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Salute to all Pakistani steel.

Carous to know, how many Chinese even know about Pakistan?
China's network coverage is 96% (2016). So about 1.3 billion Chinese know Pakistan.

Thank you.
Indian friends tell me that lying is democratic rights and free.


American friends tell me how crazy it can be to lie.
View attachment 553245 View attachment 553246
In India, lying, deception & seduction are considered art forms. Indian politicians follow Chanakya's philosophy which teaches lying, deception and treachery are the essential tools of the statecraft. Furthermore, their religious people (i.e. pundits, bhagats) all speak lies. The make false claim to Indus Valley Civilisation. They falsely claim many scientific inventions & discoveries. Indian prime minister Modi claims that Plastic surgery and stem cell technologies were invented by hindus thousands of centuries BC. Similarly, they believe their spaceships were flying in the intergalactic space in around 10000 BC. Also common Indian people consider lying & cheating as valuable traits for success in life.

While in Islam lying is considered the mother of all sins and if you're dishonest, you cannot be true believer rather become a hypocrite.

Corrupt people exist on both sides. The mistake is to let them define the relationship rather than working together to eliminate such criminals.
Exactly, we should not make this mistake and look at the broader picture. Pak-China friendship is indigestible for many.
China regards Pakistan as a brother and hopes that Pakistan will prosper (any country wants its allies to prosper)

The Chinese internally call the Pakistanis as "Pakistani Steel"(巴铁).
Any Pakistani can experience this friendship in China.

Here said Chinese hurt the Pakistan sisters.
Some people say that Pakistan will become the slave of China.

Now please answer me.

1,Why recently so much negative news about China and Pakistan?
2,Why is it that only Pakistani wives are harmed by the Chinese, while other countries wives live happily in China?
3, a country said that Pakistan had become a slave of China. Who remembers that this country invaded Pakistan with drones and killed Pakistani civilians?
4,China is the world's largest trading country, so how much benefit can we get from hurting Pakistan?
5,How many Pakistanis have been hurt in China?

Brothers, calm down, China is not your enemy. The Chinese are not your enemies. Our friendship has gone through a history test. Don't make us cry. Don't make the enemy happy.

This is a Chinese poem. I am your Brother, not your enemy. Why are you so anxious to hurt me?





People burn the beanstalk to boil beans,
filtering them to extract juice.
The beanstalks were burnt under the cauldron,
and the beans in the cauldron wailed:
"We were originally grown from the same root;
Why should we hound each other to death with such impatience?"

This is a kind of sadness and helplessness. Like the mood when I wrote this article.

Welcome to China. Find true friendship.





Thank you. Salute to all Pakistani steel.

@Well.wisher @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Peaceful Civilian @pakpride00090 @hamilcar of carthage @Numerous
@Starlord @Imran Khan @Syed Hammad Ahmed @BigTank

Bro, there are many Pakistanis who are even against Pakistan. Some want to join Afghanistan, some put Iran over Pakistan.. some people say bad things about other ethnic backgrounds in Pakistan.. so just ignore these people..
why is china jailing so many muslims of xinjiang? it hurts the sentiments of the muslims of pakistan.
Those criticising china are same people who supported Ugyhur extremists which created violence and bloodshed in the streets of Xinjiang. They are criticizing china but they are minority here, Most Pakistani love China. Take any public poll. Majority Pakistani are proud of our friendship.
Pak China friendship Zindabad

why is china jailing so many muslims of xinjiang? it hurts the sentiments of the muslims of pakistan.
Because they created violence & bloodshed . We also banned 75 + extremist organisation here. No country can tolerate violence & bloodshed . This is hurdle in the progress of country.


Because they created violence & bloodshed . We also banned 75 + extremist organisation here. No country can tolerate violence & bloodshed . This is hurdle in the progress of country.

They have jailed 800k people. If 800,000 people had gone violent it would have had a far greater effect than the handful of terrorist attacks that have occurred in China.
They have jailed 800k people. If 800,000 people had gone violent it would have had a far greater effect than the handful of terrorist attacks that have occurred in China.
This is brave Chinese police & army that prevented further violence , otherwise western countries were supporting them.
It can divide china if they don't deal them with iron hands. We saw when Chinese gave them soft corner and how they started violence with sticks, knives , taking law in hands . China is not Muslim country. There is One law in China. You can't dictate them.

In Pakistan We saw Islamists people demanding sharia in Swat, when we gave them soft corner, they raised sticks, then raised knives, then started beheading people . But what we did? We dealt them with iron hands, we killed them, arrested them, Sprayed bullets. Peace came in Swat due to aggressive policy.
Same happend in Lal masjid , they also had tens of thousands support. They ran away when we killed 100+ extremists in lal masjid.
Conclusion: No country can tolerate extremism & violence .
They have jailed 800k people. If 800,000 people had gone violent it would have had a far greater effect than the handful of terrorist attacks that have occurred in China.
why is china jailing so many muslims of xinjiang? it hurts the sentiments of the muslims of pakistan.
The people of Xinjiang (I mean all) are rich. yes, they are richer than most countries. Including Iraq, Libya, Syria... Are these not Muslim countries?

If you insist that China imprisons 80,000 Muslims (not extremists, criminals, separatists)....
Brother, believe me, Xinjiang is more developed than you think. The technology is more advanced.







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@Abdussamad @Peaceful Civilian
Brothers, you really don't need to worry about Xinjiang.
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