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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Do you think it is a competition between the j-20 and the j-21?
I don't think, Before they were revealed, I think, SAC and CAC have competition for 5th plane, Government have make the choice and decision, it is different from USA, Now, they just do what they need to do!


天啊~ 左邊向上, 右邊的噴口明顯有向下噴的趨勢!
I don't think, Before they were revealed, I think, SAC and CAC have competition for 5th plane, Government have make the choice and decision, it is different from USA, Now, they just do what they need to do!
Developing two stealth fighters at the same time is going to be difficult though wish you all the luck :enjoy: plus there is one of them is longed range and one of them is on the carriers so both of them can be implemented in the South China sea. So the J-20 was in a ATF competition already nice.


If it is real vector engine, it is more awesome, the significance is much bigger than the plane itself! does the engineer not mount it well? hehe, it make me don't want to sleep.
OMG the Chinese are at it again with their copy n paste now they have done it to the AMCA (just kidding). HAHA, na man when will people realise that most of the tech they buy is made in China, give them credit and don't be surprised with all the new high tech weapons that is comming out of China now.
OMG the Chinese are at it again with their copy n paste now they have done it to the AMCA (just kidding). HAHA, na man when will people realise that most of the tech they buy is made in China, give them credit and don't be surprised with all the new high tech weapons that is comming out of China now.
At least copying and pasting is good enough to defend one's country and interests.
OMG the Chinese are at it again with their copy n paste now they have done it to the AMCA (just kidding). HAHA, na man when will people realise that most of the tech they buy is made in China, give them credit and don't be surprised with all the new high tech weapons that is comming out of China now.
HEHE, we know ourself well, some new plane be revealed, not mean we are superpower, we know, compared with western, especially USA, we still have a long way to go, we still need more than 20 years to catch up USA completely, that's the reality that I believe, not humility. we will not lost ourself because of some new weapon!

At least copying and pasting is good enough to defend one's country and interests.
It is not word or picture in the memory of computer, not that easy!
Another thread was posted about the same time: A J-31?


This could be one with RQ-170 technology!


You mean China had access to Iranian captured one an reverse engineered so quickly?
People get over it, the Chinese mastered stealth tech decades ago. Soon as the F117 showed its face, they have been researching all aspects of low visibility technology. China has been bringing out research papers on this subject like nobody's business, now with their 3 plus trillion reserves they can build multiple projects simultaneously and mass produce!

And in my opinion this is kosher, the genuine McCoy......gonna be interesting to see what US and other regional players say n how they react.
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