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Salute to all Pakistani steel.


Mar 18, 2016
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Trust me these Chinese people are the worst! They will eat you for money, will do anything for cash and are one of the most nastiest society on earth. There should be a BAN on any Chinese getting married in Pakistan!!

Oh lol! He is doing all this since years and were was the Intelligence when he freed many women being imprisoned? When he caught Cops selling Weapons to Terrorists?
China regards Pakistan as a brother and hopes that Pakistan will prosper (any country wants its allies to prosper)

The Chinese internally call the Pakistanis as "Pakistani Steel"(巴铁).
Any Pakistani can experience this friendship in China.

Here said Chinese hurt the Pakistan sisters.
Some people say that Pakistan will become the slave of China.

Now please answer me.

1,Why recently so much negative news about China and Pakistan?
2,Why is it that only Pakistani wives are harmed by the Chinese, while other countries wives live happily in China?
3, a country said that Pakistan had become a slave of China. Who remembers that this country invaded Pakistan with drones and killed Pakistani civilians?
4,China is the world's largest trading country, so how much benefit can we get from hurting Pakistan?
5,How many Pakistanis have been hurt in China?

Brothers, calm down, China is not your enemy. The Chinese are not your enemies. Our friendship has gone through a history test. Don't make us cry. Don't make the enemy happy.

This is a Chinese poem. I am your Brother, not your enemy. Why are you so anxious to hurt me?





People burn the beanstalk to boil beans,
filtering them to extract juice.
The beanstalks were burnt under the cauldron,
and the beans in the cauldron wailed:
"We were originally grown from the same root;
Why should we hound each other to death with such impatience?"

This is a kind of sadness and helplessness. Like the mood when I wrote this article.

Welcome to China. Find true friendship.





Thank you. Salute to all Pakistani steel.

@Well.wisher @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Peaceful Civilian @pakpride00090 @hamilcar of carthage @Numerous
@Starlord @Imran Khan @Syed Hammad Ahmed @BigTank

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Everybody have it's own opinion and reasons, don't take it as a whole nations opinion.
Generally in Pakistan and especially in Islamabad we like Chinese people and respect them and their needed space.
And for the marriage issue both Governments Pakistani and Chinese have taken this issue seriously.
Everybody have it's own opinion and reasons, don't take it as a whole nations opinion.
Generally in Pakistan and especially in Islamabad we like Chinese people and respect them and their needed space.
And for the marriage issue both Governments Pakistani and Chinese have taken this issue seriously.
I know.
so in any case...
I will not hurt Pakistani brothers.
First off I am going be frankly Honest I admire the Peoples Republic of China and how they have advanced in the past 4 decades and your nation has been good ally for us however we are not "BROTHERS" we are allies your culture,lifestyles, and mindset are very different from ours, I would prefer if your Government and our Government only allows temp workers and engineers we dont want an influx of foreigners in our nation I say this the same about our allies KSA,Turkey,and Azerbaijan, but we are friends and allies and also I want our Pakistani students to bring back knowledge and skills only we dont want to be part of your "culture" I end on a note

:pakistan::china: Pakistan-China Friendship Zindabad
Hey, the problem is that Pakistan is a democratic country so here many news channels have their own opinions and many have vested interests (i.e. lobbies, funding from foreign agencies) so definitely some of them try to spread propaganda against Pak-China under the pretext of freedom of speech and if govt of Pakistan takes an action against them, they start to scream the freedom of expression is under the threat and the western govts & media support them.

But people on the whole have a positive opinion about China. However this matchmaking (which I didn't know about until yesterday) thing needs to stop and govt of Pakistan & China have decided to crack down on all such criminal activities.
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Hey, the problem is that Pakistan is a democratic country so here many news channels have their own opinions and many have vested interests (i.e. lobbies, funding from foreign agencies) so definitely the try to spread propaganda against Pak-China under the pretext of freedom of speech and if govt of Pakistan takes an action against them, they start to cry the freedom of expression is under the threat and western govt & media support them.

We are bloody crony country not even democratic, elite and media is all courupt and our people are retarded and cant see fact from fiction sadly
China regards Pakistan as a brother and hopes that Pakistan will prosper (any country wants its allies to prosper)

The Chinese internally call the Pakistanis as "Pakistani Steel"(巴铁).
Any Pakistani can experience this friendship in China.

Here said Chinese hurt the Pakistan sisters.
Some people say that Pakistan will become the slave of China.

Now please answer me.

1,Why recently so much negative news about China and Pakistan?
2,Why is it that only Pakistani wives are harmed by the Chinese, while other countries wives live happily in China?
3, a country said that Pakistan had become a slave of China. Who remembers that this country invaded Pakistan with drones and killed Pakistani civilians?
4,China is the world's largest trading country, so how much benefit can we get from hurting Pakistan?
5,How many Pakistanis have been hurt in China?

Brothers, calm down, China is not your enemy. The Chinese are not your enemies. Our friendship has gone through a history test. Don't make us cry. Don't make the enemy happy.

This is a Chinese poem. I am your Brother, not your enemy. Why are you so anxious to hurt me?





People burn the beanstalk to boil beans,
filtering them to extract juice.
The beanstalks were burnt under the cauldron,
and the beans in the cauldron wailed:
"We were originally grown from the same root;
Why should we hound each other to death with such impatience?"

This is a kind of sadness and helplessness. Like the mood when I wrote this article.

Welcome to China. Find true friendship.





Thank you. Salute to all Pakistani steel.

@Well.wisher @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Peaceful Civilian @pakpride00090 @hamilcar of carthage @Numerous
@Starlord @Imran Khan @Syed Hammad Ahmed @BigTank

very good , take care .
Hey, the problem is that Pakistan is a democratic country so here many news channels have their own opinions and many have vested interests (i.e. lobbies, funding from foreign agencies) so definitely some of them try to spread propaganda against Pak-China under the pretext of freedom of speech and if govt of Pakistan takes an action against them, they start to scream the freedom of expression is under the threat and the western govts & media support them.
But people on the whole have a positive opinion about China. However this matchmaking (which I didn't know about until yesterday) thing needs to stop and govt of Pakistan & China have decided to crack down on all such criminal activities.
Thank you.
Indian friends tell me that lying is democratic rights and free.


American friends tell me how crazy it can be to lie.
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