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S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020

S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020

Published time: 15 Oct, 2016 13:46

Delivery of Russia’s most advanced anti-aircraft defense system, the S-400 Triumph, to India could begin in 2020 according to an agreement signed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit in India.

An intergovernmental agreement has been signed today, under which the Russian side has undertaken to deliver S-400 [to India],” head of the Russian state-owned defense and technology giant Rostec Sergey Chemezov told reporters on the sidelines of the BRICS summit on Saturday.

“We will then start preparing the contracts and I hope that in the first half of 2017 we will complete and sign these contracts and the production will start. I believe the delivery will begin somewhere in 2020,” he added.

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the agreement on S-400 delivery is highly important as it shows Russia’s willingness to strengthen strategic partnerships with its main allies.

S-400 it is our newest system. We are currently equipping our own military forces with it and we are making an exception only for our closest allies, such as India and China.

“The fact that we have reached agreements with both India and China [regarding S-400 delivery] shows a lot. It shows that Russia exports its most advanced technologies to the countries it trusts, with which it is building strategic partnerships,” he stressed, mentioning Russia’s agreement on S-400 exports with China, the first foreign buyer of the system. That deal was announced in the spring of 2015. According to media reports, the transaction amounted to about $3 billion.

“S-400 [is] a real leader, a global brand that left behind even the Americans,” he added.

The S-400 is the most advanced anti-aircraft defense system in Russia, and is unparalleled in the world. Manufactured by Russian producer Almaz Antey under a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry and introduced into service in 2007, the cutting-edge S-400 system consists of a set of radars, missile launchers and command posts. It is designed to ensure air defense using long- and medium-range missiles that can hit both land and aerial targets, including tactical and strategic aircraft as well as ballistic and cruise missiles, at ranges up to 400km (248 miles).

In August this year, the S-400 was delivered to a surface-to-air missile (SAM) regiment in Crimea. The Defense Ministry had previously announced that 16 regiments of the Russian Army would be equipped with S-400s by the end of the year. In 2015, the hardware was also deployed to Russia’s Arctic region and in Syria to the Russian Air Force base in Latakia.

India has been a traditional buyer of Russian arms since the 1950s. Over the last five years, about 70 percent of the country’s military purchases have come from Russia.

According to Rogozin, Russia retains the top spot in the Indian market of arms and military equipment.

To date we are the main suppliers of arms and military equipment to the Indian market,” said Rogozin in Goa.
There is no Russian turbine which can be mated to the gear box. That is the whole problem and that is why Russia is looking to get rid of them.

Your own post says that two will be delivered directly. Only two of them have their hull made. Maybe the third and fourth will be made in India.

Wrong everybody in India pays taxes. As long as you live in India and buy in India, you have no choice but to pay taxes.
No Russian Turbine? so they will stop making ships???? - They will either make , modify or source another turbine engine. It will take time, but eventually they will have those frigates commissioned

+ u fail to read the OP and the indian express article ... Where does it say MAYBE?? , where it clearly states the 2 ships WILL BE made in India! with the batch No. 4 possible with Indian and western systems in place of Russian systems (OP)
No necessarily.

China paid 3 Billion $ for Six S-400, India has paid almost 5.8 Billion $ for FIVE S-400.

We have paid twice that of China for lesser systems. So clearly there is more to this than meets the eye.

A source in the system of Russia’s military and technical cooperation earlier told TASS that Beijing would receive the first S-400 antiaircraft missile systems no sooner than in twelve or eighteen months.

As many as 16 regiments of the Russian Army are expected to be armed with S-400 systems by the end of 2016.
As for the S-500 Prometey or 55R6M Triumfator-M, Almaz-Antey JSC said both at MAKS 2015 & DEFEXPO 2016 that just as the S-400 can use 3 different types of LR-SAMs that are also used by existing S-300PMU family of LR-SAMs, the S-400 will also be able to use the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI
missiles for intercepting MIRV-equipped MRBMs. The S-400’s existing PESA-based 91N6E & 92N6E radars are only good for tracking & engaging non-manoeuvring SRBMs, TBMs & IRBMs, while the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles will be aided by multifunction APARs & will not require either two separate radars as is the case with the S-300 & S-400 families, nor will any pole-mounted target illuminator be reqd (like the ones used by the S-300V & Antey V2500). Hence, if the S-400 is to be used with the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles, a separate APAR will be reqd & this is where the EL/M-2090 UHF LRTR comes in & that’s where the Russians have proposed to help the DRDO achieve the necessary systems integration. The S-500 will use a Russian X-band APAR that will NEVER be exported to anyone.
by Prasun K. Sengupta
From PKS:

As for the S-500 Prometey or 55R6M Triumfator-M, Almaz-Antey JSC said both at MAKS 2015 & DEFEXPO 2016 that just as the S-400 can use 3 different types of LR-SAMs that are also used by existing S-300PMU family of LR-SAMs, the S-400 will also be able to use the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI

missiles for intercepting MIRV-equipped MRBMs. The S-400’s existing PESA-based 91N6E & 92N6E radars are only good for tracking & engaging non-manoeuvring SRBMs, TBMs & IRBMs, while the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles will be aided by multifunction APARs & will not require either two separate radars as is the case with the S-300 & S-400 families, nor will any pole-mounted target illuminator be reqd (like the ones used by the S-300V & Antey V2500). Hence, if the S-400 is to be used with the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles, a separate APAR will be reqd & this is where the EL/M-2090 UHF LRTR comes in & that’s where the Russians have proposed to help the DRDO achieve the necessary systems integration. The S-500 will use a Russian X-band APAR that will NEVER be exported to anyone.

