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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

Sure but it is still filled with nato personnel. It has never been out of realm of expectation that Iran would attack the bases. Adequate protection would have make sense!

Obviously it is useless. However: ”Patriot has been given the function of the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which is now Patriot's primary mission. “
Primary! The prices on each missile is 2million USD. A POP! And you think they would admit that it again failed to intercept. Now they can’t even blame useless saudi operators.

if they could then they would. Iran has just recently been mass producing state of the art AD. In a couple of years it will be packed with Iranian ad. Anything else is stupid.

great piece!

The U.S. government has also now confirmed that it did not shoot down any incoming missiles. It did not, at least at the time of the strikes, have any ballistic missile defenses in place in Iraq ostensibly because its forces were postured to fight ISIS, which does not have these weapons. This, however, seems curious given numerous reports in the past six monthsor so about intelligence indicating that Iran or its regional proxies might be moving missiles into position to attack U.S. interests in the Middle East or those its allies and partners.

Regardless, it is worth remembering that, even if Patriots or some other ballistic missile defense system, had been in place at the time, it is very unlikely that they would have been able to successfully intercept all of the incoming Iranian weapons.

This may ultimately have been a relatively small-scale attack, but it has significant implications. First, Iran demonstrated that it won’t be deterred by the juvenile rantings of a moron. It is prepared to hit back.

Second, as is clear from interviews in the media, it demonstrated a technical capacity far beyond what most military analysts believed was within Iran’s capability. The pinpoint precision is seriously impressive. The Zionists will be suffering nightmares imagining large numbers of Fateh-110 missiles in the hands of Hezbollah.

Third, it re-established deterrence. The US, and Trump in particular, will now know that Iran is not only prepared to retaliate, but also that it has the means to do so.

Fourth, it damaged Trump’s credibility. You just can’t go around making such bellicose threats and then accept a slap in the face like that. It has damaged not only his image, but also that of his country and his military.

This direct action had very positive results from Iran’s perspective. The real retaliation though will be strategic. The primary goal will be to continue to push the US out of the region completely. And, most important of all, to make the final nuclear step and establish the strongest possible deterrence.
Some missiles seem to have missed their marks and landed without exploding. Here are the pictures :


Those are empty canisters of missiles main chasis. The warhead has seperated already and hit the designated target. Iran did not have intention of hitting US building in Erbil but wanted to set a warning. Iran has demonstrated over several occasions to hit targets using its missile systems with super high accuracy.
Somehow I seem to have to agree with @TheImmortal's assessment. This could all be for public consumption. The Iranian Government didn't want to escalate the war but had to satisfy the public's thirst. Thus they informed the Iraqis and inturn the US. Or else how is it possible not a single casualty is reported? Somehow the storyline doesn't seem to fit.

Well, you have to remember that the main goal of both the Iranian authorities and people was to establish deterrence against a future US adventurism. We see good accuracy in the photos. I think US military generals have received the message: Iran can target all oil and gas fields in the region with pinpoint accuracy and it will be incredibly difficult to stop their missiles from hitting the targets once launched.

First it’s NOT a US base. It is an Iraqi base that has existed since 80’s.

Second US LEFT Iraq after 2011, they came back to Iraq with a small force to aid Iraq.

Al-Assad was not expected to receive BMs or CMs. Patriot missiles are in the green zone or near consulates. Patriot missile system is useless against rockets which is the likely threat that Al-Assad base would ever face.

Also Iran has a few military bases in Syria COMPLETELY defenseless and they actually get bombed by Israel.

US never thought in 2016/2017 when they would enter Iraq again that Iran would hit them with ballistic missiles. Last guy to do that was Saddam in ‘91 gulf war that’s 30 YEARS AGO.

You talk like THAAD and patriot batteries have a 2 km range! Just because there are no patriot batteries in the base, it doesn't mean that there is no air defense covering the base at all. You have to check a radius of at least 100 kilometers to be sure that there was no proper air defense covering the base. THAAD alone can engage ballistic missiles from 200 kilometers away.

And it is completely stupid to say that the Americans didn't expect it. Trump has been chest thumping since he took office about how ready they are for all scenarios against Iran. Not just after killing Gen. Soleimani, but long before it. They predicted an incoming attack a day before it. If the US cannot defend its bases or interests in the region (Ain-Al Assad Base or the Aramco incident), the whole idea of invincibility that the US preaches all the time will be a joke to their enemies.

Buddy, don't be so naive. If Americans were to be killed, they would retaliate before we could even spell retaliate.

There have been numerous occasions that Iran has targeted American soldiers and they didn't retaliate, neither immediately nor directly. Most famously, the 1983 barracks bombings in Beirut which killed over 300 soldiers and severely injured tens more.
Most interesting part of the Iranian ballistic missiles episode was the American EWS performance. Not sure whether all of their soldiers inside the facility was successfully evacuated before the incoming missiles or not. American ABM system was failed in Saudia last year against the missiles fired from the Yemen. Still curious about the statement from the Pentagon/Trump regarding “zero causality and no critical damage”. All 17s S2S successfully launched and followed the coordinates without any failure. I must say Americans are hiding the damages and some of their causalities like Indian Military for the face saving. Having said that, still not believe Iranian version of 80..
Hey guys,i was thinking if -ein ul asad- was a major americunt Airbase, it would be rational that americans must have used lots of jammers(gps glonas jammers)to deflect any threat coming toward the air base......so regarding the precision of the missile can we conclude that Iranian missiles don't ever use gps and glonass for targeting the airbase!.....if so what kind of guidance system they use?!
Most interesting part of the Iranian ballistic missiles episode was the American EWS performance. Not sure whether all of their soldiers inside the facility was successfully evacuated before the incoming missiles or not. American ABM system was failed in Saudia last year against the missiles fired from the Yemen. Still curious about the statement from the Pentagon/Trump regarding “zero causality and no critical damage”. All 17s S2S successfully launched and followed the coordinates without any failure. I must say Americans are hiding the damages and some of their causalities like Indian Military for the face saving. Having said that, still not believe Iranian version of 80..

I believe iranian version. They are already in Iraq their agents working their must have reported them. if not 80 I say 50. Plus Their Early warning failed. missiles did land on targets. Tell me why trump who said 2 days before any action by Iran means declaration of WAR. now he just imposing sanctions. Must have hit american ego very hard.
Hey guys,i was thinking if -ein ul asad- was a major americunt Airbase, it would be rational that americans must have used lots of jammers(gps glonas jammers)to deflect any threat coming toward the air base......so regarding the precision of the missile can we conclude that Iranian missiles don't ever use gps and glonass for targeting the airbase!.....if so what kind of guidance system they use?!
One very likely option would be using the iranian lps[local positioning system]for setting the initial launch point of the on board inertial navigation system which would give very,very good accuracy to begin with.The iranian inertial navigation systems also use state of the art components like laser ring and fiber optic gyros and these give very good accuracy and are relatively cheap[compared to earlier electro-mechanical/electronic-mechanical gyro systems].The iranians spent a lot of time and effort to be able to indigenously produce these components and complete systems.
i think russia may have tested its missile using iran against u.s missile defenses
You can't hide 80 casualties forever and Iranian media is usually not accurate. I believe only infrastructure damage only occured.

"Infrastructure"? More like some glorified "tents".


There are indeed some "infrastructure" in the area, but Iranians were very careful in selecting targets.


A sweet deal for both.
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"Infrastructure"? More like some glorified "tents".


There are indeed some "infrastructure" in the area, but Iranians were very careful in selecting targets.


A sweet deal for both.
Glorified tents with 100 million dollars worth of equipment and dozens of men could be inside.

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