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Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

Dude - Are u a self hating Muslim ?

In fact, the opposite. TBH I used to be just like you. But the older I got and the more analytical I became, I began to realize that in THIS day and age, most of the so called practicing Muslims are fake and are more UNISLAMIC then the non-practicing Muslims. REAL Islam and Muslims don't exist anymore. It is heart-breaking, tragic and harrowing......:(.........but it's reality. Ever wondered why Muslims across the globe are suffering so much?........:frown:

PS There are even some so called "Practicing Muslims" who are EVEN more UNISLAMIC than Satanic Devil worshippers. Unfortunately there is a lot of them........:angry:
Under the leadership of the biggest sellouts, Sajid would be a bigger one.

under what criteria is he a sellout ?

P.S. - it is big words for someone who ditched his homeland Bangladesh and settled in the land of his colonizers
under what criteria is he a sellout ?

P.S. - it is big words for someone who ditched his homeland Bangladesh and settled in the land of his colonizers

He's pro Israel, that's enough for the common man, i.e an ethnic minority that follows Islam to believe that he isn't in it for interests of us.

He's hardly a popular politician in the Muslim community and there's many reasons as to why.

under what criteria is he a sellout ?

P.S. - it is big words for someone who ditched his homeland Bangladesh and settled in the land of his colonizers

Your 'PS' is unnecessary, such thing is a personal matter. My grandfather chose to emigrate, I did not get that choice.
Mini cab drivers or fried chicken makers are legitimate jobs. A halal source of income. Comparing them to those pakistani groomers or any terrorist is absurd. What kind of logic is this?

And I'll say this, those drivers or friend chicken makers, are far honourable than the guy who you're fan girling over. Sajid doesn't give two hoots about pakistan or whatever. His allegiance is to the UK and his motivation is power.

He's literally a hero to a handful of people on this forum. Most pakistanis here certainly do not fan girl over him like this. You people are literally so naive. You think because his dad was from pakistan that means he'll support pakistan or has a soft spot for his own "kind".
You are most probably right about Saj Jav.

However he is yet to be truly tested in the face of the the swathes of pro-Indian lobbyists that have infiltrated throughout British high society. Saj Jav has on occasions spoken of a certain pride of his Pakistani roots when he mentions his battles with racism early in his life, so he may yet be more mindful of Pakistani and British-Pakistani interests if the alternative is serving Indian interests. I would like to think the jury is still out and he deserves a chance to demonstrate whom he speaks for and whether he is just another chamcha or if he can provide a bit more genuine balance to counter Indian political interests.

Not that he will really be commenting on anything other than financial issues anyway..
You are most probably right about Saj Jav.

However he is yet to be truly tested in the face of the the swathes of pro-Indian lobbyists that have infiltrated throughout British high society. Saj Jav has on occasions spoken of a certain pride of his Pakistani roots when he mentions his battles with racism early in his life, so he may yet be more mindful of Pakistani and British-Pakistani interests if the alternative is serving Indian interests. I would like to think the jury is still out and he deserves a chance to demonstrate whom he speaks for and whether he is just another chamcha or if he can provide a bit more genuine balance to counter Indian political interests.

Not that he will really be commenting on anything other than financial issues anyway..

Yeh it's just a waiting game to see who is right about him
He's pro Israel, that's enough for the common man, i.e an ethnic minority that follows Islam to believe that he isn't in it for interests of us.

He's hardly a popular politician in the Muslim community and there's many reasons as to why.

Your 'PS' is unnecessary, such thing is a personal matter. My grandfather chose to emigrate, I did not get that choice.

fair enough - I am sorry about comments on your personal matter

what does Israel have to do with the interests of British Muslims ?
Actually I am already having my doubts based on this apparent statement of his:

"My own family's heritage is Muslim. Myself and my four brothers were brought up to believe in God, but I do not practise any religion. My wife is a practising Christian and the onlyreligion practised in my house is Christianity."

I have no problem with Christianity or atheism. Let me be clear. My problem is that it is obvious that this guy has only reached the higher echelons of the Tory party and British society by outright denying his birth religion. I don't like anyone who feels obliged to deny their heritage to get somewhere in life. It doesn't bode well for the folks here who think he will be pro-Pakistan or even pro-British-Pakistani.

Jemima Khan would probably speak better for us and of us than this guy.

"Sell out" may well be an appropriate term.
Actually I am already having my doubts based on this apparent statement of his:

"My own family's heritage is Muslim. Myself and my four brothers were brought up to believe in God, but I do not practise any religion. My wife is a practising Christian and the onlyreligion practised in my house is Christianity."

I have no problem with Christianity or atheism. Let me be clear. My problem is that it is obvious that this guy has only reached the higher echelons of the Tory party and British society by outright denying his birth religion. I don't like anyone who feels obliged to deny their heritage to get somewhere in life. It doesn't bode well for the folks here who think he will be pro-Pakistan or even pro-British-Pakistani.