Reason for Israeli radar + confirmation of elements of s 500 in our s400 or s450 as coined by parik. What we dont know is will we get TOR/Pantsir System as well?
From PKS:

As for the S-500 Prometey or 55R6M Triumfator-M, Almaz-Antey JSC said both at MAKS 2015 & DEFEXPO 2016 that just as the S-400 can use 3 different types of LR-SAMs that are also used by existing S-300PMU family of LR-SAMs, the S-400 will also be able to use the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI

missiles for intercepting MIRV-equipped MRBMs. The S-400’s existing PESA-based 91N6E & 92N6E radars are only good for tracking & engaging non-manoeuvring SRBMs, TBMs & IRBMs, while the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles will be aided by multifunction APARs & will not require either two separate radars as is the case with the S-300 & S-400 families, nor will any pole-mounted target illuminator be reqd (like the ones used by the S-300V & Antey V2500). Hence, if the S-400 is to be used with the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles, a separate APAR will be reqd & this is where the EL/M-2090 UHF LRTR comes in & that’s where the Russians have proposed to help the DRDO achieve the necessary systems integration. The S-500 will use a Russian X-band APAR that will NEVER be exported to anyone.

Reason for Israeli radar + confirmation of elements of s 500 in our s400 or s450 as coined by parik. What we dont know is will we get TOR/Pantsir System as well?

Close protection is done by Pantsir.. Upto 6 Pantsir comes with 1 battalion of S400.. They are the one with high sensitivity in IR range and also used for CM protection plus ARM protection.. Plus they have a AA gun.. Non jamming types..
A similar is Tor.. need to be seen which one finally we select..
Explained: Kamov helicopter deal between India and Russia
By Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ECONOMICTIMES.COM | Oct 15, 2016, 08.23 PM IST
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READ MORE ON » russian helicopters | Russia | Rosoboronexport | India Russia Defence Deals | India | HAL

NEW DELHI: India and Russia today signed a deal to jointly produce 200 Kamov Ka-226T helicopters, at the India Russia Summit in Goa today. The helicopters are believed to boost the capabilities of the armed forces. Below is a description of the helicopter and the deal.

What is the Kamov Ka-226T helicopter?

1) It is a small, twin engine Russian utility helicopter.

2) It is manufactured by Russian Helicopters.

3) This light multipurpose helicopter has a maximum takeoff weight of 3.6 tons.

4) It can carry up to one ton payload.

5) It has a maximum speed 220 Km/hr.

6) The helicopter can carry up to six people. The machine has excellent maneuverability and handling, easy ..
easy maintenance, says Russian Helicopters.

What is the deal signed between India and Russia today?

1) At the India Russia Summit held in Goa today afternoon, the two nations announced the signing of the shareholders agreement for the joint venture of the Ka-226T helicopters in India.

2) The joint venture is between Russia based Rosoboronexport, Russian Helicopters and India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

3) Russian Helicopters in a press statement said, “The signing of the joint venture will become a new stage of cooperation between Russia and India on the subject of the helicopter in the agreements provided for an intergovernmental agreement that was signed by Moscow and Delhi in December 2015.”

4) The Indian-Russian joint venture will be part of the Make in India program, as stated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

5) Under the terms of the intergovernmental agreement the holding company "Russian Helicopters", JSC "Rosoboronexport" and India's HAL corporation must arrange the localization of production and supply of 200 light multi-role Ka-226T for 9 years.

6) At the same time the first 60 helicopters will be produced in the Russian Federation, the organization of production of the remaining 140 helicopter is planned in India.

7) In addition to the assembly of helicopters, the agreement provides for maintenance, operation, repair of helicopters, as well as providing them with technical support.

8) The joint venture is to create capacity for repair and maintenance of helicopters produced in India for 5 years, and the capacity for overhaul of helicopters - for 7 years after delivery of the first batch of helicopters.

9) "The joint venture is certainly a breakthrough project for us, because it fundamentally changes the model of our cooperation within the helicopter industry. India has been one of our most important strategic partners. The first time we are ready to offer our deep localization of helicopters, including the organization of the production of various helicopter components and assemblies. I hope that the Ka-226T Indian assembly has a great future of the world ", said the head of the holding company Russian Helicopters, Alexander Mikheyev.

Who will use it in India?

1) The helicopters will be used by the Indian armed forces.

2) These helicopters are will replace the ageing Cheetah chopper fleet which meets the demands of one of the world's highest military deployments on the Siachen glacier.

3) The military version of light multi-mission helicopter Ka-226T is designed for operation in remote areas, tough terrain, overseas, reconnaissance, surveillance and transportation of supplies and personnel.

Read more at:
That can justify the high price India is paying for the system , S-400 MKI :D
From PKS:

As for the S-500 Prometey or 55R6M Triumfator-M, Almaz-Antey JSC said both at MAKS 2015 & DEFEXPO 2016 that just as the S-400 can use 3 different types of LR-SAMs that are also used by existing S-300PMU family of LR-SAMs, the S-400 will also be able to use the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI

missiles for intercepting MIRV-equipped MRBMs. The S-400’s existing PESA-based 91N6E & 92N6E radars are only good for tracking & engaging non-manoeuvring SRBMs, TBMs & IRBMs, while the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles will be aided by multifunction APARs & will not require either two separate radars as is the case with the S-300 & S-400 families, nor will any pole-mounted target illuminator be reqd (like the ones used by the S-300V & Antey V2500). Hence, if the S-400 is to be used with the 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles, a separate APAR will be reqd & this is where the EL/M-2090 UHF LRTR comes in & that’s where the Russians have proposed to help the DRDO achieve the necessary systems integration. The S-500 will use a Russian X-band APAR that will NEVER be exported to anyone.

Reason for Israeli radar + confirmation of elements of s 500 in our s400 or s450 as coined by parik. What we dont know is will we get TOR/Pantsir System as well?
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