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Salute to all Pakistani steel.

Pakistan has also helped us in our most difficult times.
Hopefully we can take our relationship to new heights once Pakistan gets out if this Quagmire thats was forced upon us
This is not a big deal.

On twitter you have a few Pakistanis barking against the Pakistani state itself. Some even calling for dissolving the state itself and joining Afghanistan/India.

We are a country of 200 million, you will hear fringe voices. Its better to ignore.
China is the only country that had Pakistan back through thick n thin through our lowest moments
During (221 BC to 772 BC), about 551 years period when China broke into many small states and they kept making allies & fighting with each other. The lesson Chinese learnt from that period is: No alliance can be trusted.
What Chinese says they believes No enemies should be hated, because they may become your allies in the next minute.
China is devoted to Non alliance policy, they believes in self-reliance and mutually beneficial trading , the reason they are becoming Economic SuperPower.
During (221 BC to 772 BC), about 551 years period when China broke into many small states and they kept making allies & fighting with each other. The lesson Chinese learnt from that period is: No alliance can be trusted.
What Chinese says they believes No enemies should be hated, because they may become your allies in the next minute.
China is devoted to Non alliance policy, they believes in self-reliance and mutually beneficial trading , the reason they are becoming Economic SuperPower.
As long as your being cynical fair enough

But i think as long as China and Pakistan have a massive border dispute with India our relationship is safe
China regards Pakistan as a brother and hopes that Pakistan will prosper (any country wants its allies to prosper)

The Chinese internally call the Pakistanis as "Pakistani Steel"(巴铁).
Any Pakistani can experience this friendship in China.

Here said Chinese hurt the Pakistan sisters.
Some people say that Pakistan will become the slave of China.

Now please answer me.

1,Why recently so much negative news about China and Pakistan?
2,Why is it that only Pakistani wives are harmed by the Chinese, while other countries wives live happily in China?
3, a country said that Pakistan had become a slave of China. Who remembers that this country invaded Pakistan with drones and killed Pakistani civilians?
4,China is the world's largest trading country, so how much benefit can we get from hurting Pakistan?
5,How many Pakistanis have been hurt in China?

Brothers, calm down, China is not your enemy. The Chinese are not your enemies. Our friendship has gone through a history test. Don't make us cry. Don't make the enemy happy.

This is a Chinese poem. I am your Brother, not your enemy. Why are you so anxious to hurt me?





People burn the beanstalk to boil beans,
filtering them to extract juice.
The beanstalks were burnt under the cauldron,
and the beans in the cauldron wailed:
"We were originally grown from the same root;
Why should we hound each other to death with such impatience?"

This is a kind of sadness and helplessness. Like the mood when I wrote this article.

Welcome to China. Find true friendship.





Thank you. Salute to all Pakistani steel.

@Well.wisher @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Peaceful Civilian @pakpride00090 @hamilcar of carthage @Numerous
@Starlord @Imran Khan @Syed Hammad Ahmed @BigTank

As I said before in anti-china troll thread of @DESERT FIGHTER
China is a huge country not all it's people r good or bad
Same for Pakistanis
Some people have faced issue in China and and some Chinese have faced issues in Pakistan
And those issues need to be resolved by both gov
As nations china and Pakistan are friendly Nations
And we should remedy anything that would bring problems in our friendship
True, cause most people didn't give a f$ck which gets on my nerves

Why should we tbh the PRC isnt at war with us the border is probably the only peaceful front we have so there isnt much problems our issue with the States is their arrogant behavior towards the region hence the Anti-American feelings
Why should we tbh the PRC isnt at war with us the border is probably the only peaceful front we have so there isnt much problems our issue with the States is their arrogant behavior towards the region hence the Anti-American feelings
They are ignorant in general, no one likes them here, either.
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