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Sarfraz criticise ICC and PM Hasina, PCB and BCB relations will go:Sarfraz


Apr 7, 2012
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Security was not real issue: Sarfraz
23 April, 2012

LAHORE: Our Sources of the postponement of the Bangladesh tour to Pakistan may have been overshadowed by the tragic events in Islamabad, but questions continue to be asked about the impact on the immediate future of International cricket in the country.

In exclusive comments to PakPassion.net Sarfraz Nawaz, the outspoken former Pakistan fast bowler, spoke of his dismay at the manner in which the tour had been postponed and felt that there was more to this affair then just matters of security.

Whilst it may be true that the decision of the Bangladesh board on the back of a court stay order has shocked cricket fans round the country, Sarfraz Nawaz chose to put some perspective on the matter and also criticized the role of the ICC.

“What's happened here is not good and it's a bad omen for the Pakistan Cricket Board –It would have been much better if the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) had declined to tour Pakistan in the first place instead of taking us through these hoops! I also feel that the ICC must bear some blame for this postponement. If they had wanted it, this tour could have happened. ICC chose to put out mixed signals such as on the appointment of match officials where they suggested that they would not send their own. This was also used as a basis for the postponement”

Sarfraz was also not entirely convinced that the BCB decision was based purely on fears regarding security and felt that some political pressure may have been at play behind such important decisions.

“I had personally attended the press conference in which the Bangladeshi security delegation had shown their appreciation for the arrangements when they visited Pakistan so I really don't think that was an issue. Don't also forget that the Bangladeshi PM had left the ground before awarding the trophy to Pakistan at the Asia Cup. Later on, we saw agitation on the streets in Dhaka and in that respect, the court order was a logical conclusion to this drama. Security was not the real Issue for the postponement of the Bangladesh series”
Whilst many Pakistan fans may not be too pleased with what they consider as unethical behaviour by the BCB, Sarfraz Nawaz felt that this was a temporary setback and relations between both boards would not be effected in the long term.
“Personally, I don't think this is as huge an issue as some would make it – I don't think that there has been any significant damage to relations between the two boards. These things happen and the PCB as well as the BCB should learn lessons and move on”

This may not be the first crisis that the PCB has had to face in the recent past but, as in the past, their policies on such issues has always come under scrutiny – usually in an unfavourable manner. Sarfraz does not feel that PCB can be criticised in this instance and they seem to be doing well in terms of looking ahead at their own plans.

“I think they are doing well to plan ahead. We have news of the Pakistan Premier League all set for October of this year. In addition there is also talk of a mini series with Afghanistan and Zimbabwe so a lot is being planned” added Sarfraz.

It was widely expected that the visit by the Bangladesh team would be a precursor to a complete resumption of International cricket in Pakistan. The postponement of said tour could have adverse effects on any future revival of tours by foreign teams. However Sarfraz feels that the PCB needs to look beyond this setback and put some robust policies in place to attract international cricket back to Pakistan.

“I have always held this view that PCB needs a capable representative who can help project a positive view of Pakistan in front of the world. Previously we had Ijaz Butt who did untold damage to our reputation by boycotting ICC meetings and accusing England players of match fixing. We need a better strategy. In fact, I would recommend that we ask the foreign office to help in this matter as they have seasoned diplomats in their ranks. So, the Pakistani ambassadors to various nations can be utilized to present a better picture which can raise our profile in the ICC member countries. We also need to ensure that we are not humiliated in this way again”

Security was not real issue: Sarfraz Pakistan Sports

Dear Bros,Sis:

We must believe to do our duty of Muslim brothers whatever happen (conspiracies).....My own family members were in the favor that BD brother must not visit and even dawn was saying recurringly.....Believe me I was initially in so strong favor that some country must visit Pakistan (I'm patriotic and brave like muslim not afraid of dieing). I wrote a lot in my Pakistan favor and against those who were in favor they must not visit (For instance Mr. Shafat, a Pakistani author)...but later when I read another article and my own close family members convinced me then I was bit concerned about BD...as world powers and all international community have been politically so much hostile to Pakistan much more after the NATO supply conditions by the parliament...so anti-Pakistan element would have done as much harm as possible to put us more back to pre-stone age (as already in billion of troubles like a stone age,... Allah is testing us and Allah don't give more than our capability I believe, we have been chosen to curb multitude of problems of national and global sort)...but, I fully agree with Sarfraz Nawaz that security was not so issue...But I fully agree the most hurting and pinching part is that they have visited the security themselves and decided to visit...If they had denied at it first place and and this all show whatever has embarrassed us more and put a more stigma on us, we regret if we have not persuaded any brother for help just to resume our political grace (it was so moistening to see Pakistan being so disgraced in all this long paintaking awaiting episodes...), as anti-Pakistanis (MOSTLY nations, those who don't like policies or whatever their say and logics).. Their refusal has endorsed others who says your own brother refused for security concern (I'm Muslim and believe in brotherhood, but we need to solve our own problems first, unless you yourself has the full swimming capability (Strong enough), you must not go ahead to save other brother, both will drowned (may Allah not) , as happen in the case of Afghanistan.....)...May those all indigenous elements (or external) who want to see a slit between bothers may not succeed in their mission (Ameen!)....May the peace prevail to Muslim nations and humanity (Ameen!)...May we add good to Muslims and humanity (Ameen!)
Faizo man tashao wa tozilo man tashao (It is Allah which gives you the grace and it is he who gives you disgrace)...in all case ,we hardcoded believe jo krta hi Allah krta hi aur woh theek krtaa hi, it is all powers to God look how even we did not deserved the way we played in final but Allah decided in the 11th hour PK to win (so perhaps we may remined with a lil hope that he loves us inspite we are not that good muslim)...May Allah give us the powers to do such good act so may get able to resume our grace and take our troubles away (Ameen!) away and help us to to be suffice enough to stay on our feet (Ameen!)... say amen please if you believing in God!
Best of luck for our brother in South Africa (our sincere prayers with you to win Ameen!)...We have nothing but good wishes for our brother and to all... :)
It was Bangladeshi court not Hasina or ICC or BCCI.

Bangladeshi court order stayed the cricket tour.
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