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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

Easy there jimbo.


See again? Assuming they were still parked when the missiles hit.

Those are helicopters that came post strike.
two separate waves of missiles were fired, you don't know no shit.

Go read IRGC official communications you goon.

Stop spreading propaganda on here.

As ISIS attacks showed, Iran missile have substantial failure rate specifically the Qiam model.

This same level of damage could have been achieved with 20 CMs.

15 missiles were fired, I counted 13-16 during the official video. And only 6-7 strikes were made. And this was on a base the size of a small town. A base that had ZERO interceptors in place.

It mean 8 missiles missed or failed. Terrible.

In days ahead post strike analysis will back up my claim of high failure rate.

Seems Fateh is a semi reliable missile (80%) but Qiam is absolutely dog ****!
Are you kidding us? They hit many infrastructures pin-point and you are talking about some of them missed their targets, and how big this airbase is. Are you trolling us?, that builings are 10 meter sizes. not km. This is is just one air base, we dont know what happened to barzanistan rats one. This doesnt prove İranian missiles missed targets.
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uSa achieved what they wanted ,they wanted Iran and it's proxies more strong in the region and to keep Muslims fighting and killing each other, the Gen Qassim was of the view to negotiate with Arabs at now , so he wasn't towing the deepstate agenda so got eliminated, USA just struck two targets with one arrow , now there will be fitna and proxies from both Arabs and Iran, bloodshed , and Israel will extend it's territory , Arabs may sign a treaty with Israel, Jerusalem will flourish and will be capital , Yamni Hotiees will fire missiles towards Madeena, Palestinian will suffer and dummy Mehmood abass the American Pawan will do his duty , Allah (S.w.t)help us and forgive us the ignorant Muslims,
Pakistan is safer now than it would be if USA invaded Iran. That much is certain. You're speculating wildly.

15 missiles were fired, I counted 13-16 during the official video. And only 6-7 strikes were made. And this was on a base the size of a small town. A base that had ZERO interceptors in place.

It mean 8 missiles missed or failed. Terrible.

In days ahead post strike analysis will back up my claim of high failure rate.

Seems Fateh is a semi reliable missile (80%) but Qiam is absolutely dog ****!

Your acting as if the missiles landed in the middle of nowhere in a military base the size of a small town!! So your the one trying to spread absurd miss information and propaganda!

Military bases are usually the size of small towns SO WHAT? It's what was clearly targeted and hit that matter not how big or small the base is!
Iraq has probably informed the US of the coming attack but we will never know for sure. Maybe few people have died but the Pentagon is hiding it from the public to avoid a direct military response.
US is not a third world despotic regime where information is controlled so that you can avoid casualties. If that happens, the public will find out soon and it will be all over the news but then again whatever floats your boat. Iranian gov did this for public consumption anyway.
Are you kidding us? They hit many infrastructures pin-point and you are talking about some of them missed their targets, and how big this airbase is. Are you trolling us?, that builings are 10 meter sizes. not km. This is is just one air base, we dont know what happened to barzanistan rats one. This doesnt prove İranian missiles missed targets.

IRGC has already said they didn’t target Erbil only Al-Asad. There was a lot of misinformation released during fog of war.

Satellite imagery has been released. Do you see any other black marks ANYWHERE on the base? Runways? Border fence?

Your acting as if the missiles landed in the middle of nowhere in a military base the size of a small town!! So your the one trying to spread absurd miss information and propaganda!

Military bases are usually the size of small towns SO WHAT? It's what was clearly targeted and hit that matter not how big or small the base is!

Where did the other missiles land? Clearly not in the base or satellite imagery would show it!

Al Assad base is 8KM by 6KM! So that means if it didn’t land in that area the missile completely failed because that is way beyond a CEP error for a 1998 Shahab-3!
Picture of Abqaiq oil stabilization facility-------how many precise hits needed to take out 5mln barrels of oil per day permanently???View attachment 598696

You would have to attack the parts of the plant that would require the most extensive maintenance and parts to be imported.

Tanks can be repaired pretty quickly, but other parts of the plant might take months or a year to repair due to highly sophisticated nature of parts.
US is not a third world despotic regime where information is controlled so that you can avoid casualties. If that happens, the public will find out soon and it will be all over the news but then again whatever floats your boat. Iranian gov did this for public consumption anyway.
Yes, it is. A country whose president lies constantly and the public believe him all the time, even though the American media expose his lies all the time can be told anything the Pentagon wants and the majority of them will believe it without caring about what independent sources say.
Those are helicopters that came post strike.

Go read IRGC official communications you goon.

Stop spreading propaganda on here.

As ISIS attacks showed, Iran missile have substantial failure rate specifically the Qiam model.

This same level of damage could have been achieved with 20 CMs.
As I said you don't know no shit, all clips are only part of one strike so you can't assess anything based on them.

If a single missile had missed, now American propaganda machine was openly showing it to public. yet all they could show was the Remanent of the first stage of Qiam.
Yes, it is. A country whose president lies constantly and the public believe him all the time, even though the American media expose his lies all the time can be told anything the Pentagon wants and the majority of them will believe it without caring about what independent sources say.
President is a clown so are the inbred scum who voted for him but that doesn't mean the System was built in previous decades is obsolete
Very impressive hits.... just imagine if they did not have prior warning
Prior warning wasn't from Iran.


"Something to remember is that there is a tremendous amount of intelligence data to analyze from America's space-based early warning network of infrared sensing satellites alone. Where the launches emanated from and where the missiles impacted, even the ones that missed, would have been recorded. The system can detect smaller infrared events as well and its data that could be used to help confirm if the Ukrainian airliner was indeed shot down. This same network, which is about to get even more capable, would have given near-instant warning that a launch was underway, which in turn gave American and allied troops time to take cover and prepare for the incoming bombardment. You can read all about this system in this past piece of ours."

was the key.

I have highlighted this reality in great detail in my discussions before.
What is good for Iran---is that all major targets are located within 500km range from Iranian border: most Iraqi cities, 4 major oil stabilization plants of Saudi Arabia, 9 refineries, 4 desalination plants together with 2 ports-oil terminals and Kuwait and UAE and US bases in Bahrain and Qatar------ALL WITHIN 500KM RANGE FROM IRAN

So the most mass produced missile for Iran is Fateh-313 with its 500km range
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