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Sajid Javid becomes Chancellor — here's what to expect

So mini cab drivers and Fried Chicken workers are the bastion of Islam who never commit sin???????...........:rofl::rofl::rofl:........ they are probably more UNISLAMIC and sinful than Sajid Javid could be in a 1000 years.........:lol:........so honourable........:rofl:

Whatever his motivation, he is still one of us and represents Pakistan and Pakistanis in a positive light compared to the child-groomers and retarded, deformed low IQ terrorists. That's how the outside world sees it. He is one of us so we will back him no matter what.


They commit sins just like people from any other job. My point that as a job, it's halal outcome and far better than doing whatever Sajid is doing. Some of you judge people by their paychecks or by how high they've reached in life, even if their paycheck or status is due to immoral actions. That's not a wise method to pick out your heroes.

Na he's one of us. He's not a nationalist like you either. He's as bad as those guys sleeping with those girls or terrorists. Evil people, the lot of them.

You'll back a pakistani no matter what? Surprised you don't back those groomers or terrorists or even altaf hussain seeing as they're pakistani too...
Why can we approach him? Because he's pakistani or muslim or brown? It doesn't work like this bro. You're a reasonable guy. Believe me, Sajid doesn't give a care in the world about Pakistan. In fact it's worse for us as pakistanis that he's in this type of position.

Sajids rise to power depends on a large part that he persuades conservative party members and voters that he is largely disassociated from his pakistani culture and Muslim beliefs. He needs to persuade them that he is more like them and less like us. That means he cannot afford to show any type of favouritism to us and he has to also be the one launching occasional "attacks" against Muslims when the opportunity presents itself. At best you're going to get him talking about his pakistani background and how the UK is welcoming to immigrants etc... Dealing with a white conservative politician would be easier than dealing with him.

The guy who thinks he's a hero is being really naive. And I'm telling you this now, don't be surprised if at some point in the future, Sajid Javid launches some scathing attacks against Pakistan. Then the guys above will be eating their words.

Who says I'm cheerleading other causes? Sajid Javid is good for none of us here. Neither Pakistan as a nation, neither pakistanis living in UK.

That might all be true, but he is still of much value to Pakistan. Like I said, whatever his political affiliations or believes, for Pakistan that is basically irrelevant.

I am not saying that you cheerlead. I was making a general statement. Many Pakistanis in the UK have a soft spot for so many different causes. They live in their own utopia. The world doesn't work like that. You have to stand for your own cause. We need to be more assertive towards our own cause.
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As long as he doesn't attack Pakistan or Pakistanis, he is more than welcome to attack non-Pakistani Muslims. Not our problem or concern. The way he dealt with the retarded terrorist breeder, Shamima Begin was awesome. Probably why he is now Chancellor...... 8-)

Lol, it'll be fun seeing this balloon burst in future then. If he stays long enough in politics then your hero will probably do just that.
They commit sins just like people from any other job. My point that as a job, it's halal outcome and far better than doing whatever Sajid is doing. Some of you judge people by their paychecks or by how high they've reached in life, even if their paycheck or status is due to immoral actions. That's not a wise method to pick out your heroes.

Na he's one of us. He's not a nationalist like you either. He's as bad as those guys sleeping with those girls or terrorists. Evil people, the lot of them.

You'll back a pakistani no matter what? Surprised you don't back those groomers or terrorists or even altaf hussain seeing as they're pakistani too...

So what exactly did Sajid Javid do that was so sinful and UnIslamic? Can you please be specific and elaborate?

PS If Sajid Javid was REALLY a Pakistani nationalist he would do EVERYTHING to convey the opposite image.
I wouldn't get so carried away.

Sajid is a former Muslim. If you can abandon Allah, you sure as hell won't give a damn about Pakistan. His political career depends on proving himself whiter and whitey.

Credit to him, he's done very well as an individual and I wish him all the best, but he's in a terrible political party and supporting terrible policies.
I don’t know much about his track record as a politician or public servant. But if anything, he is good for British Pakistanis and/or Muslims because he is setting a precedent for others who share his heritage. That is important. It normalizes Muslims, gains them acceptance, removes their “otherness”, and encourages others to aspire for high office.
I don’t know much about his track record as a politician or public servant. But if anything, he is good for British Pakistanis and/or Muslims because he is setting a precedent for others who share his heritage. That is important. It normalizes Muslims, gains them acceptance, removes their “otherness”, and encourages others to aspire for high office.

You are right about everything apart for the "Muslims" part. He represents "Pakistan and Pakistanis". Non-Pakistani Muslims like the Arabs, Somalians, Iranians etc will not be able to relate to Sajid Javid or see him as a role model.

I wouldn't get so carried away.

Sajid is a former Muslim. If you can abandon Allah, you sure as hell won't give a damn about Pakistan. His political career depends on proving himself whiter and whitey.

Credit to him, he's done very well as an individual and I wish him all the best, but he's in a terrible political party and supporting terrible policies.

So WHAT? Racial bonds and nationalism is FAR stronger than religious bonds. Don't care if he is not a Muslim as long as he is a Pakistani. That's all that matters.
That might all be true, but he is still of much value to Pakistan.

I am not saying that you cheerlead. I was making a general statement. Many Pakistanis in the UK have a soft spot for so many different causes. They live in their own utopia. The world doesn't work like that. You have to stand for your own cause.

Bro there's nothing wrong with having soft spots for other causes. And literally there's 1 big soft spot and that is Palestine. There are other soft spot causes which take a secondary place like kashmir or syria or the uighur thing but mostly it's just Palestine in terms of action (maybe the odd boycott here and there). These secondary causes just mostly include sharing articles or maybe charitable donations.

