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S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

so what was that which iran show the world as S-300 ?

Today news:

Iran to test Bavar 373 air defense system soon

Iran will conduct the necessary testing of the system and technique of the long-range Bavar 373 air defense complex this year (the year begins on March 21 in Iran), the Commander of the Iranian 'Khatam al-Anbiya' air defense base Farzad Ismaili said at the press-conference dedicated to Iran's air defense on Friday, Mehr news agency said.

According to Iranian officials, Bavar 373 air defense system is stronger than Russian S-300 missile defense system.

Ismaili noted that Air defense exercises called "Defenders of the Sky of our Province - 5" will be held in early November.

He said that the newest missile systems, unmanned aircrafts and the latest achievements of the air defense will be used in these exercises.

The commander also noted that Iran has also produced "Sepehr" radar system and this system will be equipped soon. According to him, this radar system covers around 2,500 kilometers area.

It should be noted that large-scale air defense exercises "Defenders of the Sky of our Province - 5" are held in Iran in recent years. To date, four similar exercises have already been held.

Ismaili added that "Sayad-2" missiles were tested in S-200 missile complex.

He also noted that Iran designs and intends to install new phased array antennas which will detect stealth missiles and cruise missiles.

Iran to test Bavar 373 air defense system soon - Trend.Az
Today news:

Iran to test Bavar 373 air defense system soon

Iran to test Bavar 373 air defense system soon - Trend.Az

nope dear i am asking abut past in 2011 or 2010 what was that ?


It has got to be another Iranian propaganda :lol:

sir i even read that they were just oil barrels but i want to know
so system was not under production but iran show it in public . ok i got it when it will be induct ?

This year, in November will be the first public test of Bavar. I'll guess we have to wait a couple of years to see this AD in production.
and they realy say US killed 1.4 millions iraqis when most of the iraqi civilian victims were caused by terror groups.
Note that there was not a single terror attack in Iraq before the invasion, so US is partly responsible (if not THE responsible)

When you have such a hate for the West and find the policy of the Regime so great then..Why you are in the USA benefiting all the freedom instead of in Iran under the rule of the Regime?

Are`nt you lying to yourself every Day?

You write about the National Intrest of Iran?

Our National Intrest should be creating Jobs and having good Relation withthe World instead of supporting Terrorists and causing Terror Attacks in Argentina, Bulgaria, Thailand, Azerbaijan, India..did i forgot a Nation?

You must grow up over your childish fantasies and see the real needs of our people. Iranians want our money to be invested in Iran instead of giving it to Hisbollah&co.

What the hell are you talking about buddy? How in god's name did you came to the conclusion that I hate the West? Just because a lion has the potential to rip me apart and have me for lunch doesn't mean that I have to hate lions. Instead I could take the precautions necessary to protect my life and limb, all the while enjoying the magnificence and the evolutionary wonder that is the Lion.

The West is the leading intellectual, and therefore industrial, financial, military, cultural... power of our time. This is no coincidence. It's not a fluke. The rest of the world lags behind the West. There's reason for that. It is important for us to learn from the West and incorporate their contributions to human civilization into our own and adapt their lessons into our own experience. But it's important to also understand that those advances didn't happen to benefit us or anybody else. Freedom of speech, Separation of church and state, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, pursuit of happiness... did not come about as a favor to you and me. Those concepts do not necessarily extend to other societies as far as the West is concerned. And if you're naive and ignorant enough to believe that the West is composed only of sugar and spice and everything nice, then I would refer you to the African slavery, Native American genocide, the treatment of aboriginese in Australia and Canada (where until not too long ago their children were forcefully removed from their families in order to be civilized), the colonization of Asia, Africa and South America, the myriad of police states propped up the west in 3rd world countries and the numerous wars they have waged on them, etc... in case our own experience leaves you indifferent.

So instead of your simplistic gross generalizations and your black and white view of thing, we need a more nuanced understanding of the world, in order to survive. One that has the flexibility to accommodate the infinite number of colors between black and white. One that is based on reality instead of ideology and generalizations. And that is why the West is the leading power of our world instead of us. And that is why the Mullahs are the leading power of Iran instead of you.
Dude, I have a feeling that the Iranians are going to kill us all :rofl:

They're as mad as hell at us :rofl:

Your comments on almost every thread with the name Iran in it, shows us otherwise.
Please,if you can contribute anything here, you are welcome, otherwise, no one is interested in those 'not funny' jokes that derail the threads, as always.
Your comments on almost every thread with the name Iran in it, shows us otherwise.
Please,if you can contribute anything here, you are welcome, otherwise, no one is interested in those 'not funny' jokes that derail the threads, as always.

Why are you stalking me :what: I was exchanging a convo with @Imran Khan my friend .-.
Last edited by a moderator:
Why are you stalking me :what: I was exchanging a convo with @Imran Khan my friend .-.

In case you didn't know, that kind of 'convo exchange' is called derailing a thread around here which occasaionally, leads to trolling.
Last edited by a moderator:
In case you didn't know, that kind of 'convo exchange' is called derailing a thread around here which occasaionally, leads to trolling.

Credits go to your fellow countrymen who started it all as usual.
google reuters s300 analysis. i cant link stuff yet in this forum.

The Israelis excel in electronic warfare. In 1982, they "blinded" Soviet-supplied Syrian anti-aircraft units in Lebanon, then destroyed 19 of them without Israeli losses. Similar technologies helped Israeli jets destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007....

any expensive defense system can be eliminated. history tells us that. drones for example can expose the SAM batteries by forcing thm to attack the drones and make them excellent targets for ground attack AC. also ELOKA (german word for electronic warfare) can disrupt the radar and command and control system of any integrated air defense system.

other then some trigger happy and megalomaniac iranians here i would prefer a responsible policy and good relations with the key world and regional powers over russian technology for the countries defense.

iran could be such a rich country with mass oil gas wind, water, sun......but useless and pointless idological based confrontation brought the country down into the "3th world" level when it comes to economy, individual freedom and military.

shah was a dictator but at least under him women and minorities had equal rights and saddam hussein would have never tried to attack the 2nd best military of the region. beside that iran had much more friends and a much better world reputation then now.

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