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Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

I think in future Hussain Haqani may become minister in u.s govt then there is no benefit for us from his Pakistan origin,having Pakistani ethnicity not guarantee that you are loyal to Pakistan
Trust me, there are Molvis in the UK who abuse young children and they are 1000× worse than Sajid Javid could ever be but no one in the Pakistani community condemns them or points out their "UNISLAMIC behaviour". It seems we are using "Islamic" morality to judge and condemn some of the finest and most successful people in our community. Reeks of jealousy. Sajid Javid is the ONLY Pakistani in the UK who commits sin according to some.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Those types of imams are in the minority. Plenty of people happily call out wrongdoers even if they are religious leaders. Just recently, a few people of that description were called out because they were carrying out marriages where they would quickly divorce women after a day or so.

He's not the finest, he's one of the worst people that we've produced in the UK. Sure he's a successful politician but so are the likes of Zardari who reached the top job. That alone doesn't mean that they're a good person.

Maybe you're jealous of him. But most pakistanis in the UK aren't.

Noone here has said anything like "he's the only one who commits a sin".

Bro....I think you need to chill.... I fully support and agree with what you have written....however some of our Pakistani brethren let nationalism cloud their thinking capacity, this is why nationalism is haraam in Islam. Each to their own....this Sajid Javed is a £uckwit that much I know...an atheist, who has turned his back on Islam and his Pakistani heritage. These ppl are deluded if they think he’s going to bat for Pakistan...

For those who love their alcohol, you can join this Kanjar at his local pub probably, the net is full of pictures of him drinking openly etc .... remember you will be with those who you admire ...

Yeh I'm sorry bro. I'll try and keep more control.

Although you shouldn't say he's a non-Muslim though, I don't think he's ever came out and openly said he's an ex-Muslim. Best to just to class him as a not very good Muslim.
Bro....I think you need to chill.... I fully support and agree with what you have written....however some of our Pakistani brethren let nationalism cloud their thinking capacity, this is why nationalism is haraam in Islam. Each to their own....this Sajid Javed is a £uckwit that much I know...an atheist, who has turned his back on Islam and his Pakistani heritage. These ppl are deluded if they think he’s going to bat for Pakistan...

For those who love their alcohol, you can join this Kanjar at his local pub probably, the net is full of pictures of him drinking openly etc .... remember you will be with those who you admire ...

Is she pretty?

Lol ... I couldn’t resist

Nationalism is bad when Pakistanis practice it but it's okay when non-Pakistani Muslims express it............:disagree:

Going to the pub and drinking is more "Islamic" than commiting crime, drug dealing, raping little White School girls and being some arab-wannabe terrorist scumbag.
Nationalism is bad when Pakistanis practice it but it's okay when non-Pakistani Muslims express it............:disagree:

Going to the pub and drinking is more "Islamic" than commiting crime, drug dealing, raping little White School girls and being some arab-wannabe terrorist scumbag.

whatever floats your boat my friend
I guess he can help Pakistan recover the looted wealth stashed in UK!?
Well done to Sajid, he's got to the top and it's good for the community's image. Everyone treads through muddy waters to do it (I'm not saying that's right.)

As for his personal life, he does have a soft spot for Pakistan;

In terms of being a practicing Muslim forget it. He's the opposite. As for his belief he has flip flopped in the past but does describe himself today as a Muslim, just not practicing.
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Im happy for Brit-Pak community and wish the new chancellor well

But the dude is a total coconut as are all the "Asians" picked

Him and prithi patel probably sit around talking about their ancestors who fought in the battle of hastings
Im happy for Brit-Pak community and wish the new chancellor well

But the dude is a total coconut as are all the "Asians" picked

Him and prithi patel probably sit around talking about their ancestors who fought in the battle of hastings

Being a "coconut" is FAR FAR better then being a practicing Muslim who also sells drugs, commits other crimes and rapes little White School girls.
Being a practising muslim is better then both

AGREED, but so-called "Practicing Muslims" are the ones that are doing most of the worst and heinous crimes. Failures giving us a bad name everywhere. Non-practicing Pakistani Muslims are the ones doing well and making us proud. It pains me to say this but it's the truth. I wish it wasn't like this.....:(
Im happy for Brit-Pak community and wish the new chancellor well

But the dude is a total coconut as are all the "Asians" picked

Him and prithi patel probably sit around talking about their ancestors who fought in the battle of hastings

Take a look at how far 'coconuts' have got in other Western countries, the answer not very far. There's more to them than just that.

Why are they electing foriegners aren't there any capable native politicians

They're born in the UK they're not foreigners.
We prefer someone like Sadiq Khan or Sayeeda Warsi. Someone who is proud of their heritage and is not afraid to defend his community. They are both well spoken and have made us proud.
When I think of Sajid Javid, Benjamin Disraeli comes to mind.
AGREED, but so-called "Practicing Muslims" are the ones that are doing most of the worst and heinous crimes. Failures giving us a bad name everywhere. Non-practicing Pakistani Muslims are the ones doing well and making us proud. It pains me to say this but it's the truth. I wish it wasn't like this.....:(

Dude - Are u a self hating Muslim ?
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