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Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

Considering the piss poor state of pakistan/other muslim societies why should the pakistani/islam way of thinking/heritage be accepted in the West ? Do the Brits look like chumps to you ?
Again you are faking it? You know full well that a nation's global geopolitical "value" depends entirely on the overarching agenda of the most powerful countries at a given point in time.

If Hindustan had no value as a counterweight to China and Pakistan, and as an emerging partner of Israel, you would be derided as a bunch of cow worshipping fanatics and all the crap that goes on in Indian villages would be constant headline news.

As long as India's position remains as such, your fairweather friends will prop you up as the junior member of the gentleman's club. If India suddenly said "screw Israel, let's make rupees from solid gold, and Ram bless China", watch how quickly you become "piss poor".

And to further illustrate my point, plenty of Muslim states are the polar opposite of "piss poor" because they play the game right and tick the right boxes politically.
Again you are faking it? You know full well that a nation's global geopolitical "value" depends entirely on the overarching agenda of the most powerful countries at a given point in time.

If Hindustan had no value as a counterweight to China and Pakistan, and as an emerging partner of Israel, you would be derided as a bunch of cow worshipping fanatics and all the crap that goes on in Indian villages would be constant headline news.

As long as India's position remains as such, your fairweather friends will prop you up as the junior member of the gentleman's club. If India suddenly said "screw Israel, let's make rupees from solid gold, and Ram bless China", watch how quickly you become "piss poor".

And to further illustrate my point, plenty of Muslim states are the polar opposite of "piss poor" because they play the game right and tick the right boxes politically.

India and Indians are treated a little better than Pakistanis because Indian economy is order of magnitude better than Pakistani. Indians are a better educated than Pakistanis. it is reflected in the number of companies they start and they run. It helps Indians do not go around helping terrorists

P.S. - What happens in Israel should be of no consequence to a non-Israeli. you could learn from those Muslim states that are polar opposite of "piss poor"
India and Indians are treated a little better than Pakistanis because Indian economy is order of magnitude better than Pakistani. Indians are a better educated than Pakistanis. it is reflected in the number of companies they start and they run. It helps Indians do not go around helping terrorists

P.S. - What happens in Israel should be of no consequence to a non-Israeli. you could learn from those Muslim states that are polar opposite of "piss poor"
Rubbish. Pakistani economy used to be great compared to India's a few decades back, unsurprisingly directly related to geopolitical circumstances at the time. Circumstances changed and here we are.

The economies of Libya, Iraq and Iran were also good until sanctions and perpetual war came riding in on horseback.

Your own final sentence actually alludes to the reality I am referring to and contradicts your own earlier assertion of Pakistanis somehow having inherent deficiencies in education or entrepreneurship. You acknowledge at the end that playing the game right is what gets the results, or at least helps substantially towards getting the results.

Like I said before, you actually know the score already.
Rubbish. Pakistani economy used to be great compared to India's a few decades back, unsurprisingly directly related to geopolitical circumstances at the time. Circumstances changed and here we are.

The economies of Libya, Iraq and Iran were also good until sanctions and perpetual war came riding in on horseback.

Your own final sentence actually alludes to the reality I am referring to and contradicts your own earlier assertion of Pakistanis somehow having inherent deficiencies in education or entrepreneurship. You acknowledge at the end that playing the game right is what gets the results, or at least helps substantially towards getting the results.

Like I said before, you actually know the score already.

when was the pakistani economy ever great ? it has always been running on IMF loans, foreign aid/bailouts tied to geopolitics and remittances

When were the economies of iran, iraq good ?? what stuff are you smoking ?
He's pro Israel, that's enough for the common man, i.e an ethnic minority that follows Islam to believe that he isn't in it for interests of us.

He's hardly a popular politician in the Muslim community and there's many reasons as to why.

Your 'PS' is unnecessary, such thing is a personal matter. My grandfather chose to emigrate, I did not get that choice.

Won't be popular with non-Pakistani Muslims like yourself. But I and lots of people on our community admire him. Not including the Jews, how many people from the ethnic minorities have become the British chancellor or reached that level of political power in the UK?..........:azn:

Why should Pakistanis hate Israel? The jews/Israelis have done NOTHING to Pakistan. They have killed 0 Pakistanis. In fact we hate other Muslim countries that we have gone to war with and have killed our soldiers.

Sajid Javid ZINDABAD PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!!!!!.......:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Not mad that he dumped Islam per se. Just mad that nothing has changed in the supposedly free west. To reach the top, Muslims or British Pakistanis still have to deny their heritage. This is what is called institutional racism or institutional islamophobia. This is very detrimental to me.

And regarding Britain's policy, foreign and domestic, it is dependent on lobbying strength. A few chumps have no impact... But lots of chumps or some very rich chumps works just fine.

If he dumps his religion, fine. I don't care - his choice. My problem is he has to ANNOUNCE it to gain political mileage amongst the loathesome middle England vote bank.

Same happens in Hindustan where Muslim politicians or celebrities need to hindufy their names to get anywhere. So it's quite rich being lectured by Hindutva types about "free countries" and all that.

Sajid Javid not being a practicing Muslim doesn't mean much nowadays. Some practicing Muslims in the UK are selling drugs, committing crime and raping little White School girls. They are about as Islamic as a satanic devil worshippers. Sajid Javid is an angel compared to them.

