in 1980's and where KSA started pumping in money after that.
If KSA's objective was dadecanited for consolidating the power of so-called House of Saud, then would you mind telling me that why did Al-Qaida tried to assassinate the Saudi Minister of Interior? The GiP director?
Saudi Gazette - Fourth assassination attempt against Prince foiled
Simple reason - AQ does not support monarchies. And the only reason that AQ got this powerful in the first place is because KSA has directly or indirectly supported them earlier.
Its the same reason KSA was happy that MB was removed from Egypt and rushed to give money to egypt.

Please try to think maturely, things do go that way, try to educate yourself, the more knowledgable you are, the more realistic you will be


UN Counter-Terrorism Centre - Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force

You believe that others are not aware of KSA's history or that other countries/countrymen fawn over KSA like Pakistan. That is not the case.
separate education for muslim kids is the last thing south korea needs. Spend the same money in mosque and if any kid wants special lessons, he can get it there.
These kids will grow up not knowing what the nonmuslim koreans like, that will only end up creating division and resentment. Even if your motive is good, you end up breaking a society.

Funny isn't it? SUdis are looking to create a chism even in the scenario of a noth south korean divide!!!! That can be called propagating their religion. H
However given the social situation, this could have worked better with north given their natural afinity to pakistan.
Well, the Korean government should be careful & control such institutions.
Here in Germany we had some problems with the Saudi King Fahd-academy, teaching the children some Islamist stuff.
KSA? They probably learn how to make IED's.

As long as your leaders submit to us, we don't have to be worried about Internet warriors. XD.

Well, the Korean government should be careful & control such institutions.
Here in Germany we had some problems with the Saudi King Fahd-academy, teaching the children some Islamist stuff.
That's a lie, such institutions are being monitored by your government.
@Rajaraja Chola
I have respect to every religion on earth

I doubt you do.

But the fact is many Saudi's dont. If what you are saying is true, then I can be happy, you are a exception.

So, yours truly happens to be the only good Saudi, and the other 25 million are bad :D.

And How exactly sure are you? Or is that some sort of an ego being fueled by a dark vein of intolerance? Do you really know that KSA was the first country that established a center of dialogue among faiths and civilizations? And you're Gov't was the very 1st nation that attended the opening ceremony, two years ago?

Still , if you abduct a victim and rape, how can u find witnesses? I think latest, a Finnish or norweign lady, i think was pardoned after she complained of rape, not so long ago in UAE, when she was unable to provide 4 witnesses. One or four, I think its unfair on the victim.

I can't speak for the UAE, I'm just saying that when a female is being raped, she doesn't need witnesses, in fact, if a female reported that she has been sexually assaulted in KSA, a medical test can do the job and all, in Adultery the situation is different.

I never said KSA was involved in Libya. I am saying, its getting to start involved.

Then next time, try to be precise.

Reg Indonesia, I have no idea, your reply was anythng related to mine. That terrorist movement in Banda Aceh had killed so many Indonesian soldiers, even internet beheadings of its soldiers. Their ultimate aim was Islamic sunni state, Wahabbi ideology.

The Indonesia government is paying the price for assisting those terrorists to destabilize Southern Philippines, where they initially started to run their death squads to terrorize the civilians in the South.

There is no such thing as Wahhabi ideology, let just refrain from repeating words like parrots. Al-Qaida's doctrine is to eliminate non-pure Muslims in Muslims lands, and to avenge for the death of Muslim children who have been killed by you know who. The only issue Al-Qaida has with you is about Kashmir.
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