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Sania Mirza to marry Shoaib Malik?

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Indian media and their handlers sure have got something against this marriage. I was just joking along in this thread but after reading indian comments on the internet and the reporting, seems like Indian media is not happy about this and are trying their best to end this before it even began.

So much for any peace negotiations and friendly relations.
Indian media and their handlers sure have got something against this marriage. I was just joking along in this thread but after reading indian comments on the internet and the reporting, seems like Indian media is not happy about this and are trying their best to end this before it even began.

So much for any peace negotiations and friendly relations.

Right now peace is a FAR away thing dude. Did you forget the IPL snub already? An average Indian was VERY supportive of the unity amongst the Indian corporate in rejecting players of Pakistani origin. Just about any IPL team could have used the expertise of Shoaib Tanvir or Umar Gul.
In an attempt to point out one error, how many did you commit? Kettle? Pot? Black? Let's not get into Grammar, you cannot even spell the word properly :azn:

Henceforth your posts will merely be judged for grammar, because, while grammar is clearly not your forte, the words "facts" and "accuracy" aren't even in your dictionary!

you posted on 12:34 and edited on 12:41 :D hurriedly fixing mistakes .. silly Indian_Atheist :bounce:
I haven't seen such images being flashed by the Indian media. Care to share some links?

Saw just few minutes back snaps of Shoaib Partying With Girls on the Lap ...vagaira vagaira... :partay: on apna स्टार न्यूज़ star newj channel .most channels are bashing up shoaib & co with lies exposed nailing each of them.

I got a better idea! I just ignored you and I can no longer see your posts! =D

You could do the same, I guess. Peace out, Indian_Fakie!
:bounce:Congrats to Shoiab and Sania hope they have a great wedding and we look forward to welcoming Sania in Pakistan :pakistan:
Oh ****! You caught me!!!!!!

By the way,

Aman = Urdu(from the Arabic Ameen) = Peace
Asha = Hindi(from Sanskrit?) = Hope

ahahah this is a double gotcha

Aman is NOT from Ameen , Ameen is what Muslims say after finishing prayers akin to the Amen in English meaning "Verily", "Truly", "So say we all", "So be it", and "Let it be."

See here Indian_Atheist is getting exposed :yahoo:

Also 9 out of 10 people from Lahore dont know ( or care to know ) that Asha is a Snaskrit word meaning hope.

Give it up faker , you are as fake as indian girl in question in this thread.
ahahah this is a double gotcha

Aman is NOT from Ameen , Ameen is what Muslims say after finishing prayers akin to the Amen in English meaning "Verily", "Truly", "So say we all", "So be it", and "Let it be."

See here Indian_Atheist is getting exposed :yahoo:

Give it up faker , you are as fake as indian girl in question in this thread.

You must be a complete idiot, if you could not figure out that I took those two words from the term "Aman ki Asha" that media and bloggers alike are so inclined to use! :what:

Also 9 out of 10 people from Lahore dont know ( or care to know ) that Asha is a Snaskrit word meaning hope.

I left Lahore at the age of 11 and I've been using internet for ever now! Most educated people [that obviously excludes you] look up when they come across something that they aren't quite familiar with. Sorry about not being a village idiot like you.

Having said that, thanks for letting me know that Aman is not based off Ameen, but I am still fairly certain that they have the same roots.

What's Poja and Soja? I don't even know if its a 'Pakistani' word or 'Indian' word. Will my Pakistani citizenship be 'revoked' coz I don't know those words?:undecided:

I am not running away from you, you are just not worth my time. If you still feel that I am running away, that's fine. But anyone who has been reading this thread will be able to view the real picture.
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