Jemima Khan would probably speak better for us and of us than this guy.

"Sell out" may well be an appropriate term.

How do you know he denied his birth religion. Maybe he is not a practicing Muslim either
Even more frustrating is that his replacement as home secretary is Priti Patel, a hard-core right winger, champion of extremist Zionism, and a bona fide Indian.

Whatever Saj Jav could have done or said in his former capacity as home secretary has just been totally reversed.

How do you know he denied his birth religion. Maybe he is not a practicing Muslim either
I don't understand your question. If those words attributed to him are true, he just did deny his birth religion....didn't he?
Even more frustrating is that his replacement as home secretary is Priti Patel, a hard-core right winger, champion of extremist Zionism, and a bona fide Indian.

Whatever Saj Jav could have done or said in his former capacity as home secretary has just been totally reversed.

I don't understand your question. If those words attributed to him are true, he just did deny his birth religion....didn't he?

Why are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants considered representative of their home countries ? Countries with which they have no physical or emotional connection

The Brits left India in 1947. I doubt they are coming back even if you invite them

I would have listen to the exact quote
Why are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants considered representative of their home countries ? Countries with which they have no physical or emotional connection

The Brits left India in 1947. I doubt they are coming back even if you invite them

I would have listen to the exact quote

Please don't act naive or ignorant of reality. We aren't as stupid as you think.

British Indians are rabidly anti-Pakistan and pro-India, regardless of which generation they are of.

Modi comes to England and these bhakts throng the streets and stadium to worship his Hindutva agenda.

British Pakistanis have historically made the mistake of trusting British Indians. But that is mercifully no longer the case.

British Indians will ALWAYS support the agenda of their motherland and specifically of the BJP. That makes them pro-India and a threat to Pakistan.

But you know that already so please drop the pretence.
Please don't act naive or ignorant of reality. We aren't as stupid as you think.

British Indians are rabidly anti-Pakistan and pro-India, regardless of which generation they are of.

Modi comes to England and these bhakts throng the streets and stadium to worship his Hindutva agenda.

British Pakistanis have historically made the mistake of trusting British Indians. But that is mercifully no longer the case.

British Indians will ALWAYS support the agenda of their motherland and specifically of the BJP. That makes them pro-India and a threat to Pakistan.

But you know that already so please drop the pretence.

You think UK is going to make policy based on what a few of you chumps think.
UK is going to do what it is in its national interest whether it is Israel or the Indian subcontinent

you are mad at Sajid because he dumped Islam
"My own family's heritage is Muslim. Myself and my four brothers were brought up to believe in God, but I do not practise any religion. My wife is a practising Christian and the onlyreligion practised in my house is Christianity."

Get used to it - Britain is a free country unlike Pakistan
You think UK is going to make policy based on what a few of you chumps think.
UK is going to do what it is in its national interest whether it is Israel or the Indian subcontinent

you are mad at Sajid because he dumped Islam
"My own family's heritage is Muslim. Myself and my four brothers were brought up to believe in God, but I do not practise any religion. My wife is a practising Christian and the onlyreligion practised in my house is Christianity."

Get used to it - Britain is a free country unlike Pakistan

Not mad that he dumped Islam per se. Just mad that nothing has changed in the supposedly free west. To reach the top, Muslims or British Pakistanis still have to deny their heritage. This is what is called institutional racism or institutional islamophobia. This is very detrimental to me.

And regarding Britain's policy, foreign and domestic, it is dependent on lobbying strength. A few chumps have no impact... But lots of chumps or some very rich chumps works just fine.

If he dumps his religion, fine. I don't care - his choice. My problem is he has to ANNOUNCE it to gain political mileage amongst the loathesome middle England vote bank.

Same happens in Hindustan where Muslim politicians or celebrities need to hindufy their names to get anywhere. So it's quite rich being lectured by Hindutva types about "free countries" and all that.
Not mad that he dumped Islam per se. Just mad that nothing has changed in the supposedly free west. To reach the top, Muslims or British Pakistanis still have to deny their heritage. This is what is called institutional racism or institutional islamophobia. This is very detrimental to me.

And regarding Britain's policy, foreign and domestic, it is dependent on lobbying strength. A few chumps have no impact... But lots of chumps or some very rich chumps works just fine.

If he dumps his religion, fine. I don't care - his choice. My problem is he has to ANNOUNCE it to gain political mileage amongst the loathesome middle England vote bank.

Same happens in Hindustan where Muslim politicians or celebrities need to hindufy their names to get anywhere. So it's quite rich being lectured by Hindutva types about "free countries" and all that.

Considering the piss poor state of pakistan/other muslim societies why should the pakistani/islam way of thinking/heritage be accepted in the West ? Do the Brits look like chumps to you ?
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