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Sarabjit was a RAW agent.

Though i don't copy much but just borrowing a word from @Umair Nawaz who has the original copyright for it on PDF:

"LOL" at the MATURITY of some of some Senior Members here.

Firstly, Who exactly is this so called ANONYMOUS intelligence source??

Secondly, What credibility does he have??

Thirdly, Is he a RAW agent??

Fourthly, Was he aware of all the RAW missions of that era??

Fifthly & most importantly, even if i assume Sarabhjit was really a RAW agent, than why will some Govt. official admit it in Open, again, even if he want to open the secret that Sarabhjit was indeed a RAW agent, why will he add such a comment:

"Some of the operations executed by the R&AW during the period were totally mindless. Spies like Sarabjit and their family have paid huge cost for it. Sometimes, the agency officials executed operations out of personal bravado that they can get 'something' done in Pakistan,"
(Criticizing his own bosses??)

there is an Official Secret's Act which acts against those who disclose such State secrets.

As far as I see, HT has just hiding behind an ANONYMOUS source to publish this news, no one can QUESTION HT now.
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Yeah it seems he was a R&AW agent,During the 80s and 90s Pakistan was actively training Khalistanis to carry out attacks in India,So then PM Indira Gandhi ordered tit for tat attacks in Pakistan,Many retired raw officials mentioned these event on many books.Whether it is not clear he was actually part of this plot,but he was definitely arrested on a mistaken identity.The Pakistan authorities claimed that he was 'Manjit Singh' and had been responsible for the four blasts which killed 14 people.It has been reported that Manjit Singh was later apprehended in Canada.
Yeah it seems he was a R&AW agent,During the 80s and 90s Pakistan was actively training Khalistanis to carry out attacks in India,So then PM Indira Gandhi ordered tit for tat attacks in Pakistan,Many retired raw officials mentioned these event on many books.Whether it is not clear he was actually part of this plot,but he was definitely arrested on a mistaken identity.The Pakistan authorities claimed that he was 'Manjit Singh' and had been responsible for the four blasts which killed 14 people.It has been reported that Manjit Singh was later apprehended in Canada.

In the 80's Indian terrorists were busy in exloding bicycle bombs in Pakistan specially in Karachi, Peshawar and Punjab when Pakistan was busy in Afghan war.

and oh who manjit?

No agent works under his original name.

anyway Sarabjit was an Indian terrorist and Indians are now admiting it.

Was Sarabjit Singh a R&AW agent? - Hindustan Times

Sarabjit Singh had gone to Pakistan for an operation managed by a senior Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) official, who later became the external intelligence agency's chief as well, sources have told HT.

"Sarabjit was an Indian spy in Pakistan. He managed to accomplish the task given to him but was caught while trying to flee," said an intelligence source who refused to elaborate more on the operation taken up by the spy.

A former intelligence official, who dealt with Sarabjit's case, said the operation executed by Sarabjit didn't serve any tactical purpose but still the agency had executed many such missions in Pakistan in the early and mid 90s.

"Some of the operations executed by the R&AW during the period were totally mindless. Spies like Sarabjit and their family have paid huge cost for it. Sometimes, the agency officials executed operations out of personal bravado that they can get 'something' done in Pakistan," said the official.

Sources also point out that the agency is yet to evolve a policy for paying spies like Sarabjit or their families when they caught in the enemy land.

"Payments vary case to case depending on the nature of operation. There is no uniformity in discreet payments to families when such agents are caught or eliminated by the enemy," says a source.

"Sarabjit had been awarded a state funeral because his case was mainly highlighted due to efforts of his politically astute sister Dalbir Kaur. His family is also being compensated, But there are many cases in which the spies came back from Pakistan knocked the doors of courts to get their dues," the source said.

This unnamed sources say many such things like India having Surya 1 and 2 ICBMs, development of anti-gravity devices, etc.
Cant always believe them, after all who knows whether those unnamed sources exist or not.
Though i don't copy much but just borrowing a word from @Umair Nawaz who has the original copyright for it on PDF:

"LOL" at the MATURITY of some of some Senior Members here.

Firstly, Who exactly is this so called ANONYMOUS intelligence source??

Secondly, What credibility does he have??

Thirdly, Is he a RAW agent??

Fourthly, Was he aware of all the RAW missions of that era??

Fifthly & most importantly, even if i assume Sarabhjit was really a RAW agent, than why will some Govt. official admit it in Open, again, even if he want to open the secret that Sarabhjit was indeed a RAW agent, why will he add such a comment:

(Criticizing his own bosses??)

there is an Official Secret's Act which acts against those who disclose such State secrets.

