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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

Iraq has probably informed the US of the coming attack but we will never know for sure. Maybe few people have died but the Pentagon is hiding it from the public to avoid a direct military response.
I feel it would be impossible to hide. USA military families would go nuclear on trump if such a thing happened.

Whether US soldiers died or not, Iran wanted USA to back off and understand that there is a price to be paid for transgressing beyond the unwritten rules of the game. I think Iran achieved that. So it's actually irrelevant whether US soldiers died or not - better in fact they didn't as this permits deescalation.

Now what did US achieve?

NOTHING beyond the assassination of soleimani (which in itself is a big blow, but not worth the cost they will now pay). US are under more pressure in fact to leave Iraq, Iran will openly seek nuke tech, Iranian pro-US opposition is set back years by this, so overall it's been counterproductive for USA. The only caveat is if Trump GENUINELY planned for this to get the troops out, against the neocon mega church deep state's plans...but I feel that is highly improbable - more likely that Trump and US deep state got pwned this time round.
There's hardware parked there too. Doesn't seem like it was affected.
Alot of hardware were damaged or destroyed. If iran deliberately targeted sleeping quarters of us troops, then carnage would have been huge.
Alot of hardware were damaged or destroyed. If iran deliberately targeted sleeping quarters of us troops, then carnage would have been huge.

And they could've, given the precision, they could've landed one ontop of their heads.
There's hardware parked there too. Doesn't seem like it was affected.

Are you dumb?

Those are vehicles assessing the damage after the strike.

US had 90 mins advance notice prior to strike (Iraqis were notified at 12:00 first missile was fired at 1:20).

Plus prior intelligence ment they likely flew most of the planes out of the base for protection.
the rats must have been hidden in their holes, otherwise it is a miracle that they are not dead.

May be traitors have told them to get out of the harm way in time and they were not even there.

This is beyond Impressive! The accuracy is astonishing!!!! I think Iran should build 20 new underground missile production facilities to produce these missiles in far greater numbers because clearly no Iranian Air Force would have been able to defeat both U.S. Air Power and U.S. Air Defenses to even accomplish this much against a U.S. Air Force Base!

However to totally takeout a base this size Iran would of needed to fire well over 200 missiles so increasing our stockpile needs to be high priority!
Some missiles had cluster warheads so you can't see their marks in these images.


15 missiles were fired, I counted 13-16 during the official video. And only 6-7 strikes were made. And this was on a base the size of a small town. A base that had ZERO interceptors in place.

It mean 8 missiles missed or failed. Terrible.

In days ahead post strike analysis will back up my claim of high failure rate.

Seems Fateh is a semi reliable missile (80%) but Qiam is absolutely dog ****!
I feel it would be impossible to hide. USA military families would go nuclear on trump if such a thing happened.

Whether US soldiers died or not, Iran wanted USA to back off and understand that there is a price to be paid for transgressing beyond the unwritten rules of the game. I think Iran achieved that. So it's actually irrelevant whether US soldiers died or not - better in fact they didn't as this permits deescalation.

Now what did US achieve?

NOTHING beyond the assassination of soleimani (which in itself is a big blow, but not worth the cost they will now pay). US are under more pressure in fact to leave Iraq, Iran will openly seek nuke tech, Iranian pro-US opposition is set back years by this, so overall it's been counterproductive for USA. The only caveat is if Trump GENUINELY planned for this to get the troops out, against the neocon mega church deep state's plans...but I feel that is highly improbable - more likely that Trump and US deep state got pwned this time round.
uSa achieved what they wanted ,they wanted Iran and it's proxies more strong in the region and to keep Muslims fighting and killing each other, the Gen Qassim was of the view to negotiate with Arabs at now , so he wasn't towing the deepstate agenda so got eliminated, USA just struck two targets with one arrow , now there will be fitna and proxies from both Arabs and Iran, bloodshed , and Israel will extend it's territory , Arabs may sign a treaty with Israel, Jerusalem will flourish and will be capital , Yamni Hotiees will fire missiles towards Madeena, Palestinian will suffer and dummy Mehmood abass the American Pawan will do his duty , Allah (S.w.t)help us and forgive us the ignorant Muslims,
This is beyond Impressive! The accuracy is astonishing!!!! I think Iran should build 20 new underground missile production facilities to produce these missiles in far greater numbers because clearly no Iranian Air Force would have been able to defeat both U.S. Air Power and U.S. Air Defenses to even accomplish this much against a U.S. Air Force Base!

However to totally takeout a base this size Iran would of needed to fire well over 200 missiles so increasing our stockpile needs to be high priority!

15 fired > 6-7 made contact > minor damage

To take a base out the size of Al-Assad Iran would need to fire 500 missiles and have 250 make direct contact. (50% failure rate).

That is just ONE base. For Iran to rely on missiles for its ENTIRE kinetic strike is PHYSICALLY impossible. Iran would need to have 75,000 long range missiles.

That is beyond absurd. Most estimates put number of missiles at less than 5,000. (US intelligence thinks 2,000).

15 missiles were fired, I counted 13-16 during the official video. And only 6-7 strikes were made. And this was on a base the size of a small town. A base that had ZERO interceptors in place.

It mean 8 missiles missed or failed. Terrible.

In days ahead post strike analysis will back up my claim of high failure rate.

Seems Fateh is a semi reliable missile (80%) but Qiam is absolutely dog ****!
two separate waves of missiles were fired, you don't know no shit.
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