Considering the piss poor state of pakistan/other muslim societies why should the pakistani/islam way of thinking/heritage be accepted in the West ? Do the Brits look like chumps to you ?

WRONG. More indianistic lies as usual. india is home to the largest number of the world's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. Pakistan isn't. Here is the evidence:




Claiming that india is a powerful country with a strong economy capable of taking on China is about as mythical as indian claims of having killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shooting down an F-16.....:lol:
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Why should Pakistanis hate Israel? The jews/Israelis have done NOTHING to Pakistan. They have killed 0 Pakistanis. In fact we hate other Muslim countries that we have gone to war with and have killed our soldiers.

Perhaps Pakistanis could show a little solidarity with the Palestinians... no?.. oh well forget it then..
Perhaps Pakistanis could show a little solidarity with the Palestinians... no?.. oh well forget it then..

Why should we show solidarity with the Palestinians and Arabs? When did they show solidarity with Pakistanis and the Kashmiris? Anyhow, when has Israel harmed Pakistan or killed any Pakistanis?
Why should we show solidarity with the Palestinians and Arabs? When did they show solidarity with Pakistanis and the Kashmiris? Anyhow, when has Israel harmed Pakistan or killed any Pakistanis?

no need to get hysterical... it was just a suggestion, and like I said if you don't feel like it then forget it..
Just stick to worshipping Israel.. like it's gonna do you any good
WRONG. More indianistic lies as usual. india is home to the largest number of the world's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. Pakistan isn't. Here is the evidence:




We are not talking about the bottom feeders in societies. we are talking about the smartest and best whatever they might be
We are not talking about the bottom feeders in societies. we are talking about the smartest and best whatever they might be

There are 1.4 billion indians on this planet. More than the total number of White people on this earth. Yet the achievements of the indian race is less than microscopic compared to that of the White race. All the inventions come from the West, Russia and East Asia. Nothing comes from india. NONE of the world's best people or products come from india. That is but a myth.

no need to get hysterical... it was just a suggestion, and like I said if you don't feel like it then forget it..
Just stick to worshipping Israel.. like it's gonna do you any good

I don't worship Israel and I don't have anything against them either.
when was the pakistani economy ever great ? it has always been running on IMF loans, foreign aid/bailouts tied to geopolitics and remittances

When were the economies of iran, iraq good ?? what stuff are you smoking ?
I'd rather not waste bandwidth on your propaganda. Quality of life in gaddafi's Libya was excellent. He was enriching libyans and providing free education and healthcare while single handedly building Africa at one point and speaking of creating a unified African currency. Iran and Iraq also heavily invested in their infrastructures and public services. There have been periods when Pakistan's GDP per capita exceeded India's, esp 60's and parts of 80s and 90s.

Sajid Javid not being a practicing Muslim doesn't mean much nowadays. Some practicing Muslims in the UK are selling drugs, committing crime and raping little White School girls. They are about as Islamic as a satanic devil worshippers. Sajid Javid is an angel compared to them.

I must respectfully disagree with you here. Again, his personal beliefs or lack of them is not my concern. If he feels a need to publicly garner support by denying his heritage though, this does bother me, because it will not earn my support to publicly melodramatically reject Islam just to win votes. The concern is that it will earn the active support of those who loathe Islam and/or Pakistan. it sends a message that reaching the top requires sacrifice of one's identity, heritage, history - all of which shape who we become and how our community evolves. If he is another white middle class orientalist Tory boy just painted brown, I have no desire to support or favour him,as his interests will not confluence with mine. Even worse, he may be detrimental to my interests of he truly is devoid of any concern for British Pakistanis.

Comparing him to criminals is pointless as even slugs are superior beings to such types of people.
Won't be popular with non-Pakistani Muslims like yourself. But I and lots of people on our community admire him. Not including the Jews, how many people from the ethnic minorities have become the British chancellor or reached that level of political power in the UK?..........:azn:

Why should Pakistanis hate Israel? The jews/Israelis have done NOTHING to Pakistan. They have killed 0 Pakistanis. In fact we hate other Muslim countries that we have gone to war with and have killed our soldiers.

I always think your comments are a bit heavy handed and over exaggerated. Why would non Pakistanis hate him
when I know people of your origin that are hardcore Jew haters, they’re educated but their immaturity levels are a bit high. Has nothing to do with being non Pakistani.
I always think your comments are a bit heavy handed and over exaggerated. Why would non Pakistanis hate him
when I know people of your origin that are hardcore Jew haters, they’re educated but their immaturity levels are a bit high. Has nothing to do with being non Pakistani.

Well if they hate Jews then they must be mentally sick racists. I can understand Pakistanis hating indians, bengalis and afghans but I can't understand Pakistanis hating Jews/Israelis as they have never harmed Pakistan or killed Pakistanis. Too much Mullahism makes you sick in the head.
except for his skin colour, there is nothing relate-able or different about him, big misconception created in Pakistan by media, he is a total British even more
shah sa ziada shah ka wafadar
except for his skin colour, there is nothing relate-able or different about him, big misconception created in Pakistan by media, he is a total British even more
shah sa ziada shah ka wafadar

Better than being a low IQ, mentally retarded terrorist and paedophile who rapes little White School girls.

Sajid Javid is a Pakistani hero and legend. Too many haters out there. All the so called religious Muslims nowadays are hypocrites that are even more "UNISLAMIC" than Satanic Devil Worshippers.
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