As far as I see, HT has just hiding behind an ANONYMOUS source to publish this news, no one can QUESTION HT now.

1. Um, dude, we don't know the source, that is why it is kept anonymous.

2. It is a anonymous source. Anonymous sources usually do pop up, and media hs everyright to utilize it. If it is fake, then PTI needs work to do.

3. Check out #2 & #1

4. Check out #3

5. Check out #4
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In the 80's Indian terrorists were busy in exloding bicycle bombs in Pakistan specially in Karachi, Peshawar and Punjab when Pakistan was busy in Afghan war.

and oh who manjit?

No agent works under his original name.

anyway Sarabjit was an Indian terrorist and Indians are now admiting it.


As they say, it,Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.Why did Pakistan trained Khalistanis to cause havoc in India.Why did you send militants in to Mumbai.When it comes to relations between India and Pakistan relations everything seems to works on the principle of tit for tat.Even in this very forum it works this way.
Nothing is official, just an anonymous so called RAW senior agent spew something and all Pakistanies are latching on that like straw.

Don't worry, we will make him PM also.

Our Country, Our Rules - Any Problems?

They will **** in their pants when he becomes one.
Well, it still does not mean he should have been bludgeoned to death.

why not? he wasnt in pakistan to do good was he? he was there to do us harm, so he had to die a dogs death.

Waiting for our beloved Indian Members to shed some light on this

i dont think your going to hear much lol
Though i don't copy much but just borrowing a word from @Umair Nawaz who has the original copyright for it on PDF:

"LOL" at the MATURITY of some of some Senior Members here.

Firstly, Who exactly is this so called ANONYMOUS intelligence source??

Secondly, What credibility does he have??

Thirdly, Is he a RAW agent??

Fourthly, Was he aware of all the RAW missions of that era??

Fifthly & most importantly, even if i assume Sarabhjit was really a RAW agent, than why will some Govt. official admit it in Open, again, even if he want to open the secret that Sarabhjit was indeed a RAW agent, why will he add such a comment:

(Criticizing his own bosses??)

there is an Official Secret's Act which acts against those who disclose such State secrets.

As far as I see, HT has just hiding behind an ANONYMOUS source to publish this news, no one can QUESTION HT now.

This unnamed sources say many such things like India having Surya 1 and 2 ICBMs, development of anti-gravity devices, etc.
Cant always believe them, after all who knows whether those unnamed sources exist or not.

Nothing is official, just an anonymous so called RAW senior agent spew something and all Pakistanies are latching on that like straw.

They will **** in their pants when he becomes one.

And then you guys say it is Pakistanis who are in denial. Denial at its best here.
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It was already known on Pakistani side, hope Indian will come out of denial now and admit that a drunk man can't cross Indo-Pak border.
What the fcuk,,,, 14 Pakistani's killed on the order of RAW senior leader.... And they say India is not involved in Balochistan. And it is clearly written in report, RAW senior leader acted recklessly, or just to increase their repo or performance sheet, they used to carry out senseless operations.

But some apologist F@ggots are justifying their behaviour with khalistani excuses
no point in agruing with them, honerstly before pdf i didnt think were such liars, cowards, and dumb people but my eyes are open now.

Please do not go by what happens in PDF.... the number of people here doesn't represent any nation..... It is applicable to all the nationals here.....
Some of the operations executed by the R&AW during the period were totally mindless. Spies like Sarabjit and their family have paid huge cost for it. Sometimes, the agency officials executed operations out of personal bravado that they can get 'something' done in Pakistan," said the official.

Though i don't copy much but just borrowing a word from @Umair Nawaz who has the original copyright for it on PDF:

"LOL" at the MATURITY of some of some Senior Members here.

Firstly, Who exactly is this so called ANONYMOUS intelligence source??

Secondly, What credibility does he have??

Thirdly, Is he a RAW agent??

Fourthly, Was he aware of all the RAW missions of that era??

Fifthly & most importantly, even if i assume Sarabhjit was really a RAW agent, than why will some Govt. official admit it in Open, again, even if he want to open the secret that Sarabhjit was indeed a RAW agent, why will he add such a comment:

(Criticizing his own bosses??)

there is an Official Secret's Act which acts against those who disclose such State secrets.

As far as I see, HT has just hiding behind an ANONYMOUS source to publish this news, no one can QUESTION HT now.

When it about showing Pakistan in bad light than anonymous source becomes divine revelation.
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