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S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020

It was about time we reinforce our ties with Russia.

We have been dangerously close to the US. While good relations are fine, we need to remember our military-strategic alignment and ally; and that's not Washington.

but now you have s 400 no need david sling

your pdv seems good thing

Our requirements are for both types of weapons. If there is a deal for David's Sling, we'll definitely get it. Although SPYDER system is in our interest. :)
It was about time we reinforce our ties with Russia.

We have been dangerously close to the US. While good relations are fine, we need to remember our military-strategic alignment and ally; and that's not Washington.

Our requirements are for both types of weapons. If there is a deal for David's Sling, we'll definitely get it. Although SPYDER system is in our interest. :)
what about pdv if you have this you dont need anything else
Bhai mere, let at least ink dry up a bit..
You think we should speak out and say 1 more SSN coming plus 1 more planned (both lease) and 6 more under MII..
We will hear it nice and slow..

We are in Diwali buy mood.. this is nt end of the shopping........
This Modi is spending too much money on hi-tech defence acquisition & modernisation! Too many deals in too little time! Is he making up for the lost time & missed opportunities under previous regime?
Whatever it is..we got a lot of catching up to do & time is against us! Hope this govt keeps up with the pace!
Israel will be part of sealing the border with Pakistan for sure , may Elbit systems get the tak of consultant in doing so , sword fish is radar based on green pine which is heart of AAD and PAD , I ma sure Israel is helping making them robust.

maybe in pdv too
Israel will be part of sealing the border with Pakistan for sure , may Elbit systems get the tak of consultant in doing so , sword fish is radar based on green pine which is heart of AAD and PAD , I ma sure Israel is helping making them robust.
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