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Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

Better than being a low IQ, mentally retarded terrorist and paedophile who rapes little White School girls.

Sajid Javid is a Pakistani hero and legend. Too many haters out there. All the so called religious Muslims nowadays are hypocrites that are even more "UNISLAMIC" than Satanic Devil Worshippers.
i have no hate for him, i am just stating that he does not relate himself to Pak in any way,
I'd rather not waste bandwidth on your propaganda. Quality of life in gaddafi's Libya was excellent. He was enriching libyans and providing free education and healthcare while single handedly building Africa at one point and speaking of creating a unified African currency. Iran and Iraq also heavily invested in their infrastructures and public services. There have been periods when Pakistan's GDP per capita exceeded India's, esp 60's and parts of 80s and 90s.

Iran and Iraq fought a bloody war in the 1980s. Iraq was under sanctions during the 1990s. Iran and Iraq had oil revenues to boot. Ditto with Libya. Sure they were better than India or Pakistan because of oil revenues. Even today Iraq or Libya or Iran is better than India/Pakistan. Compare them to Saudi Arabia or UAE.

I am sure Pakistan outperformed until end of cold war. it helps to get on a gravy train of foreign aid. Last time I checked Pakistan is still on IMF program while India went to the IMF last back in 1991

There are 1.4 billion indians on this planet. More than the total number of White people on this earth. Yet the achievements of the indian race is less than microscopic compared to that of the White race. All the inventions come from the West, Russia and East Asia. Nothing comes from india. NONE of the world's best people or products come from india. That is but a myth.

I would never say collectively Indians are high achievers. but the smart ones have reached positions of power
Iran and Iraq fought a bloody war in the 1980s. Iraq was under sanctions during the 1990s. Iran and Iraq had oil revenues to boot. Ditto with Libya. Sure they were better than India or Pakistan because of oil revenues. Even today Iraq or Libya or Iran is better than India/Pakistan. Compare them to Saudi Arabia or UAE.

I am sure Pakistan outperformed until end of cold war. it helps to get on a gravy train of foreign aid. Last time I checked Pakistan is still on IMF program while India went to the IMF last back in 1991

I would never say collectively Indians are high achievers. but the smart ones have reached positions of power

Good you believe your own ridiculous propaganda that somehow Pakistanis are inferior and dependent on charity, as we can't supposedly perform academically, technologically or in entrepreneurship as well as our Indian neighbours.

I am willing to bet the grand total of all aid received by Pak does not even come close to paying for the American wars that we have been party to. I am willing to bet also the damage caused by sanctions is double the money received in handouts.

But ultimately your delusions of grandeur serve pakistan well, as every few months you end up forgetting your most recent embarrasment and obliviously prepare for the next.

Look forward to the next display of Indian superiority heading our way.
Good you believe your own ridiculous propaganda that somehow Pakistanis are inferior and dependent on charity, as we can't supposedly perform academically, technologically or in entrepreneurship as well as our Indian neighbours.

I am willing to bet the grand total of all aid received by Pak does not even come close to paying for the American wars that we have been party to. I am willing to bet also the damage caused by sanctions is double the money received in handouts.

But ultimately your delusions of grandeur serve pakistan well, as every few months you end up forgetting your most recent embarrasment and obliviously prepare for the next.

Look forward to the next display of Indian superiority heading our way.

smart people do not fight wars. you cannot blame others for your incompetence and stupidity
Why can we approach him? Because he's pakistani or muslim or brown? It doesn't work like this bro. You're a reasonable guy. Believe me, Sajid doesn't give a care in the world about Pakistan. In fact it's worse for us as pakistanis that he's in this type of position.

Sajids rise to power depends on a large part that he persuades conservative party members and voters that he is largely disassociated from his pakistani culture and Muslim beliefs. He needs to persuade them that he is more like them and less like us. That means he cannot afford to show any type of favouritism to us and he has to also be the one launching occasional "attacks" against Muslims when the opportunity presents itself. At best you're going to get him talking about his pakistani background and how the UK is welcoming to immigrants etc... Dealing with a white conservative politician would be easier than dealing with him.

The guy who thinks he's a hero is being really naive. And I'm telling you this now, don't be surprised if at some point in the future, Sajid Javid launches some scathing attacks against Pakistan. Then the guys above will be eating their words.

Who says I'm cheerleading other causes? Sajid Javid is good for none of us here. Neither Pakistan as a nation, neither pakistanis living in UK.

I can see why Pakistan as a nation does not benefit. If Sajid does a good job why doesn't it benefit other British Pakistanis who want to follow in his footsteps ?
I can see why Pakistan as a nation does not benefit. If Sajid does a good job why doesn't it benefit other British Pakistanis who want to follow in his footsteps ?
Your question has already been answered. If the only British Pakistani who succeeds in politics is the one who publicly denies his heritage, then any British pakistani wishing to follow that path would likely have to do the same. I think he is the way he is because he is a Tory. I imagine the mayor of London is less embarrassed by his Muslim and Pakistani identity/heritage.

You struggle to understand the explanations given to you by various forum members because the self-evisceration performed by saj jav types is identical to how Muslims are forced to survive in Hindustan. Anything short of changing your name to Sanjay, forcibly doing Pooja like shahrukh Khan and condemning Pakistan more than Hindus condemn Pakistan will result in an Indian Muslim not succeeding in his professional/social life... or worse still, getting a jayshreeram lynching.
Your question has already been answered. If the only British Pakistani who succeeds in politics is the one who publicly denies his heritage, then any British pakistani wishing to follow that path would likely have to do the same. I think he is the way he is because he is a Tory. I imagine the mayor of London is less embarrassed by his Muslim and Pakistani identity/heritage.

I made it clear - following in his footsteps
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