What cause do you want UK pakistanis to go for bro? The Pakistani cause? Why would they care? Many of them are born here, they probably feel more British than Pakistani, over time they lose their parent's or grandparent's language. Most of them don't intend to go back to Pakistan other than on holiday now and then. Even some of the older pakistani nationalists on this website can't force themselves to go live in Pakistan, they sit here abroad and wave their flags. And if these are the nationalist pakistanis abroad then what do you expect from the average pakistani who settled abroad and brought their families? As time goes, their country of origin becomes less and less relevant.

But still. There's been quite a few attacks on the UK pakistanis from pakistani nationalists on this website (who also live in the uk...) and it's really unfair on the community. These people still contribute a good amount to Pakistan financially, they've done far more for Pakistan than Pakistan has ever done for them or their families.

So what exactly did Sajid Javid do that was so sinful and UnIslamic? Can you please be specific and elaborate?

PS If Sajid Javid was REALLY a Pakistani nationalist he would do EVERYTHING to convey the opposite image.

Sure since you want anything sinful or unislamic at all. I'll give you a specific one.
Bro there's nothing wrong with having soft spots for other causes. And literally there's 1 big soft spot and that is Palestine. There are other soft spot causes which take a secondary place like kashmir or syria or the uighur thing but mostly it's just Palestine in terms of action (maybe the odd boycott here and there). These secondary causes just mostly include sharing articles or maybe charitable donations.

What cause do you want UK pakistanis to go for bro? The Pakistani cause? Why would they care? Many of them are born here, they probably feel more British than Pakistani, over time they lose their parent's or grandparent's language. Most of them don't intend to go back to Pakistan other than on holiday now and then. Even some of the older pakistani nationalists on this website can't force themselves to go live in Pakistan, they sit here abroad and wave their flags. And if these are the nationalist pakistanis abroad then what do you expect from the average pakistani who settled abroad and brought their families? As time goes, their country of origin becomes less and less relevant.

But still. There's been quite a few attacks on the UK pakistanis from pakistani nationalists on this website (who also live in the uk...) and it's really unfair on the community. These people still contribute a good amount to Pakistan financially, they've done far more for Pakistan than Pakistan has ever done for them or their families.

Sure since you want anything sinful or unislamic at all. I'll give you a specific one.

What's wrong with that? The Israelis have never killed or harmed any Pakistanis so why should we be against them especially since Islam has the same origins as Judaism.
What's wrong with that? The Israelis have never killed or harmed any Pakistanis so why should we be against them especially since Islam has the same origins as Judaism.

Well bro, you asked for something sinful and unislamic and I provided you with one example off the top of my head. We are Muslims, not jews, we do not participate in their religious rituals, it's not allowed. The same reason why Muslims don't hold a cross and start praying leaning unto a church alter etc....

If you want another example then he also used to be a banker and we all know that interest is haram.
Also Priti Patel is the new Home Secretary who is Indian origin.
Well bro, you asked for something sinful and unislamic and I provided you with one example off the top of my head. We are Muslims, not jews, we do not participate in their religious rituals, it's not allowed. The same reason why Muslims don't hold a cross and start praying leaning unto a church alter etc....

If you want another example then he also used to be a banker and we all know that interest is haram.

Trust me, there are Molvis in the UK who abuse young children and they are 1000× worse than Sajid Javid could ever be but no one in the Pakistani community condemns them or points out their "UNISLAMIC behaviour". It seems we are using "Islamic" morality to judge and condemn some of the finest and most successful people in our community. Reeks of jealousy. Sajid Javid is the ONLY Pakistani in the UK who commits sin according to some.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Bro there's nothing wrong with having soft spots for other causes. And literally there's 1 big soft spot and that is Palestine. There are other soft spot causes which take a secondary place like kashmir or syria or the uighur thing but mostly it's just Palestine in terms of action (maybe the odd boycott here and there). These secondary causes just mostly include sharing articles or maybe charitable donations.

What cause do you want UK pakistanis to go for bro? The Pakistani cause? Why would they care? Many of them are born here, they probably feel more British than Pakistani, over time they lose their parent's or grandparent's language. Most of them don't intend to go back to Pakistan other than on holiday now and then. Even some of the older pakistani nationalists on this website can't force themselves to go live in Pakistan, they sit here abroad and wave their flags. And if these are the nationalist pakistanis abroad then what do you expect from the average pakistani who settled abroad and brought their families? As time goes, their country of origin becomes less and less relevant.

But still. There's been quite a few attacks on the UK pakistanis from pakistani nationalists on this website (who also live in the uk...) and it's really unfair on the community. These people still contribute a good amount to Pakistan financially, they've done far more for Pakistan than Pakistan has ever done for them or their families.

Sure since you want anything sinful or unislamic at all. I'll give you a specific one.

Bro....I think you need to chill.... I fully support and agree with what you have written....however some of our Pakistani brethren let nationalism cloud their thinking capacity, this is why nationalism is haraam in Islam. Each to their own....this Sajid Javed is a £uckwit that much I know...an atheist, who has turned his back on Islam and his Pakistani heritage. These ppl are deluded if they think he’s going to bat for Pakistan...

For those who love their alcohol, you can join this Kanjar at his local pub probably, the net is full of pictures of him drinking openly etc .... remember you will be with those who you admire ...

Also Priti Patel is the new Home Secretary who is Indian origin.

Is she pretty?

Lol ... I couldn’t resist
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